blob: 7ddea87095efc45c8c5befa45d0a822b2ef501e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:fuchsia_inspect/inspect.dart' as inspect;
/// A Flutter app that demonstrates usage of the [Inspect] API.
class InspectExampleApp extends StatelessWidget {
static const _appColor =;
final inspect.Node _inspectNode;
InspectExampleApp(this._inspectNode) {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
title: 'Inspect Example',
theme: ThemeData(
primarySwatch: _appColor,
home: _InspectHomePage(
title: 'Hello Inspect!',
inspectNode: _inspectNode.createChild('home-page')),
/// Initializes the [Inspect] metrics for this widget.
void _initMetrics() {
_inspectNode.createStringProperty('app-color').value = '$_appColor';
class _InspectHomePage extends StatefulWidget {
final String title;
final inspect.Node inspectNode;
_InspectHomePage({Key key, this.title, this.inspectNode}) : super(key: key) {
inspectNode.createStringProperty('title').value = title;
_InspectHomePageState createState() => _InspectHomePageState(inspectNode);
class _InspectHomePageState extends State<_InspectHomePage> {
/// Possible background colors.
static const _colors = [
final inspect.Node _inspectNode;
inspect.StringProperty _backgroundProperty;
int _counter = 0;
int _colorIndex = 0;
_InspectHomePageState(this._inspectNode) {
_backgroundProperty = _inspectNode.createStringProperty('background-color')
..value = '$_backgroundColor';
Color get _backgroundColor => _colors[_colorIndex];
void _incrementCounter() {
setState(() {
/// Increments through the possible [_colors].
/// If we've reached the end, start over at the beginning.
void _changeBackground() {
setState(() {
if (_colorIndex >= _colors.length) {
_colorIndex = 0;
// Contrived example of removing an Inspect property:
// Once we've looped through the colors once, remove the property.
// A more realistic example would be if something were being removed
// from the UI, but this is intended to be super simple.
_backgroundProperty = null;
_backgroundProperty?.value = '$_backgroundColor';
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text(
backgroundColor: _backgroundColor,
body: Center(
child: Text(
'Button tapped $_counter time${_counter == 1 ? '' : 's'}.',
persistentFooterButtons: <Widget>[
onPressed: _changeBackground,
child: Text('Change background color'),
onPressed: _incrementCounter,
child: Text('Increment counter'),