blob: 0f74cd480ef50739bb41be4477fe2f340e8def21 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io' hide FileSystemException;
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/api_unstable/vm.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/scheme_based_file_system.dart'
show SchemeBasedFileSystem;
import 'package:build_integration/file_system/multi_root.dart'
show MultiRootFileSystem, MultiRootFileSystemEntity;
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
import 'package:kernel/binary/ast_to_binary.dart';
import 'package:kernel/binary/limited_ast_to_binary.dart';
import 'package:kernel/target/targets.dart';
import 'package:vm/kernel_front_end.dart'
show compileToKernel, ErrorDetector, ErrorPrinter;
import 'package:vm/target/dart_runner.dart' show DartRunnerTarget;
import 'package:vm/target/flutter_runner.dart' show FlutterRunnerTarget;
ArgParser _argParser = new ArgParser(allowTrailingOptions: true)
..addOption('sdk-root', help: 'Path to runner_patched_sdk')
..addOption('multi-root-scheme', help: 'The URI scheme for the multi root')
help: 'A base for the multi root. Can be given multiple times to build an overlay')
help: 'Run compiler in AOT mode (enables whole-program transformations)',
defaultsTo: false)
help: 'Run global type flow analysis', defaultsTo: false)
help: 'Drop AST for members with bytecode', defaultsTo: false)
..addOption('component-name', help: 'Name of the component')
help: 'Embed sources in the output dill file', defaultsTo: false)
..addFlag('gen-bytecode', help: 'Generate bytecode', defaultsTo: false)
..addOption('depfile', help: 'Path to output Ninja depfile')
..addOption('manifest', help: 'Path to output Fuchsia package manifest')
..addOption('output', help: 'Path to output dill file')
..addOption('packages', help: 'Path to .packages file')
..addOption('target', help: 'Kernel target name')
..addFlag('verbose', help: 'Run in verbose mode');
String _usage = '''
Usage: compiler [options] input.dart
Uri _ensureFolderPath(String path) {
String uriPath = new Uri.file(path).toString();
if (!uriPath.endsWith('/')) {
uriPath = '$uriPath/';
return Uri.base.resolve(uriPath);
Future<Uri> _asFileUri(FileSystem fileSystem, Uri uri) async {
FileSystemEntity fse = fileSystem.entityForUri(uri);
if (fse is MultiRootFileSystemEntity) {
MultiRootFileSystemEntity mrfse = fse;
fse = await mrfse.delegate;
return fse.uri;
Future<void> main(List<String> args) async {
ArgResults options;
try {
options = _argParser.parse(args);
if (! {
throw new Exception('Must specify input.dart');
} on Exception catch (error) {
print('ERROR: $error\n');
exitCode = 1;
final Uri sdkRoot = _ensureFolderPath(options['sdk-root']);
final Uri packagesUri = Uri.base.resolve(options['packages']);
final bool aot = options['aot'];
final bool tfa = options['tfa'];
final bool embedSources = options['embed-sources'];
final String targetName = options['target'];
final bool genBytecode = options['gen-bytecode'];
final bool dropAST = options['drop-ast'];
final String componentName = options['component-name'];
final bool verbose = options['verbose'];
Uri mainUri = Uri.parse([0]);
Uri platformKernelDill = sdkRoot.resolve('platform_strong.dill');
TargetFlags targetFlags = new TargetFlags(syncAsync: true);
Target target;
switch (targetName) {
case 'dart_runner':
target = new DartRunnerTarget(targetFlags);
case 'flutter_runner':
target = new FlutterRunnerTarget(targetFlags);
print('Unknown target: $targetName');
exitCode = 1;
FileSystem fileSystem = StandardFileSystem.instance;
String multiRootScheme = options['multi-root-scheme'];
if (multiRootScheme != null) {
final rootUris = <Uri>[];
for (String root in options['multi-root']) {
rootUris.add(Uri.base.resolveUri(new Uri.file(root)));
final multiRootFS = new MultiRootFileSystem(multiRootScheme, rootUris, fileSystem);
fileSystem = new SchemeBasedFileSystem({
'file': fileSystem,
'data': fileSystem,
'': fileSystem,
multiRootScheme: multiRootFS,
// fuchsia-source:///x/y/main.dart -> file:///a/b/x/y/main.dart
String mainUriString = (await _asFileUri(fileSystem, mainUri)).toString();
// file:///a/b/x/y/main.dart -> package:x.y/main.dart
for (var line in await new File(
(await _asFileUri(fileSystem, packagesUri)).toFilePath())
.readAsLines()) {
var colon = line.indexOf(':');
if (colon == -1)
var packageName = line.substring(0, colon);
String packagePath;
try {
packagePath = (await _asFileUri(
fileSystem, packagesUri.resolve(line.substring(colon + 1))))
} on FileSystemException {
// Can't resolve package path.
if (mainUriString.startsWith(packagePath)) {
mainUri = Uri.parse('package:$packageName/${mainUriString.substring(packagePath.length)}');
final errorPrinter = new ErrorPrinter();
final errorDetector = new ErrorDetector(previousErrorHandler: errorPrinter);
final CompilerOptions compilerOptions = new CompilerOptions()
..sdkSummary = platformKernelDill
..fileSystem = fileSystem
..packagesFileUri = packagesUri = target
..embedSourceText = embedSources
..onDiagnostic = (DiagnosticMessage m) {
printDiagnosticMessage(m, stderr.writeln);
..verbose = verbose;
if (aot) {
// Link in the platform to produce an output with no external references.
compilerOptions.linkedDependencies = <Uri>[platformKernelDill];
Component component = await compileToKernel(
aot: aot,
useGlobalTypeFlowAnalysis: tfa,
genBytecode: genBytecode,
dropAST: dropAST,
if (errorDetector.hasCompilationErrors || (component == null)) {
exitCode = 1;
// Single-file output.
final String kernelBinaryFilename = options['output'];
if (kernelBinaryFilename != null) {
final IOSink sink = new File(kernelBinaryFilename).openWrite();
final BinaryPrinter printer = new LimitedBinaryPrinter(sink,
(Library lib) => true, false /* excludeUriToSource */);
await sink.close();
final String depfile = options['depfile'];
if (depfile != null) {
await writeDepfile(fileSystem, component, kernelBinaryFilename, depfile);
// Multiple-file output.
final String manifestFilename = options['manifest'];
if (manifestFilename != null) {
await writePackages(component, kernelBinaryFilename, manifestFilename, componentName);
String escapePath(String path) {
return path.replaceAll('\\', '\\\\').replaceAll(' ', '\\ ');
List<Uri> getDependencies(Component component) {
var deps = <Uri>[];
for (Library lib in component.libraries) {
if (lib.importUri.scheme == 'dart') {
for (LibraryPart part in {
final Uri fileUri = lib.fileUri.resolve(part.partUri);
return deps;
Future<void> writeDepfile(FileSystem fileSystem,
Component component, String output, String depfile) async {
var file = new File(depfile).openWrite();
for (Uri dep in getDependencies(component)) {
Uri uri = await _asFileUri(fileSystem, dep);
file.write(' ');
await file.close();
Future writePackages(Component component, String output, String packageManifestFilename, String componentName) async {
// Package sharing: make the encoding not depend on the order in which parts
// of a package are loaded.
component.libraries.sort((Library a, Library b) {
return a.importUri.toString().compareTo(b.importUri.toString());
for (Library lib in component.libraries) {
lib.additionalExports.sort((Reference a, Reference b) {
return a.canonicalName.toString().compareTo(b.canonicalName.toString());
final IOSink packageManifest = new File(packageManifestFilename).openWrite();
final String kernelListFilename = '$packageManifestFilename.dilplist';
final IOSink kernelList = new File(kernelListFilename).openWrite();
final packages = new Set<String>();
for (Library lib in component.libraries) {
for (String package in packages) {
await writePackage(component, output, package, packageManifest, kernelList, componentName);
await writePackage(component, output, 'main', packageManifest, kernelList, componentName);
await packageManifest.close();
await kernelList.close();
Future writePackage(Component component, String output, String package,
IOSink packageManifest, IOSink kernelList, String componentName) async {
final String filenameInPackage = '$package.dilp';
final String filenameInBuild = '$output-$package.dilp';
final IOSink sink = new File(filenameInBuild).openWrite();
var main = component.mainMethod;
if (package != 'main') {
// Package sharing: remove the information about the importer from package
// dilps.
component.mainMethod = null;
final BinaryPrinter printer = new LimitedBinaryPrinter(sink,
(lib) => packageFor(lib) == package, false /* excludeUriToSource */);
component.mainMethod = main;
await sink.close();
String packageFor(Library lib) {
// Core libraries are not written into any dilp.
if (lib.isExternal)
return null;
// Packages are written into their own dilp.
Uri uri = lib.importUri;
if (uri.scheme == 'package')
return uri.pathSegments.first;
// Everything else (e.g., file: or data: imports) is lumped into the main dilp.
return 'main';