blob: 113d83742496ca7f91321873a43581db2fcfc6b2 [file] [log] [blame]
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
/// [ProviderNode] makes a set of [providers] available to any widgets below
/// it in the widget tree.
/// Types provided by parent ProviderNodes will be used if not provided in the
/// current node.
class ProviderNode extends StatelessWidget {
/// The widget tree for which the [providers] are made available.
final Widget child;
/// The values made available to the [child].
final Providers providers;
/// Constructor.
const ProviderNode({@required this.child, @required this.providers});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return _InheritedProviders(
child: child,
providers: providers,
parent: _InheritedProviders.of(context));
/// A [ProviderScope] provides a separate type-space for
/// a provider, thus allowing more than one provider of the
/// same type.
/// This should always be initialized as a static const and passed
/// around.
/// The name is only used for descriptive purposes.
class ProviderScope {
final String _name;
/// Constructor
const ProviderScope(this._name);
String toString() {
return "Scope ('$_name')";
/// Providers are the values passed to the [ProviderNodes].
/// Either convenience funcitons such as [provideValue] or
/// creating Providers directly can be used.
class Providers {
// The Provider for each given [Type] should return
// that type, but we can't enforce that here directy.
// We can use APIs to make sure it's type-safe though.
final Map<ProviderScope, Map<Type, Provider<dynamic>>> _providers = {};
/// Creates a new empty provider
/// The default scope in which any type not with a defined scope
/// resides.
static const ProviderScope defaultScope = ProviderScope('_default');
/// Creates a provider with the included providers.
/// If a scope is provided, the values will be under that scope.
factory Providers.withProviders(Map<Type, Provider<dynamic>> providers,
{ProviderScope scope}) =>
Providers()..provideAll(providers, scope: scope);
/// Add a provider for a single type.
/// Will override any existing provider of that type in this node with
/// the given scope.
/// If no [scope] is passed in, the default one will be used.
void provide<T>(Provider<T> provider, {ProviderScope scope}) {
// This should never happen
assert(provider.type == T);
_providersForScope(scope)[T] = provider;
/// Provide many providers at once.
/// Prefer using [provide] and [provideFrom] because that catches type
/// errors at compile-time.
void provideAll(Map<Type, Provider> providers, {ProviderScope scope}) {
for (var entry in providers.entries) {
if (entry.key != entry.value.type) {
if (entry.value.type == dynamic) {
throw ArgumentError('Not able to infer the type of provider for'
' ${entry.key} automatically. Add type argument to provider.');
throw ArgumentError('Type mismatch between ${entry.key} and provider '
'of ${entry.value.type}.');
/// Add in all the providers from another Providers
void provideFrom(Providers other) {
for (ProviderScope scope in other._providers.keys) {
provideAll(other._providersForScope(scope), scope: scope);
/// Syntactic sugar around adding a value based provider.
/// If this value is [Listenable], widgets that use this
/// value can be rebuilt on change.
/// If no [scope] is passed in, the default one will be used.
void provideValue<T>(T value, {ProviderScope scope}) {
provide(Provider.value(value), scope: scope);
/// Provider in this case will always be of the provided
/// type, but there is no way to make this type safe.
/// Internal users should cast this whenever possible.
Provider getFromType(Type type, {ProviderScope scope}) {
return _providersForScope(scope)[type];
Map<Type, Provider<dynamic>> _providersForScope(scope) =>
_providers[scope ?? defaultScope] ??= {};
/// A Provider provides a value on request.
/// If a provider implements [Listenable], it will be listened to
/// by the [Provide] widget to rebuild on change.
/// Other than the built in providers, one can implement Provider
/// to provide caching or linkages.
/// When a Provider is instantiated within a [providers.provide]
/// call, the type can be inferred and therefore the type can
/// be ommited, but otherwise, [T] is required.
/// Provider should be implemented and not extended.
abstract class Provider<T> {
/// Returns the value provided by the provider.
/// Because providers could potentially initialize the value
/// each time [get] is called, this should be called as infrequently
/// as possible.
T get();
/// The type provided by the provider
Type get type;
/// Creates a provider with the value provided to it.
factory Provider.value(T value) => _ValueProvider(value);
/// Creates a provider which will initialize using the [ProviderFunction]
/// the first time the value is requested.
/// The provider will not notify on change unless [T] implements
/// listenable.
/// [dispose]: whether or not the value should be disposed
/// after no longer being used. A value is considered used
/// if there is a value listening to it, so using the static function
/// won't affect disposal.
factory Provider.function(ProviderFunction<T> function,
{bool dispose = true}) =>
_LazyProvider<T>(function, dispose: dispose);
/// Creates a provider that provides a new value for each
/// requestor of the value.
factory Provider.withFactory(ProviderFunction<T> function) =>
/// Creates a provider that listens to a stream and caches the last
/// received value of the stream.
/// This provider notifies for rebuild after every release.
factory<T> stream) => _StreamProvider<T>(stream);
/// Base mixin for providers.
abstract class TypedProvider<T> implements Provider<T> {
/// The type of the provider
Type get type => T;
/// A widget that obtains the given value from the nearest provider
/// and rebuilds using the [builder] whenever it changes.
/// Either the provider or the value must implement [Listenable].
/// To obtain a value without listening to changes, the static
/// [Provide.value<T>] function should be used instead.
/// To improve performance by having less rebuilds, the part of the tree rebuilt
/// by builder should be minimized by putting as much of the tree in [child] as
/// possible, or using the static function.
/// If no scope is provided, the default one will be used.
class Provide<T> extends StatelessWidget {
/// Called whenever there is a change.
final ValueBuilder<T> builder;
/// The part of the widget tree not rebuilt on change.
final Widget child;
/// The scope from which the type is requested
final ProviderScope scope;
/// Constructor.
const Provide({@required this.builder, this.child, this.scope});
/// Used to obtain provided values without listening to their changes.
static T value<T>(BuildContext context, {ProviderScope scope}) {
final provider = _InheritedProviders.of(context).getValue<T>(scope: scope);
assert(provider != null);
return provider.get();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final provider = _InheritedProviders.of(context).getValue<T>(scope: scope);
final value = provider.get();
final listenable = _getListenable(provider, value);
if (provider is Listenable) {
return ListeningBuilder(
listenable: listenable,
child: child,
builder: (buildContext, child) =>
builder(buildContext, child, provider.get()),
} else if (value is Listenable) {
return ListeningBuilder(
listenable: listenable,
child: child,
builder: (buildContext, child) => builder(buildContext, child, value),
throw ArgumentError('Either the type or the provider of it must'
' implement listenable. To get a non-listenable value, use the static'
' Provide.value<T>.');
/// Pass in value as well to avoid calling provider.get multiple times because
/// that could have side effects for some provider types.
Listenable _getListenable(Provider provider, dynamic value) =>
provider is Listenable ? provider : value is Listenable ? value : null;
/// Widget that rebuilds on change using multiple values provided by a [ProviderNode].
/// [ProvideMulti] is the functional equivalent of chained [Provide] widgets.
/// It will call builder whenever any of the requested values changes.
/// As with [Provide], the builder should just build as little as possible to optimize
/// performance.
class ProvideMulti extends StatelessWidget {
/// A set of requested values per scope
final Map<ProviderScope, List<Type>> requestedScopedValues;
/// Is called each time any of the [requestedValues] changes
final MultiValueBuilder builder;
/// The part of the widget tree not rebuilt on change.
final Widget child;
/// Both [requestedValues] and [requestedScopedValues] can be passed
/// in at the same time.
@required this.builder,
List<Type> requestedValues,
Map<ProviderScope, List<Type>> requestedScopedValues,
}) : requestedScopedValues = {}
..addAll(requestedScopedValues ?? {})
..putIfAbsent(Providers.defaultScope, () => requestedValues ?? []);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final providers = _InheritedProviders.of(context);
final values = <ProviderScope, Map<Type, dynamic>>{};
final listenables = <Listenable>[];
for (ProviderScope providerScope in requestedScopedValues.keys) {
for (Type type in requestedScopedValues[providerScope]) {
final provider = providers.getFromType(type, scope: providerScope);
final value = provider.get();
listenables.add(_getListenable(provider, value));
(values[providerScope] ??= {})[type] = value;
return ListeningBuilder(
listenable: _MergedListenable(listenables),
child: child,
builder: (buildContext, child) =>
builder(buildContext, child, _update(context, values)),
// When the provider is the one that is changing instead of the value,
// The values in the map returned need to be updated.
ProvidedValues _update(
BuildContext context, Map<ProviderScope, Map<Type, dynamic>> values) {
final providers = _InheritedProviders.of(context);
for (ProviderScope providerScope in requestedScopedValues.keys) {
for (Type type in requestedScopedValues[providerScope]) {
final provider = providers.getFromType(type, scope: providerScope);
if (provider is Listenable) {
final value = provider.get();
values[providerScope][type] = value;
return ProvidedValues._(values);
/// A container for the values passed to the [MultiValueBuilder].
class ProvidedValues {
final Map<ProviderScope, Map<Type, dynamic>> _values;
/// Should only be called by ProvideMulti.
/// Gets the value in question.
/// [T] must be a type passed in as part of [requestedValues].
T get<T>({ProviderScope scope}) =>
_values[scope ?? Providers.defaultScope][T];
/// Builds a child for a [Provide] widget.
typedef ValueBuilder<T> = Widget Function(
BuildContext context,
Widget child,
T value,
/// Builds a child for a [ProvideMulti] widget.
typedef MultiValueBuilder = Widget Function(
BuildContext context,
Widget child,
ProvidedValues values,
/// Contains a value which will never be disposed.
class _ValueProvider<T> extends TypedProvider<T> {
final T _value;
T get() => _value;
/// Function that returns an instance of T when called.
typedef ProviderFunction<T> = T Function();
/// Is initialized on demand, and disposed when no longer needed
/// if [dispose] is set to true.
/// When obtained statically, the value will never be disposed.
class _LazyProvider<T> extends ChangeNotifier with TypedProvider<T> {
final ProviderFunction<T> _initalizer;
final bool _dispose;
T _value;
_LazyProvider(this._initalizer, {bool dispose}) : _dispose = dispose;
void removeListener(VoidCallback listener) {
if (_dispose && !hasListeners) {
void dispose() {
final value = _value;
if (value is Listenable) {
_value = null;
T get() {
// Need to have a local copy for casting because
// dart requires it.
T value;
if (_value == null) {
value = _value ??= _initalizer();
if (value is Listenable) {
return _value;
/// A value is obtained from providerFunction for each time
/// the value is requested. This provider doesn't keep any
/// values itself, so those values are disposed when the containing
/// widget is disposed.
class _FactoryProvider<T> with TypedProvider<T> {
final ProviderFunction<T> providerFunction;
T get() => providerFunction();
/// Provider that takes a stream.
/// This provider will always listen and cache the last value received from
/// the stream, and notify listeners when there's a change.
class _StreamProvider<T> extends ChangeNotifier with TypedProvider<T> {
final Stream<T> _stream;
T _lastValue;
/// Immediately starts listening to the stream and caching values.
_StreamProvider(this._stream) {
_stream.listen((data) {
if (_lastValue != data) {
_lastValue = data;
T get() => _lastValue;
/// Put in the widget tree through [ProviderNode].
/// Used to be able to find through inheritFromWidgetOfExactType.
class _InheritedProviders extends InheritedWidget {
/// The next _InheritedProvider up in the widget tree.
/// The topmost one will always be null.
final _InheritedProviders parent;
final Providers providers;
const _InheritedProviders({Widget child, this.providers, this.parent})
: super(child: child);
/// Finds the closest _InheritedProviders widget abocve the current widget.
static _InheritedProviders of(BuildContext context) {
final widget = context.inheritFromWidgetOfExactType(_InheritedProviders);
return widget is _InheritedProviders ? widget : null;
bool updateShouldNotify(_InheritedProviders oldWidget) {
return parent?.updateShouldNotify(oldWidget.parent) ??
false || providers != oldWidget.providers;
/// This is more type-safe than getFromType.
Provider<T> getValue<T>({ProviderScope scope}) {
return providers.getFromType(T, scope: scope) ??
parent?.getValue<T>(scope: scope);
/// Needed beccause this works at runtime for ProvideMulti.
Provider getFromType(Type type, {ProviderScope scope}) {
return providers.getFromType(type, scope: scope) ??
parent?.getFromType(type, scope: scope);
/// Widget that rebuilds part of the widget tree whenever
/// the [listenable] changes.
/// [builder] is called on [listenable] changing. [child] is not rebuilt,
/// but is passed to the [builder].
/// This has identical behavior to [AnimatedBuilder], but is clearer about
/// intent.
class ListeningBuilder extends AnimatedWidget {
/// Constructs a new [ListeningBuilder].
const ListeningBuilder({
@required Listenable listenable,
@required this.builder,
Key key,
}) : assert(builder != null),
super(key: key, listenable: listenable);
/// Called every time the listenable changes value.
final TransitionBuilder builder;
/// The child widget to pass to the [builder].
/// If a [builder] callback's return value contains a subtree that does not
/// depend on the listenable, it's more efficient to build that subtree once
/// instead of rebuilding it on every change.
/// If the pre-built subtree is passed as the [child] parameter, the
/// [ListeningBuilder] will pass it back to the [builder] function so that it
/// can be incorporated into the build.
/// Using this pre-built child is entirely optional, but can improve
/// performance significantly in some cases and is therefore a good practice.
final Widget child;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return builder(context, child);
/// Listenable that only listens to its children when it has listeners.
/// The default implementation of Listenable.merge only removes
/// on disposal, which isn't called by the listening widgets, thus
/// causing a potential memory leak.
class _MergedListenable extends ChangeNotifier {
final List<Listenable> _children;
void dispose() {
if (hasListeners) {
void addListener(VoidCallback listener) {
if (!hasListeners) {
for (Listenable child in _children) {
void removeListener(VoidCallback listener) {
if (!hasListeners) {
void _unlisten() {
for (Listenable child in _children) {