blob: be9b845762c420dde28d8d63ed710b3bf60ac159 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert' show utf8;
import 'dart:math' show min;
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:matcher/matcher.dart';
import 'package:fuchsia_inspect/src/vmo/block.dart';
import 'package:fuchsia_inspect/src/vmo/vmo_fields.dart';
import 'package:fuchsia_inspect/src/vmo/vmo_holder.dart';
abstract class _HasErrors {
List<String> get errors;
void resetErrors();
/// A matcher for testing the structure of Inspect data written to a VMO.
/// This matcher aggregates errors from attempting to access or match
/// values stored in the VMO. The set of aggregated errors may be taken
/// and reset using the |errors| getter for the purposes of unit testing an
/// Inspect hierarchy.
/// Note that this class is not optimized for efficiency, and should only
/// be used in tests.
class VmoMatcher implements _HasErrors {
final VmoHolder _holder;
List<String> _errors = [];
/// Create a new matcher that matches against the given VmoHolder.
/// Gets the list of errors.
List<String> get errors => _errors;
/// Resets the recorded errors from this VmoMatcher.
void resetErrors() {
_errors = [];
/// Retrieve the root node matcher, which can be used to match against
/// nested properties and children.
NodeMatcher node() {
return NodeMatcher._valid(this, 0);
// Internal method to check if the given index is valid and can be
// safely read as a block.
bool _specifiesValidBlock(int index) {
if (index * bytesPerIndex + 16 > _holder.size) {
// Entire block header doesn't fit into the VMO.
return false;
var blockSize =, index).size;
// Ensure the entire block as specified fits into the VMO.
return index * bytesPerIndex + blockSize <= _holder.size;
// Internal method to aggregate errors.
void _addError(String s) {
// Internal method to find the named child of a given parent index.
int _findNamedValue(String name, int parentIndex) {
for (int readPosBytes = 0; readPosBytes < _holder.size;) {
var index = readPosBytes ~/ bytesPerIndex;
var block =, index);
switch (block.type) {
case BlockType.nodeValue:
case BlockType.propertyValue:
case BlockType.intValue:
case BlockType.doubleValue:
if (block.parentIndex == parentIndex &&
_nameForBlock(block) == name) {
return index;
readPosBytes += block.size;
return 0;
// Internal method to find and parse the name for a block.
String _nameForBlock(Block block) {
if (!_specifiesValidBlock(block.nameIndex)) {
return null;
var nameBlock =, block.nameIndex);
return _utf8ToString(nameBlock.nameUtf8);
ByteData _extentsToByteData(Block property) {
if (property.propertyExtentIndex == 0) {
return ByteData(0);
var payloadLength = property.propertyTotalLength;
var bytes = Uint8List(payloadLength);
int amountCopied = 0;
for (Block extentBlock =, property.propertyExtentIndex);;
extentBlock =, extentBlock.nextExtent)) {
int copyEnd =
min(payloadLength, amountCopied + extentBlock.payloadSpaceBytes);
amountCopied, copyEnd, extentBlock.payloadBytes.buffer.asUint8List());
amountCopied += copyEnd - amountCopied;
if (extentBlock.nextExtent == 0) {
return bytes.buffer.asByteData();
String _extentsToString(Block property) {
return _utf8ToString(_extentsToByteData(property));
/// Matcher for a particular Node in the VMO.
/// NodeMatchers may be valid or invalid. A valid NodeMatcher refers to
/// an actual node stored in the VMO, while an invalid NodeMatcher represents
/// a node that could not be found. The creation of an invalid NodeMatcher
/// records an error in the top-level matcher, and operations on it have
/// no effect.
class NodeMatcher implements _HasErrors {
final VmoMatcher _parent;
final int _index;
final bool _valid;
/// Creates a valid NodeMatcher with the given index.
NodeMatcher._valid(this._parent, this._index) : _valid = true;
/// Creates an invalid NodeMatcher.
: _valid = false,
_index = 0;
/// Get a NodeMatcher for the node at the given path below this one.
/// If any step of the path could not be found or is not a node,
/// an error is recorded and an invalid NodeMatcher is returned.
NodeMatcher at(List<String> path) {
if (!_valid) {
// No error, it was already recorded by the creation of this.
return NodeMatcher._invalid(_parent);
int curIndex = _index;
for (var p in path) {
int next = _parent._findNamedValue(p, curIndex);
if (next == 0) {
_parent._addError('Cannot find node $p in $path');
return NodeMatcher._invalid(_parent);
} else if (, next).type !=
BlockType.nodeValue) {
_parent._addError('Value $p in $path found, but it is not a node');
return NodeMatcher._invalid(_parent);
curIndex = next;
return NodeMatcher._valid(_parent, curIndex);
/// Asserts that this Node does not have the named child.
void missingChild(String name) {
if (!_valid) {
int next = _parent._findNamedValue(name, _index);
if (next != 0) {
_parent._addError('Found $name which was expected to be missing');
/// Get a PropertyMatcher for a property on this node.
/// If the property cannot be found or is not a value type, an invalid
/// PropertyMatcher is returned.
PropertyMatcher property(String name) {
if (!_valid) {
// No error, it would have been added creating the node itself.
return PropertyMatcher._invalid(_parent);
int valueIndex = _parent._findNamedValue(name, _index);
if (valueIndex == 0) {
_parent._addError('Cannot find property $name');
return PropertyMatcher._invalid(_parent);
} else if ([
].contains(, valueIndex).type)) {
_parent._addError('Value $name found, but it is not a property type');
return PropertyMatcher._invalid(_parent);
return PropertyMatcher._valid(_parent, valueIndex);
/// Checks that a property of this node equals the given value.
PropertyMatcher propertyEquals(String name, dynamic val) {
return property(name)..equals(val);
/// Checks that a property of this node exists but does not equal the given value.
PropertyMatcher propertyNotEquals(String name, dynamic val) {
return property(name)..notEquals(val);
/// Gets the list of errors.
List<String> get errors => _parent._errors;
/// Resets the recorded errors from the parent matcher.
void resetErrors() {
/// Matcher for a particular Property in the VMO.
/// PropertyMatchers may be valid or invalid, with the semantics of
/// NodeMatcher.
class PropertyMatcher implements _HasErrors {
final VmoMatcher _parent;
final int _index;
// Create a valid PropertyMatcher for the given index.
PropertyMatcher._valid(this._parent, this._index);
// Create an invalid PropertyMatcher.
PropertyMatcher._invalid(this._parent) : _index = 0;
// Internal getter to check if this matcher is valid.
bool get _valid => _index != 0; // Properties cannot ever be at index 0.
void _internalEquals(dynamic val, bool invert) {
if (!_valid) {
var negation = invert ? 'not ' : '';
// ignore: avoid_positional_boolean_parameters
bool maybeNegate(bool val) => (invert ? !val : val);
var block =, _index);
if (val is int) {
if (block.type != BlockType.intValue) {
._addError('Expected int ($val), found ${block.type.toString()}');
} else if (maybeNegate(block.intValue != val)) {
'Expected ${negation}value $val, found ${block.intValue}');
} else if (val is double) {
if (block.type != BlockType.doubleValue) {
'Expected double ($val), found ${block.type.toString()}');
} else if (maybeNegate(block.doubleValue != val)) {
'Expected ${negation}value $val, found ${block.doubleValue}');
} else if (val is String) {
if (block.type != BlockType.propertyValue) {
'Expected string ($val), found ${block.type.toString()}');
} else if (block.propertyFlags != propertyUtf8Flag) {
_parent._addError('Expected UTF-8 string, found binary');
} else {
var storedValue = _parent._extentsToString(block);
if (maybeNegate(storedValue != val)) {
._addError('Expected ${negation}value $val, found $storedValue');
} else if (val is Uint8List) {
if (block.type != BlockType.propertyValue) {
'Expected bytes (${val.join(", ")}), found ${block.type.toString()}');
} else if (block.propertyFlags == propertyUtf8Flag) {
_parent._addError('Expected bytes string, found UTF-8');
} else {
var storedValue =
if (maybeNegate(!ListEquality().equals(storedValue, val))) {
'Expected ${negation}value [${val.join(", ")}], found [${storedValue.join(", ")}]');
} else {
'Unknown type ${val.runtimeType} passed to matcher. Expected int, double, String, or Uint8List.');
/// Match that this property equals a value.
void equals(dynamic val) => _internalEquals(val, false);
/// Matches that this property exists but does not equal a value.
void notEquals(dynamic val) => _internalEquals(val, true);
/// Gets the list of errors.
List<String> get errors => _parent._errors;
/// Resets the recorded errors from the parent matcher.
void resetErrors() {
class _HasNoErrorsMatcher extends Matcher {
const _HasNoErrorsMatcher();
bool matches(dynamic item, Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState) {
if (item is _HasErrors) {
return item.errors.isEmpty;
} else {
return false;
Description describe(Description description) {
return description..add('The Inspect matcher has no recorded errors');
Description describeMismatch(dynamic item, Description mismatchDescription,
Map<dynamic, dynamic> matchState, bool verbose) {
if (item is _HasErrors) {
var output = item.errors.join('\n- ');
mismatchDescription.add('Has errors:\n- $output');
} else {
'The item being matched is not a VmoMatcher, NodeMatcher, or PropertyMatcher');
return mismatchDescription;
/// Matcher that asserts a VmoMatcher, NodeMatcher, or PropertyMatcher
/// has no recorded errors.
const Matcher hasNoErrors = _HasNoErrorsMatcher();
String _utf8ToString(ByteData bytes) {
return utf8.decode(bytes.buffer
.asUint8ClampedList(bytes.offsetInBytes, bytes.lengthInBytes));