[components][flutter][dart] Combine AOT rules

Combine flutter_aot_component, flutter_aot_package, dart_aot_package
into one set of _component and _package build rules that handle both
flutter and dart components.

Saves code, and enables us to write build rules that drop flutter and
dart components into the same package.

Hardcode dart_default_app and flutter_default_app to "dart_aot_app" and
"flutter_aot_app", then:

run -d fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/echo_dart#meta/echo_client_dart.cmx --server fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/echo_dart#meta/echo_server_dart.cmx
tiles_ctl add fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/simple_flutter#meta/simple_flutter.cmx
tiles_ctl add fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/simple_flutter#meta/leaf_flutter.cmx

ls /pkgfs/packages/echo_dart/0/data/echo_server_dart
ls /pkgfs/packages/echo_dart/0/data/echo_client_dart
ls /pkgfs/packages/simple_flutter/0/data/simple_flutter/
ls /pkgfs/packages/simple_flutter/0/data/leaf_flutter/

CP-142 #comment

Change-Id: I255c4a700e9a752d6c0b8002cb5b2f95996730e2
diff --git a/runtime/dart/dart_component.gni b/runtime/dart/dart_component.gni
index a2ff97a..593efcc 100644
--- a/runtime/dart/dart_component.gni
+++ b/runtime/dart/dart_component.gni
@@ -77,9 +77,9 @@
 # future.
 dart_product_app = "flutter_dart_jit_component"
-# Defines a Flutter package with JIT runtime components
+# Defines a Flutter and Dart package with JIT runtime components
-# After Flutter JIT runtime components are calculated in
+# After Flutter and Dart JIT runtime components are calculated in
 # flutter_dart_jit_component, put them all into one Fuchsia package.
 # Parameters
@@ -127,7 +127,6 @@
       deps += component.deps
       extra += [ component.kernel_manifest ]
       if (component.component_type == "flutter") {
         extra += [ component.asset_manifest ]
@@ -222,10 +221,10 @@
 # Defines JIT runtime components to be further distributed in one package.
-# Takes a set of flutter components and puts them into one fuchsia package with
-# the flutter_jit_runner as its runtime. Also supports legacy calls where the
-# components parameter isn't specified, in which we will create one default
-# component for the package.
+# Takes a set of flutter and dart components and puts them into one fuchsia
+# package with the flutter_jit_runner as its runtime. Also supports legacy
+# calls where the components parameter isn't specified, in which we will create
+# one default component for the package.
 # Parameters
@@ -351,7 +350,6 @@
     kernel_target_name = kernel_name + "_kernel"
     kernel_manifest = "$target_gen_dir/${kernel_target_name}.dilpmanifest"
     if (component.component_type == "flutter") {
       dart_library_target_name = "${kernel_name}_dart_library"
       dart_target_gen_dir =
@@ -519,3 +517,518 @@
     forward_variables_from(invoker, "*")
+# Defines a Flutter and Dart package with AOT runtime components
+# After Flutter and Dart AOT runtime components are calculated in
+# flutter_dart_aot_component, put them all into one Fuchsia package.
+# Parameters
+#   components_with_kernel (required)
+#     [list of scopes] Defines the components in the package. Either main_dart
+#     or components must be defined, but not both.
+#     Entries in a scope in the components_with_kernel list:
+#       kernel_target_name (required)
+#         Name of the kernel target.
+#       kernel_manifest (required)
+#         Manifest file for the dart kernel.
+#       deps (required)
+#         Dependencies of this component.
+#       sources (required)
+#         Source files of this component.
+#       component_resources (required)
+#         Resources of this component.
+#       component_copy_manifest (required)
+#         Copy of the module manifest of this component.
+#       component_verify_manifest (required)
+#         Verify target of the module manifest of this component.
+template("_flutter_dart_aot_package") {
+  package(target_name) {
+    forward_variables_from(invoker,
+                           [
+                             "testonly",
+                             "tests",
+                           ])
+    package_name = invoker.pkg_name
+    non_dart_deps = []
+    if (defined(invoker.non_dart_deps)) {
+      non_dart_deps = invoker.non_dart_deps
+    }
+    deps = non_dart_deps + invoker.cmx_deps
+    extra = []
+    resources = []
+    foreach(component, invoker.components_with_kernel) {
+      deps += [
+             ":${component.snapshot_target_name}",
+             ":${component.stats_target_name}",
+           ] + component.component_shared_snapshot_deps + component.deps
+      if (component.component_type == "flutter") {
+        extra += [ component.asset_manifest ]
+        deps += [ ":${component.component_resources}", ]
+        if (defined(invoker.module_manifest)) {
+          deps += [
+            ":${component.component_copy_manifest}",
+            ":${component.component_verify_manifest}",
+          ]
+        }
+      }
+      resources_path = "${component.component_name}/"
+      resources += [
+        {
+          path = rebase_path(component.snapshot_data_path)
+          dest = "${resources_path}isolate_snapshot_data.bin"
+        },
+        {
+          path = rebase_path(component.snapshot_instructions_path)
+          dest = "${resources_path}isolate_snapshot_instructions.bin"
+        },
+        {
+          path = rebase_path(component.shared_snapshot_data_path)
+          dest = "${resources_path}shared_snapshot_data.bin"
+        },
+        {
+          path = rebase_path(component.shared_snapshot_instructions_path)
+          dest = "${resources_path}shared_snapshot_instructions.bin"
+        },
+      ]
+      if (component.component_type == "flutter") {
+        resources += [
+          {
+            path = rebase_path(component.vm_snapshot_data_path)
+            dest = "${resources_path}vm_snapshot_data.bin"
+          },
+          {
+            path = rebase_path(component.vm_snapshot_instructions_path)
+            dest = "${resources_path}vm_snapshot_instructions.bin"
+          },
+        ]
+      }
+    }
+    if (defined(invoker.invoker_resources)) {
+      resources += invoker.invoker_resources
+    }
+    if (defined(invoker.resources)) {
+      resources += invoker.resources
+    }
+    meta = invoker.cmx_filtered_meta
+    # TODO(CP-140): Support module_manifest per component.
+    if (defined(invoker.module_manifest)) {
+      meta += [
+        {
+          path = rebase_path(invoker.module_manifest)
+          dest = "module.json"
+        },
+      ]
+    }
+  }
+# Defines AOT runtime components to be further distributed in one package.
+# Takes a set of flutter and dart components and puts them into one fuchsia
+# package with the flutter_aot_runner as its runtime. Also supports legacy
+# calls where the components parameter isn't specified, in which we will create
+# one default component for the package.
+# Parameters
+#   components (required)
+#     [list of scopes] Defines the components in the package. Either main_dart
+#     or components must be defined, but not both.
+#     Entries in a scope in the resources list:
+#       component_name (required)
+#         Name of the component.
+#       main_dart (required)
+#         File containing the main function of the component.
+#   main_dart (required)
+#     File containing the main function of the application. Either main_dart or
+#     components must be defined, but not both.
+template("flutter_dart_aot_component") {
+  pkg_name = invoker.pkg_name
+  legacy_component = invoker.legacy_component
+  components = []
+  components += invoker.components
+  package_meta = []
+  if (defined(invoker.meta)) {
+    package_meta = invoker.meta
+  }
+  # Inject appropriate "runner" into Component manifests
+  cmx_filtered_meta = []
+  cmx_deps = []
+  # Build the kernel for each of the components, and bundle them in the same
+  # scope for later packaging.
+  components_with_kernel = []
+  foreach(component, components) {
+    assert(defined(component.main_dart), "Must specify main_dart file")
+    if (component.component_type == "flutter") {
+      product = !flutter_profile
+    } else if (component.component_type == "dart") {
+      product = !is_debug
+    }
+    if (defined(invoker.product)) {
+      product = invoker.product
+    }
+    if (dart_force_product) {
+      product = true
+    }
+    product_suffix = ""
+    if (product) {
+      product_suffix = "_product"
+    }
+    if (component.component_type == "flutter") {
+      runtime_meta =
+          "//topaz/runtime/flutter_runner/meta/aot${product_suffix}_runtime"
+    } else if (component.component_type == "dart") {
+      runtime_meta =
+          "//topaz/runtime/dart_runner/meta/aot${product_suffix}_runtime"
+    }
+    # Look through the package meta for cmx file for this component, and merge
+    # in the runner.
+    foreach(item, package_meta) {
+      dest = item.path
+      if (defined(item.dest)) {
+        dest = item.dest
+      }
+      if (get_path_info(dest, "file") == "${component.component_name}.cmx") {
+        merged = "merged_" + get_path_info(dest, "file")
+        json_merge(merged) {
+          sources = [
+            item.path,
+            rebase_path(runtime_meta),
+          ]
+        }
+        merged_outputs = []
+        merged_outputs += get_target_outputs(":$merged")
+        item.path = merged_outputs[0]
+        cmx_deps += [ ":$merged" ]
+        cmx_filtered_meta += [ item ]
+      }
+    }
+    component_name = component.component_name
+    if (legacy_component) {
+      kernel_name = target_name
+    } else {
+      kernel_name = component_name
+    }
+    kernel_target_name = kernel_name + "_kernel"
+    kernel_path = "$target_gen_dir/${kernel_target_name}.dil"
+    if (component.component_type == "flutter") {
+      dart_library_target_name = "${kernel_name}_dart_library"
+    }
+    dart_kernel(kernel_name) {
+      if (component.component_type == "flutter") {
+        platform_name = "flutter_runner"
+        platform_deps =
+            [ "//topaz/runtime/flutter_runner/kernel:kernel_platform_files" ]
+        platform_path = "$root_out_dir/flutter_runner_patched_sdk"
+      } else if (component.component_type == "dart") {
+        platform_name = "dart_runner"
+        platform_deps =
+            [ "//topaz/runtime/dart_runner/kernel:kernel_platform_files" ]
+        platform_path = "$root_out_dir/dart_runner_patched_sdk"
+      }
+      # TODO(CP-140): These variables should be from the component
+      forward_variables_from(invoker,
+                             [
+                               "disable_analysis",
+                               "non_dart_deps",
+                               "source_dir",
+                               "package_name",
+                             ])
+      deps = component.deps
+      sources = component.sources
+      main_dart = component.main_dart
+      args = [ "--aot", "--tfa" ]
+    }
+    # TODO(rmacnak): VM snapshot is ignored. Allow skipping its generation.
+    vm_snapshot_data_path = "$target_gen_dir/${kernel_name}_vm_data.aotsnapshot"
+    vm_snapshot_instructions_path =
+        "$target_gen_dir/${kernel_name}_vm_instructions.aotsnapshot"
+    snapshot_data_path = "$target_gen_dir/${kernel_name}_data.aotsnapshot"
+    snapshot_instructions_path =
+        "$target_gen_dir/${kernel_name}_instructions.aotsnapshot"
+    snapshot_target_name = kernel_name + "_snapshot"
+    if (component.component_type == "flutter" &&
+        flutter_aot_sharing_basis != "" &&
+        get_label_info(":$kernel_name", "label_no_toolchain") !=
+        get_label_info(flutter_aot_sharing_basis, "label_no_toolchain")) {
+      # Note: The use of "label_no_toolchain" is to ensure we are comparing
+      # fully qualified target names. We don't actually care about the
+      # toolchain.
+      shared_snapshot_deps = []
+      shared_snapshot_deps =
+          [ get_label_info(flutter_aot_sharing_basis, "label_no_toolchain") +
+            "_snapshot" ]
+      prefix = get_label_info(flutter_aot_sharing_basis, "target_gen_dir") +
+          "/" + get_label_info(flutter_aot_sharing_basis, "name")
+      shared_snapshot_data_path = "${prefix}_data.aotsnapshot"
+      shared_snapshot_instructions_path = "${prefix}_instructions.aotsnapshot"
+    } else if (component.component_type == "dart" &&
+        dart_aot_sharing_basis != "" &&
+        get_label_info(":$kernel_name", "label_no_toolchain") !=
+        get_label_info(dart_aot_sharing_basis, "label_no_toolchain")) {
+      # Note: The use of "label_no_toolchain" is to ensure we are comparing
+      # fully qualified target names. We don't actually care about the
+      # toolchain.
+      shared_snapshot_deps = []
+      shared_snapshot_deps =
+          [ get_label_info(dart_aot_sharing_basis, "label_no_toolchain") +
+            "_snapshot" ]
+      prefix = get_label_info(dart_aot_sharing_basis, "target_gen_dir") + "/" +
+               get_label_info(dart_aot_sharing_basis, "name")
+      shared_snapshot_data_path = "${prefix}_data.aotsnapshot"
+      shared_snapshot_instructions_path = "${prefix}_instructions.aotsnapshot"
+    } else {
+      shared_snapshot_deps = []
+      shared_snapshot_data_path = "//topaz/runtime/dart_runner/empty"
+      shared_snapshot_instructions_path = "//topaz/runtime/dart_runner/empty"
+    }
+    stats_target_name = "${kernel_name}_stats"
+    stats_json_path = "$target_gen_dir/${kernel_name}/stats/symbol_sizes.json"
+    stats_html_dir = "$target_gen_dir/${kernel_name}/stats"
+    action(snapshot_target_name) {
+      if (defined(invoker.testonly)) {
+        testonly = invoker.testonly
+      }
+      deps = gen_snapshot_deps +
+          shared_snapshot_deps +
+          [ ":$kernel_target_name" ]
+      inputs = [
+                 shared_snapshot_data_path,
+                 shared_snapshot_instructions_path,
+                 kernel_path,
+               ]
+      outputs = [
+        vm_snapshot_data_path,
+        vm_snapshot_instructions_path,
+        snapshot_data_path,
+        snapshot_instructions_path,
+        stats_json_path,
+      ]
+      if (product) {
+        script = gen_snapshot_product
+      } else {
+        script = gen_snapshot
+      }
+      args = [
+        "--deterministic",
+        "--snapshot_kind=app-aot-blobs",
+        "--vm_snapshot_data=" + rebase_path(vm_snapshot_data_path),
+        "--vm_snapshot_instructions=" +
+            rebase_path(vm_snapshot_instructions_path),
+        "--isolate_snapshot_data=" + rebase_path(snapshot_data_path),
+        "--isolate_snapshot_instructions=" +
+            rebase_path(snapshot_instructions_path),
+        "--shared_data=" + rebase_path(shared_snapshot_data_path),
+        "--shared_instructions=" +
+            rebase_path(shared_snapshot_instructions_path),
+        "--print-instructions-sizes-to=" + rebase_path(stats_json_path),
+      ]
+      if (is_debug && !product) {
+        args += [ "--enable_asserts" ]
+      }
+      args += [ rebase_path(kernel_path) ]
+      pool = "//build/dart:dart_pool($dart_toolchain)"
+    }
+    dart_action(stats_target_name) {
+      if (defined(invoker.testonly)) {
+        testonly = invoker.testonly
+      }
+      deps = [
+        ":$snapshot_target_name",
+      ]
+      script = "//third_party/dart/pkg/vm/bin/run_binary_size_analysis.dart"
+      inputs = [
+        stats_json_path,
+      ]
+      outputs = [
+        "$stats_html_dir/index.html",
+      ]
+      args = [
+        rebase_path(stats_json_path),
+        rebase_path(stats_html_dir),
+      ]
+    }
+    if (component.component_type == "flutter") {
+      asset_manifest = "$target_gen_dir/build/${kernel_name}_pkgassets"
+      dart_target_gen_dir =
+          get_label_info(":bogus($dart_toolchain)", "target_gen_dir")
+      dot_packages = "$dart_target_gen_dir/$dart_library_target_name.packages"
+      action("${kernel_name}_resources") {
+        script = "//topaz/runtime/flutter_runner/build/asset_package.py"
+        args = [
+          "--flutter-root",
+          rebase_path(flutter_base),
+          "--flutter-tools",
+          rebase_path(flutter_asset_tools_bin),
+          "--app-dir",
+          rebase_path("."),
+          "--asset-dir",
+          rebase_path("$target_gen_dir/build"),
+          "--packages",
+          rebase_path(dot_packages),
+          "--asset-manifest-out",
+          rebase_path(asset_manifest),
+          "--component-name",
+          component_name,
+        ]
+        if (defined(invoker.manifest)) {
+          args += [
+            "--manifest",
+            rebase_path(invoker.manifest),
+          ]
+        }
+        deps = [
+          ":$dart_library_target_name",
+          flutter_asset_tools_label,
+        ]
+        outputs = [
+          asset_manifest,
+        ]
+      }
+      # The module manifest verify & copy targets.
+      if (defined(invoker.module_manifest)) {
+        verify_module_manifest("${kernel_name}_verify_manifest") {
+          original_target_name = kernel_name
+          module_manifest = invoker.module_manifest
+        }
+        copy_module_manifest("${kernel_name}_copy_manifest") {
+          package_name = kernel_name
+          module_manifest = rebase_path(invoker.module_manifest)
+        }
+      }
+      components_with_kernel += [
+        {
+          component_type = component.component_type
+          kernel_target_name = kernel_target_name
+          component_name = component_name
+          asset_manifest = asset_manifest
+          snapshot_target_name = snapshot_target_name
+          stats_target_name = stats_target_name
+          vm_snapshot_data_path = vm_snapshot_data_path
+          vm_snapshot_instructions_path = vm_snapshot_instructions_path
+          snapshot_data_path = snapshot_data_path
+          snapshot_instructions_path = snapshot_instructions_path
+          shared_snapshot_data_path = shared_snapshot_data_path
+          shared_snapshot_instructions_path = shared_snapshot_instructions_path
+          component_shared_snapshot_deps = shared_snapshot_deps
+          deps = component.deps
+          sources = component.sources
+          component_resources = "${kernel_name}_resources"
+          component_copy_manifest = "${kernel_name}_copy_manifest"
+          component_verify_manifest = "${kernel_name}_verify_manifest"
+        }
+      ]
+    } else if (component.component_type == "dart") {
+      components_with_kernel += [
+        {
+          component_type = component.component_type
+          kernel_target_name = kernel_target_name
+          component_name = component_name
+          snapshot_target_name = snapshot_target_name
+          stats_target_name = stats_target_name
+          snapshot_data_path = snapshot_data_path
+          snapshot_instructions_path = snapshot_instructions_path
+          shared_snapshot_data_path = shared_snapshot_data_path
+          shared_snapshot_instructions_path = shared_snapshot_instructions_path
+          component_shared_snapshot_deps = shared_snapshot_deps
+          deps = component.deps
+          sources = component.sources
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  }
+  if (defined(invoker.resources)) {
+    invoker_resources = invoker.resources
+  } else {
+    invoker_resources = []
+  }
+  found_cmx = false
+  foreach(item, package_meta) {
+    dest = item.path
+    if (defined(item.dest)) {
+      dest = item.dest
+    }
+    if (get_path_info(dest, "extension") == "cmx") {
+      found_cmx = true
+    } else {
+      cmx_filtered_meta += [ item ]
+    }
+  }
+  if (!found_cmx) {
+    # No cmx to inject to. Inject the runner aspect as a dangling
+    # deprecated_runtime.
+    # CP-129: deprecate cmx-less components, then delete this.
+    cmx_filtered_meta += [
+      {
+        path = rebase_path(runtime_meta)
+        dest = "deprecated_runtime"
+      },
+    ]
+  }
+  # We have all components and their kernels generated now. We call package() to
+  # put everything into a fuchsia package, merging deps, extra, meta etc.
+  _flutter_dart_aot_package(target_name) {
+    forward_variables_from(invoker, "*")
+  }
diff --git a/runtime/dart_runner/dart_app.gni b/runtime/dart_runner/dart_app.gni
index 921e598..cda49e6 100644
--- a/runtime/dart_runner/dart_app.gni
+++ b/runtime/dart_runner/dart_app.gni
@@ -45,37 +45,10 @@
-# Defines a Dart package with AOT runtime components
-# Takes a set of dart components and puts them into one fuchsia package with
-# the dart_aot_runner as its runtime. Also supports legacy calls where the
-# components parameter isn't specified, in which we will create one default
-# component for the package.
-# Parameters
-#   components (required)
-#     [list of scopes] Defines the components in the package. Either main_dart
-#     or components must be defined, but not both.
-#     Entries in a scope in the resources list:
-#       component_name (required)
-#         Name of the component.
-#       main_dart (required)
-#         File containing the main function of the component.
-#   main_dart (required)
-#     File containing the main function of the application. Either main_dart or
-#     components must be defined, but not both.
-template("_dart_aot_package") {
+template("_dart_aot_component") {
   legacy_component = false
   pkg_name = target_name
-  components = []
-  if (defined(invoker.components)) {
-    components += invoker.components
-  } else {
+  if (!defined(invoker.components)) {
     # If components is not specified, we are fitting main_dart into a component
     # scope, and using that for the package.
@@ -92,280 +65,19 @@
     if (defined(invoker.sources)) {
       pkg_sources = invoker.sources
-    components += [
+    components = [
         main_dart = invoker.main_dart
         component_name = legacy_component_name
+        component_type = "dart"
         deps = invoker.deps
         sources = pkg_sources
-  # Build the kernel for each of the components, and bundle them in the same
-  # scope for later packaging.
-  components_with_kernel = []
-  foreach(component, components) {
-    assert(defined(component.main_dart), "Must specify main_dart file")
-    product = !is_debug
-    if (defined(invoker.product)) {
-      product = invoker.product
-    }
-    product_suffix = ""
-    if (product) {
-      product_suffix = "_product"
-    }
-    if (dart_force_product) {
-      product = true
-    }
-    component_name = component.component_name
-    if (legacy_component) {
-      kernel_name = target_name
-    } else {
-      kernel_name = component_name
-    }
-    kernel_target_name = kernel_name + "_kernel"
-    kernel_path = "$target_gen_dir/${kernel_target_name}.dil"
-    dart_kernel(kernel_name) {
-      platform_name = "dart_runner"
-      platform_deps =
-          [ "//topaz/runtime/dart_runner/kernel:kernel_platform_files" ]
-      platform_path = "$root_out_dir/dart_runner_patched_sdk"
-      forward_variables_from(invoker,
-                             [
-                               "disable_analysis",
-                               "non_dart_deps",
-                               "source_dir",
-                               "package_name",
-                             ])
-      deps = component.deps
-      sources = component.sources
-      main_dart = component.main_dart
-      args = [ "--aot", "--tfa" ]
-    }
-    # TODO(rmacnak): VM snapshot is ignored. Allow skipping its generation.
-    vm_snapshot_data_path = "$target_gen_dir/${kernel_name}_vm_data.aotsnapshot"
-    vm_snapshot_instructions_path =
-        "$target_gen_dir/${kernel_name}_vm_instructions.aotsnapshot"
-    snapshot_data_path = "$target_gen_dir/${kernel_name}_data.aotsnapshot"
-    snapshot_instructions_path =
-        "$target_gen_dir/${kernel_name}_instructions.aotsnapshot"
-    snapshot_target_name = kernel_name + "_snapshot"
-    if (dart_aot_sharing_basis != "" &&
-        get_label_info(":$kernel_name", "label_no_toolchain") !=
-        get_label_info(dart_aot_sharing_basis, "label_no_toolchain")) {
-      # Note: The use of "label_no_toolchain" is to ensure we are comparing fully
-      # qualified target names. We don't actually care about the toolchain.
-      shared_snapshot_deps = []
-      shared_snapshot_deps =
-          [ get_label_info(dart_aot_sharing_basis, "label_no_toolchain") +
-            "_snapshot" ]
-      prefix = get_label_info(dart_aot_sharing_basis, "target_gen_dir") + "/" +
-               get_label_info(dart_aot_sharing_basis, "name")
-      shared_snapshot_data_path = "${prefix}_data.aotsnapshot"
-      shared_snapshot_instructions_path = "${prefix}_instructions.aotsnapshot"
-    } else {
-      shared_snapshot_deps = []
-      shared_snapshot_data_path = "//topaz/runtime/dart_runner/empty"
-      shared_snapshot_instructions_path = "//topaz/runtime/dart_runner/empty"
-    }
-    stats_target_name = "${kernel_name}_stats"
-    stats_json_path = "$target_gen_dir/${kernel_name}/stats/symbol_sizes.json"
-    stats_html_dir = "$target_gen_dir/${kernel_name}/stats"
-    action(snapshot_target_name) {
-      if (defined(invoker.testonly)) {
-        testonly = invoker.testonly
-      }
-      deps = gen_snapshot_deps + shared_snapshot_deps + [ ":$kernel_target_name" ]
-      inputs = [
-                 shared_snapshot_data_path,
-                 shared_snapshot_instructions_path,
-                 kernel_path,
-               ]
-      outputs = [
-        vm_snapshot_data_path,
-        vm_snapshot_instructions_path,
-        snapshot_data_path,
-        snapshot_instructions_path,
-        stats_json_path,
-      ]
-      if (product) {
-        script = gen_snapshot_product
-      } else {
-        script = gen_snapshot
-      }
-      args = [
-        "--deterministic",
-        "--snapshot_kind=app-aot-blobs",
-        "--vm_snapshot_data=" + rebase_path(vm_snapshot_data_path),
-        "--vm_snapshot_instructions=" +
-            rebase_path(vm_snapshot_instructions_path),
-        "--isolate_snapshot_data=" + rebase_path(snapshot_data_path),
-        "--isolate_snapshot_instructions=" +
-            rebase_path(snapshot_instructions_path),
-        "--shared_data=" + rebase_path(shared_snapshot_data_path),
-        "--shared_instructions=" + rebase_path(shared_snapshot_instructions_path),
-        "--print-instructions-sizes-to=" + rebase_path(stats_json_path),
-      ]
-      if (is_debug && !product) {
-        args += [ "--enable_asserts" ]
-      }
-      args += [ rebase_path(kernel_path) ]
-      pool = "//build/dart:dart_pool($dart_toolchain)"
-    }
-    dart_action(stats_target_name) {
-      if (defined(invoker.testonly)) {
-        testonly = invoker.testonly
-      }
-      deps = [
-        ":$snapshot_target_name",
-      ]
-      script = "//third_party/dart/pkg/vm/bin/run_binary_size_analysis.dart"
-      inputs = [
-        stats_json_path,
-      ]
-      outputs = [
-        "$stats_html_dir/index.html",
-      ]
-      args = [
-        rebase_path(stats_json_path),
-        rebase_path(stats_html_dir),
-      ]
-    }
-    components_with_kernel += [
-      {
-        kernel_target_name = kernel_target_name
-        component_name = component_name
-        snapshot_target_name = snapshot_target_name
-        stats_target_name = stats_target_name
-        snapshot_data_path = snapshot_data_path
-        snapshot_instructions_path = snapshot_instructions_path
-        shared_snapshot_data_path = shared_snapshot_data_path
-        shared_snapshot_instructions_path = shared_snapshot_instructions_path
-        component_shared_snapshot_deps = shared_snapshot_deps
-        deps = component.deps
-        sources = component.sources
-      }
-    ]
-  }
-  # If a component manifest exists, merge in the runtime portion of the
-  # manifest. If it doesn't exist, drop in the deprecated_runtime file.
-  package_meta = []
-  if (defined(invoker.meta)) {
-    package_meta = invoker.meta
-  }
-  # Inject appropriate "runner" into Component manifests
-  cmx_filtered_meta = []
-  cmx_deps = []
-  found_cmx = false
-  foreach(item, package_meta) {
-    dest = item.path
-    if (defined(item.dest)) {
-      dest = item.dest
-    }
-    if (get_path_info(dest, "extension") == "cmx") {
-      found_cmx = true
-      merged = "merged_" + get_path_info(dest, "file")
-      json_merge(merged) {
-        sources = [
-          item.path,
-          rebase_path(
-              "//topaz/runtime/dart_runner/meta/aot${product_suffix}_runtime"),
-        ]
-      }
-      merged_outputs = []
-      merged_outputs = get_target_outputs(":$merged")
-      item.path = merged_outputs[0]
-      cmx_deps += [ ":$merged" ]
-    }
-    cmx_filtered_meta += [ item ]
-  }
-  if (!found_cmx) {
-    # No cmx to inject to. Inject the runner aspect as a dangling deprecated_runtime.
-    # CP-129: deprecate cmx-less components, then delete this.
-    cmx_filtered_meta += [
-      {
-        path = rebase_path(
-                "//topaz/runtime/dart_runner/meta/aot${product_suffix}_runtime")
-        dest = "deprecated_runtime"
-      },
-    ]
-  }
-  # We have all components and their kernels generated now. We call package() to
-  # put everything into a fuchsia package, merging deps, extra, meta etc.
-  package(target_name) {
-    forward_variables_from(invoker,
-                           [
-                             "testonly",
-                             "tests",
-                           ])
-    package_name = pkg_name
-    non_dart_deps = []
-    if (defined(invoker.non_dart_deps)) {
-      non_dart_deps = invoker.non_dart_deps
-    }
-    deps = non_dart_deps + cmx_deps
-    resources = []
-    foreach(component, components_with_kernel) {
-      deps += [
-             ":${component.snapshot_target_name}",
-             ":${component.stats_target_name}",
-           ] + component.component_shared_snapshot_deps + component.deps
-      resources_path = "${component.component_name}/"
-      resources += [
-        {
-          path = rebase_path(component.snapshot_data_path)
-          dest = "${resources_path}isolate_snapshot_data.bin"
-        },
-        {
-          path = rebase_path(component.snapshot_instructions_path)
-          dest = "${resources_path}isolate_snapshot_instructions.bin"
-        },
-        {
-          path = rebase_path(component.shared_snapshot_data_path)
-          dest = "${resources_path}shared_snapshot_data.bin"
-        },
-        {
-          path = rebase_path(component.shared_snapshot_instructions_path)
-          dest = "${resources_path}shared_snapshot_instructions.bin"
-        },
-      ]
-    }
-    if (defined(invoker.resources)) {
-      resources += invoker.resources
-    }
-    meta = cmx_filtered_meta
+  flutter_dart_aot_component(target_name) {
+    forward_variables_from(invoker, "*")
@@ -381,7 +93,7 @@
 template("dart_aot_app") {
-  template_name = "_dart_aot_package"
+  template_name = "_dart_aot_component"
   if (dart_force_product) {
     template_name = dart_product_app
diff --git a/runtime/flutter_runner/flutter_app.gni b/runtime/flutter_runner/flutter_app.gni
index 4773cf8..2ee44d9 100644
--- a/runtime/flutter_runner/flutter_app.gni
+++ b/runtime/flutter_runner/flutter_app.gni
@@ -71,81 +71,6 @@
-template("_flutter_aot_package") {
-  package(target_name) {
-    package_name = invoker.pkg_name
-    deps = invoker.cmx_deps
-    extra = []
-    resources = []
-    if (defined(invoker.invoker_resources)) {
-      resources += invoker.invoker_resources
-    }
-    foreach(component, invoker.components_with_kernel) {
-      extra += [
-        component.asset_manifest,
-      ]
-      deps += [
-             ":${component.snapshot_target_name}",
-             ":${component.component_resources}",
-             ":${component.stats_target_name}",
-           ] + component.component_shared_snapshot_deps + component.deps
-      if (defined(invoker.module_manifest)) {
-        deps += [
-          ":${component.component_copy_manifest}",
-          ":${component.component_verify_manifest}",
-        ]
-      }
-      resources_path = "${component.component_name}/"
-      resources += [
-                    {
-                      path = rebase_path(component.vm_snapshot_data_path)
-                      dest = "${resources_path}vm_snapshot_data.bin"
-                    },
-                    {
-                      path = rebase_path(component.vm_snapshot_instructions_path)
-                      dest = "${resources_path}vm_snapshot_instructions.bin"
-                    },
-                    {
-                      path = rebase_path(component.snapshot_data_path)
-                      dest = "${resources_path}isolate_snapshot_data.bin"
-                    },
-                    {
-                      path = rebase_path(component.snapshot_instructions_path)
-                      dest = "${resources_path}isolate_snapshot_instructions.bin"
-                    },
-                    {
-                      path = rebase_path(component.shared_snapshot_data_path)
-                      dest = "${resources_path}shared_snapshot_data.bin"
-                    },
-                    {
-                      path = rebase_path(component.shared_snapshot_instructions_path)
-                      dest = "${resources_path}shared_snapshot_instructions.bin"
-                    },
-                  ]
-    }
-    if (defined(invoker.non_dart_deps)) {
-      deps += invoker.non_dart_deps
-    }
-    meta = invoker.cmx_filtered_meta
-    # TODO(CP-140): Support module_manifest per component.
-    if (defined(invoker.module_manifest)) {
-      meta += [
-        {
-          path = rebase_path(invoker.module_manifest)
-          dest = "module.json"
-        },
-      ]
-    }
-  }
 # Defines AOT runtime components to be further distributed in one package.
 # Takes a set of flutter components and puts them into one fuchsia package with
@@ -175,12 +100,9 @@
   if (defined(invoker.flutter_driver_extendable)) {
     not_needed(invoker, ["flutter_driver_extendable",])
-  legacy_component = false
   pkg_name = target_name
-  components = []
-  if (defined(invoker.components)) {
-    components += invoker.components
-  } else {
+  legacy_component = false
+  if (!defined(invoker.components)) {
     # If components is not specified, we are fitting main_dart into a component
     # scope, and using that for the package.
@@ -197,300 +119,17 @@
     if (defined(invoker.sources)) {
       pkg_sources = invoker.sources
-    components += [
+    components = [
         main_dart = invoker.main_dart
         component_name = legacy_component_name
+        component_type = "flutter"
         deps = invoker.deps
         sources = pkg_sources
-  product = !flutter_profile
-  if (defined(invoker.product)) {
-    product = invoker.product
-  }
-  if (dart_force_product) {
-    product = true
-  }
-  product_suffix = ""
-  if (product) {
-    product_suffix = "_product"
-  }
-  # Build the kernel for each of the components, and bundle them in the same
-  # scope for later packaging.
-  components_with_kernel = []
-  foreach(component, components) {
-    assert(defined(component.main_dart), "Must specify main_dart file")
-    component_name = component.component_name
-    if (legacy_component) {
-      kernel_name = target_name
-    } else {
-      kernel_name = component_name
-    }
-    dart_library_target_name = kernel_name + "_dart_library"
-    kernel_target_name = kernel_name + "_kernel"
-    kernel_path = "$target_gen_dir/${kernel_target_name}.dil"
-    dart_kernel(kernel_name) {
-      platform_name = "flutter_runner"
-      platform_deps =
-          [ "//topaz/runtime/flutter_runner/kernel:kernel_platform_files" ]
-      platform_path = "$root_out_dir/flutter_runner_patched_sdk"
-      forward_variables_from(invoker,
-                             [
-                               "disable_analysis",
-                               "non_dart_deps",
-                               "source_dir",
-                               "package_name",
-                             ])
-      deps = component.deps
-      sources = component.sources
-      main_dart = component.main_dart
-      args = [ "--aot", "--tfa" ]
-    }
-    # TODO(rmacnak): Don't bake the VM service into each app.
-    vm_snapshot_data_path = "$target_gen_dir/${kernel_name}_vm_data.aotsnapshot"
-    vm_snapshot_instructions_path =
-        "$target_gen_dir/${kernel_name}_vm_instructions.aotsnapshot"
-    snapshot_data_path = "$target_gen_dir/${kernel_name}_data.aotsnapshot"
-    snapshot_instructions_path =
-        "$target_gen_dir/${kernel_name}_instructions.aotsnapshot"
-    snapshot_target_name = kernel_name + "_snapshot"
-    if (flutter_aot_sharing_basis != "" &&
-        get_label_info(":$kernel_name", "label_no_toolchain") !=
-        get_label_info(flutter_aot_sharing_basis, "label_no_toolchain")) {
-      # Note: The use of "label_no_toolchain" is to ensure we are comparing fully
-      # qualified target names. We don't actually care about the toolchain.
-      shared_snapshot_deps = []
-      shared_snapshot_deps =
-          [ get_label_info(flutter_aot_sharing_basis, "label_no_toolchain") +
-            "_snapshot" ]
-      prefix = get_label_info(flutter_aot_sharing_basis, "target_gen_dir") + "/" +
-               get_label_info(flutter_aot_sharing_basis, "name")
-      shared_snapshot_data_path = "${prefix}_data.aotsnapshot"
-      shared_snapshot_instructions_path = "${prefix}_instructions.aotsnapshot"
-    } else {
-      shared_snapshot_deps = []
-      shared_snapshot_data_path = "//topaz/runtime/dart_runner/empty"
-      shared_snapshot_instructions_path = "//topaz/runtime/dart_runner/empty"
-    }
-    stats_target_name = "${kernel_name}_stats"
-    stats_json_path = "$target_gen_dir/${kernel_name}/stats/symbol_sizes.json"
-    stats_html_dir = "$target_gen_dir/${kernel_name}/stats"
-    action(snapshot_target_name) {
-      if (defined(invoker.testonly)) {
-        testonly = invoker.testonly
-      }
-      deps = gen_snapshot_deps + shared_snapshot_deps + [ ":$kernel_target_name" ]
-      inputs = [
-                 shared_snapshot_data_path,
-                 shared_snapshot_instructions_path,
-                 kernel_path,
-               ]
-      outputs = [
-        vm_snapshot_data_path,
-        vm_snapshot_instructions_path,
-        snapshot_data_path,
-        snapshot_instructions_path,
-        stats_json_path,
-      ]
-      if (product) {
-        script = gen_snapshot_product
-      } else {
-        script = gen_snapshot
-      }
-      args = [
-        "--deterministic",
-        "--snapshot_kind=app-aot-blobs",
-        "--vm_snapshot_data=" + rebase_path(vm_snapshot_data_path),
-        "--vm_snapshot_instructions=" +
-            rebase_path(vm_snapshot_instructions_path),
-        "--isolate_snapshot_data=" + rebase_path(snapshot_data_path),
-        "--isolate_snapshot_instructions=" +
-            rebase_path(snapshot_instructions_path),
-        "--shared_data=" + rebase_path(shared_snapshot_data_path),
-        "--shared_instructions=" + rebase_path(shared_snapshot_instructions_path),
-        "--print-instructions-sizes-to=" + rebase_path(stats_json_path),
-      ]
-      if (is_debug && !product) {
-        args += [ "--enable_asserts" ]
-      }
-      args += [ rebase_path(kernel_path) ]
-      pool = "//build/dart:dart_pool($dart_toolchain)"
-    }
-    dart_action(stats_target_name) {
-      if (defined(invoker.testonly)) {
-        testonly = invoker.testonly
-      }
-      deps = [
-        ":$snapshot_target_name",
-      ]
-      script = "//third_party/dart/pkg/vm/bin/run_binary_size_analysis.dart"
-      inputs = [
-        stats_json_path,
-      ]
-      outputs = [
-        "$stats_html_dir/index.html",
-      ]
-      args = [
-        rebase_path(stats_json_path),
-        rebase_path(stats_html_dir),
-      ]
-    }
-    if (defined(invoker.resources)) {
-      invoker_resources = invoker.resources
-    } else {
-      invoker_resources = []
-    }
-    asset_manifest = "$target_gen_dir/build/${kernel_name}_pkgassets"
-    dart_target_gen_dir =
-        get_label_info(":bogus($dart_toolchain)", "target_gen_dir")
-    dot_packages = "$dart_target_gen_dir/$dart_library_target_name.packages"
-    action("${kernel_name}_resources") {
-      script = "//topaz/runtime/flutter_runner/build/asset_package.py"
-      args = [
-        "--flutter-root",
-        rebase_path(flutter_base),
-        "--flutter-tools",
-        rebase_path(flutter_asset_tools_bin),
-        "--app-dir",
-        rebase_path("."),
-        "--asset-dir",
-        rebase_path("$target_gen_dir/build"),
-        "--packages",
-        rebase_path(dot_packages),
-        "--asset-manifest-out",
-        rebase_path(asset_manifest),
-        "--component-name",
-        component_name,
-      ]
-      if (defined(invoker.manifest)) {
-        args += [
-          "--manifest",
-          rebase_path(invoker.manifest),
-        ]
-      }
-      deps = [
-        ":$dart_library_target_name",
-        flutter_asset_tools_label,
-      ]
-      outputs = [
-        asset_manifest,
-      ]
-    }
-    # The module manifest verify & copy targets.
-    if (defined(invoker.module_manifest)) {
-      verify_module_manifest("${kernel_name}_verify_manifest") {
-        original_target_name = kernel_name
-        module_manifest = invoker.module_manifest
-      }
-      copy_module_manifest("${kernel_name}_copy_manifest") {
-        package_name = kernel_name
-        module_manifest = rebase_path(invoker.module_manifest)
-      }
-    }
-    components_with_kernel += [
-      {
-        kernel_target_name = kernel_target_name
-        component_name = component_name
-        asset_manifest = asset_manifest
-        snapshot_target_name = snapshot_target_name
-        stats_target_name = stats_target_name
-        vm_snapshot_data_path = vm_snapshot_data_path
-        vm_snapshot_instructions_path = vm_snapshot_instructions_path
-        snapshot_data_path = snapshot_data_path
-        snapshot_instructions_path = snapshot_instructions_path
-        shared_snapshot_data_path = shared_snapshot_data_path
-        shared_snapshot_instructions_path = shared_snapshot_instructions_path
-        component_shared_snapshot_deps = shared_snapshot_deps
-        deps = component.deps
-        sources = component.sources
-        component_resources = "${kernel_name}_resources"
-        component_copy_manifest = "${kernel_name}_copy_manifest"
-        component_verify_manifest = "${kernel_name}_verify_manifest"
-      }
-    ]
-  }
-  invoker_resources = []
-  if (defined(invoker.resources)) {
-    invoker_resources += invoker.resources
-  }
-  package_meta = []
-  if (defined(invoker.meta)) {
-    package_meta = invoker.meta
-  }
-  # Inject appropriate "runner" into Component manifests
-  cmx_filtered_meta = []
-  cmx_deps = []
-  found_cmx = false
-  foreach(item, package_meta) {
-    dest = item.path
-    if (defined(item.dest)) {
-      dest = item.dest
-    }
-    if (get_path_info(dest, "extension") == "cmx") {
-      found_cmx = true
-      merged = "merged_" + get_path_info(dest, "file")
-      json_merge(merged) {
-        sources = [
-          item.path,
-          rebase_path(
-              "//topaz/runtime/flutter_runner/meta/aot${product_suffix}_runtime"),
-        ]
-      }
-      merged_outputs = []
-      merged_outputs = get_target_outputs(":$merged")
-      item.path = merged_outputs[0]
-      cmx_deps += [ ":$merged" ]
-    }
-    cmx_filtered_meta += [ item ]
-  }
-  if (!found_cmx) {
-    # No cmx to inject to. Inject the runner aspect as a dangling deprecated_runtime.
-    # CP-129: deprecate cmx-less components, then delete this.
-    cmx_filtered_meta += [
-      {
-        path = rebase_path(
-                "//topaz/runtime/flutter_runner/meta/aot${product_suffix}_runtime")
-        dest = "deprecated_runtime"
-      },
-    ]
-  }
-  _flutter_aot_package(target_name) {
+  flutter_dart_aot_component(target_name) {
     forward_variables_from(invoker, "*")