blob: 000e68eb8a1a9c6a9f0cda34ef823c4649a3a339 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// ignore_for_file: implementation_imports
import 'dart:math' show min;
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:fuchsia_inspect/src/bitfield64.dart';
import 'package:fuchsia_inspect/src/block.dart';
import 'package:fuchsia_inspect/src/vmo_fields.dart';
import 'package:fuchsia_inspect/src/vmo_holder.dart';
import 'package:fuchsia_inspect/src/vmo_writer.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'util.dart';
void main() {
group('vmo_writer operations work:', () {
test('Init VMO writes correctly to the VMO', () {
final vmo = FakeVmo(256);
final f = hexChar(;
final h = hexChar(BlockType.header.value);
final n = hexChar(BlockType.nodeValue.value);
final u = hexChar(BlockType.nameUtf8.value);
String byte(char) => ascii(char).toRadixString(16).padLeft(2, '0');
final r = byte('r');
final t = byte('t');
final o = byte('o');
compare(vmo, 0x00, '$h 0 000000 494E5350 00000000 00000000');
compare(vmo, 0x10, '$n 0 000000 20000000 00000000 00000000');
compare(vmo, 0x20, '$u 1 040000 00000000 $r$o$o$t 00000000');
compare(vmo, 0x30, '0 0 000000 00000000 00000000 00000000');
compare(vmo, 0x40, '$f 1 0_0000 00000000 00000000 00000000');
compare(vmo, 0x50, '0 0 000000 00000000 00000000 00000000');
compare(vmo, 0x60, '$f 1 0_0000 00000000 00000000 00000000');
compare(vmo, 0x70, '0 0 000000 00000000 00000000 00000000');
expect(countFreeBlocks(vmo), 6);
test('make, modify, and free Node', () {
final vmo = FakeVmo(1024);
final checker = Checker(vmo);
final writer = VmoWriter(vmo);
checker.check(0, []);
final child = writer.createNode(writer.rootNode, 'child');
checker.check(2, [
Test(_nameFor(vmo, child), Block.stringToByteData('child')),
Test(writer.rootNode, 1)
// Deleting a node without children should free it and its name.
// root node should have 0 children.
checker.check(-2, [Test(writer.rootNode, 0)]);
test('make, modify, and free IntMetric', () {
final vmo = FakeVmo(1024);
final checker = Checker(vmo);
final writer = VmoWriter(vmo);
checker.check(0, []);
final intMetric = writer.createMetric(writer.rootNode, 'intMetric', 1);
checker.check(2, [
Test(_nameFor(vmo, intMetric), Block.stringToByteData('intMetric')),
Test(intMetric, 1, reason: 'int value wrong'),
Test(writer.rootNode, 1, reason: 'childCount wrong')
writer.addMetric(intMetric, 2);
checker.check(0, [Test(intMetric, 3)]);
writer.subMetric(intMetric, 4);
checker.check(0, [Test(intMetric, -1)]);
checker.check(-2, [Test(writer.rootNode, 0)]);
test('make, modify, and free DoubleMetric', () {
final vmo = FakeVmo(1024);
final checker = Checker(vmo);
final writer = VmoWriter(vmo);
checker.check(0, []);
final doubleMetric =
writer.createMetric(writer.rootNode, 'doubleMetric', 1.5);
checker.check(2, [
Test(_nameFor(vmo, doubleMetric),
Test(doubleMetric, 1.5, reason: 'double value wrong'),
Test(writer.rootNode, 1, reason: 'childCount wrong')
writer.addMetric(doubleMetric, 2.0);
checker.check(0, [Test(doubleMetric, 3.5)]);
writer.subMetric(doubleMetric, 4.0);
checker.check(0, [Test(doubleMetric, -0.5)]);
checker.check(-2, [Test(writer.rootNode, 0)]);
test('make, modify, and free Property', () {
final vmo = FakeVmo(1024);
final checker = Checker(vmo);
final writer = VmoWriter(vmo);
checker.check(0, []);
final property = writer.createProperty(writer.rootNode, 'prop');
checker.check(2, [
Test(_nameFor(vmo, property), Block.stringToByteData('prop')),
Test(writer.rootNode, 1)
final bytes = ByteData(8)..setFloat64(0, 1.23);
writer.setProperty(property, bytes);
checker.check(1, [Test(_extentFor(vmo, property), bytes)]);
// Property, its extent, and its name should be freed. Its parent should
// have one fewer children (0 in this case).
checker.check(-3, [Test(writer.rootNode, 0)]);
test('Node delete permutations', () {
final vmo = FakeVmo(1024);
final checker = Checker(vmo);
final writer = VmoWriter(vmo);
checker.check(0, []);
final parent = writer.createNode(writer.rootNode, 'parent');
checker.check(2, [Test(writer.rootNode, 1)]);
final child = writer.createNode(parent, 'child');
checker.check(2, [Test(writer.rootNode, 1), Test(parent, 1)]);
final metric = writer.createMetric(child, 'metric', 1);
checker.check(2, [Test(child, 1), Test(parent, 1)]);
// Now child should be a tombstone; only its name should be freed.
checker.check(-1, [Test(child, 1), Test(parent, 0)]);
// Parent, plus its name, should be freed; root should have no children.
checker.check(-2, [Test(writer.rootNode, 0)]);
// Metric, its name, and child should be freed.
checker.check(-3, []);
// Make sure we can still create nodes on the root
final newMetric =
writer.createMetric(writer.rootNode, 'newIntMetric', 42);
checker.check(2, [
Test(_nameFor(vmo, newMetric), Block.stringToByteData('newIntMetric')),
Test(newMetric, 42),
Test(writer.rootNode, 1)
test('Large properties', () {
final vmo = FakeVmo(512);
final writer = VmoWriter(vmo);
int unique = 2;
void fill(ByteData data) {
for (int i = 0; i < data.lengthInBytes; i += 2) {
data.setUint16(i, unique);
unique += 1;
final data200 = ByteData(200);
final data230 = ByteData(230);
final data530 = ByteData(530);
final property = writer.createProperty(writer.rootNode, 'property');
expect(readProperty(vmo, property).buffer.asUint8List(),
writer.setProperty(property, data200);
expect(readProperty(vmo, property).buffer.asUint8List(),
// There isn't space for 200+230, but the set to 230 should still work.
writer.setProperty(property, data230);
expect(readProperty(vmo, property).buffer.asUint8List(),
// The set to 530 should fail and leave an empty property.
writer.setProperty(property, data530);
expect(readProperty(vmo, property).buffer.asUint8List(),
// And after all that, 200 should still work.
writer.setProperty(property, data200);
expect(readProperty(vmo, property).buffer.asUint8List(),
/// Gets a Property's value.
ByteData readProperty(FakeVmo vmo, int propertyIndex) {
final property =, propertyIndex);
final totalLength = property.propertyTotalLength;
final data = ByteData(totalLength);
if (totalLength == 0) {
return data;
var nextExtentIndex = property.propertyExtentIndex;
int offset = 0;
while (offset < totalLength) {
final extent =, nextExtentIndex);
int amountToCopy = min(totalLength - offset, extent.payloadSpaceBytes);
data.buffer.asUint8List().setRange(offset, offset + amountToCopy,
offset += amountToCopy;
nextExtentIndex = extent.nextExtent;
return data;
/// Counts the free blocks in this VMO.
/// Assumes all free blocks are 32-byte (order 1) and all blocks are 32-byte or
/// smaller.
/// NOTE: This is O(n) in the size of the VMO. Be careful not to do
/// n^2 algorithms on large VMO's.
int countFreeBlocks(VmoHolder vmo) {
var blocksFree = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < vmo.size; i += 32) {
if (Bitfield64(vmo.readInt64(i)).read(typeBits) == {
return blocksFree;
/// Gets the index of the [] block of the Value at [index].
int _nameFor(vmo, index) =>, index).nameIndex;
/// Gets the index of the first [BlockType.extent] block of the Value at
/// [index].
int _extentFor(vmo, index) =>, index).propertyExtentIndex;
/// Test holds values for use in [Checker.check()].
class Test {
final int index;
final String reason;
final dynamic value;
Test(this.index, this.value, {this.reason});
/// Checker tracks activity on a VMO and makes sure its state is correct.
/// check() must be called once after VmoWriter initialization, and once after
/// every operation that changes the VMO lock.
class Checker {
FakeVmo _vmo;
int nextLock = 0;
int expectedFree;
Checker(this._vmo) {
expectedFree = (_vmo.bytes.lengthInBytes >> 5) - 2;
void testPayload(Test test) {
int payloadOffset = test.index * 16 + 8;
var commonString = '${payloadOffset.toRadixString(16)} '
'(index ${(payloadOffset - 8) >> 4})';
if (test.reason != null) {
commonString += ' because ${test.reason}';
final value = test.value;
if (value is int) {
int intValue = value;
expect(_vmo.bytes.getUint64(payloadOffset, Endian.little), intValue,
reason: 'int at $commonString');
} else if (value is double) {
double doubleValue = value;
expect(_vmo.bytes.getFloat64(payloadOffset, Endian.little), doubleValue,
reason: 'double at $commonString');
} else if (value is ByteData) {
ByteData byteData = value;
.asUint8List(payloadOffset, byteData.buffer.lengthInBytes),
reason: 'ByteData at $commonString');
} else {
throw ArgumentError("I can't handle value type ${value.runtimeType}");
void check(int usedBlocks, List<Test> checks) {
expect(_vmo.bytes.getInt64(8, Endian.little), nextLock,
reason: 'Lock out of sync (call check() once per operation)');
nextLock += 2;
expectedFree -= usedBlocks;
expect(countFreeBlocks(_vmo), expectedFree);