blob: 9d4829ee8cc121ce37bf12a3951415a79223db73 [file] [log] [blame]
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:fidl/fidl.dart';
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_modular/fidl.dart';
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_modular_auth/fidl.dart';
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_sys/fidl.dart';
import '';
import 'package:lib.device_shell/user_shell_chooser.dart';
import 'package:lib.ui.flutter/child_view.dart';
import 'user_watcher_impl.dart';
/// Handles adding, removing, and logging, and controlling users.
class DeviceShellUserManager {
final UserProvider _userProvider;
final UserShellChooser _userShellChooser;
UserControllerProxy _userControllerProxy;
UserWatcherImpl _userWatcherImpl;
final StreamController<void> _userLogoutController =
DeviceShellUserManager(this._userProvider, this._userShellChooser);
Stream<void> get onLogout =>;
/// Adds a new user, displaying UI as required.
/// The UI will be displayed in the space provided to authenticationContext
/// in the device shell widget.
Future<String> addUser() {
final completer = Completer<String>();
(Account account, String errorCode) {
if (errorCode == null) {
} else {
log.warning('ERROR adding user! $errorCode');
completer.completeError(UserLoginException('addUser', errorCode));
return completer.future;
/// Logs in the user given by [accountId].
/// Takes in [serviceProviderHandle] which gets passed to the user shell.
/// Returns a handle to the [ViewOwner] that the device shell should use
/// to open a [ChildViewConnection] to display the user shell.
InterfaceHandle<ViewOwner> login(String accountId,
InterfaceHandle<ServiceProvider> serviceProviderHandle) {
_userControllerProxy = UserControllerProxy();
_userWatcherImpl = UserWatcherImpl(onUserLogout: () {
UserShellInfo info = _userShellChooser.currentUserShell;
final InterfacePair<ViewOwner> viewOwner = InterfacePair<ViewOwner>();
final UserLoginParams params = UserLoginParams(
accountId: accountId,
viewOwner: viewOwner.passRequest(),
services: serviceProviderHandle,
userController: _userControllerProxy.ctrl.request(),
userShellConfig: AppConfig(url:,
return viewOwner.passHandle();
Future<void> removeUser(String userId) {
final completer = Completer<void>();
_userProvider.removeUser(userId, (String errorCode) {
if (errorCode != null && errorCode != '') {
.completeError(UserLoginException('removing $userId', errorCode));
return completer.future;
/// Gets the list of accounts already logged in.
Future<Iterable<Account>> getPreviousUsers() {
final completer = Completer<Iterable<Account>>();
return completer.future;
void close() {
/// If a user is logged in, set the user shell to the current user shell,
/// otherwise, do nothing.
Future<void> setUserShell() {
final completer = Completer<void>();
new AppConfig(url:,
return completer.future;
/// Exception thrown when performing user management operations.
class UserLoginException implements Exception {
final String errorCode;
final String operation;
UserLoginException(this.operation, this.errorCode);
String toString() {
return 'Failed during $operation: $errorCode';