blob: 648d55a39b7fd169ed29084826fd9609cd4e8710 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:ui';
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_ui_views/fidl_async.dart';
typedef ChildViewConnectionCallback = void Function(
ChildViewConnection connection);
typedef ChildViewConnectionStateCallback = void Function(
ChildViewConnection connection, bool newState);
/// A connection to a child view. It can be used to construct a [ChildView]
/// widget that will display the view's contents on their own layer.
class ChildViewConnection {
/// SceneHost used to reference and render content from a remote Scene.
SceneHost get sceneHost => _sceneHost;
SceneHost _sceneHost;
/// Creates this connection from a ViewHolderToken.
ChildViewConnection(ViewHolderToken viewHolderToken,
{ChildViewConnectionCallback onAvailable,
ChildViewConnectionCallback onUnavailable,
ChildViewConnectionStateCallback onStateChanged})
: assert(viewHolderToken?.value != null) {
if (viewHolderToken.value.isValid) {
_sceneHost = SceneHost.fromViewHolderToken(
(onAvailable == null)
? null
: () {
(onUnavailable == null)
? null
: () {
(onStateChanged == null)
? null
: (bool state) {
onStateChanged(this, state);
/// Requests that focus be transferred to the remote Scene represented by
/// this connection.
void requestFocus() {
// TODO(SCN-1186): Use new mechanism to implement RequestFocus.
/// Sets properties on the remote Scene represented by this connection.
void setChildProperties(double width, double height, double insetTop,
double insetRight, double insetBottom, double insetLeft,
{bool focusable = true}) {
width, height, insetTop, insetRight, insetBottom, insetLeft, focusable);