blob: 0067210ad588335dfbce558344ee5224b518ef46 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:collection/collection.dart' show ListEquality;
import 'package:fuchsia_inspect/inspect.dart' as inspect;
class TorusPuzzle {
TorusPuzzle(this.cols, this.rows, [this.inspectNode]) : _tileCount = cols * rows {
// TorusPuzzle requires row/col data to be mutable
// use constructor for creating puzzles to test against
TorusPuzzle.from(String str)
: cols = -1,
rows = -1,
_tileCount = -1 {
var strTiles = str.split(' ');
tiles = List<int>.generate(strTiles.length, (i) => int.parse(strTiles[i]));
inspect.Node inspectNode;
final int cols;
final int rows;
final int _tileCount;
List<int> tiles;
static const int _rotateForwardStep = -1;
static const int _rotateBackwardStep = 1;
// two TorusPuzzles are equal if their tiles are in the same positions
bool operator ==(Object o) {
return o is TorusPuzzle && ListEquality().equals(tiles, o.tiles);
int get hashCode => tiles.hashCode;
// col and row are currently (June 2019) always in bounds
int tileId(int col, int row) {
return row * cols + col;
// put puzzle in solved state (for all i tiles[i] == i)
void resetPuzzle() {
tiles = List<int>.generate(_tileCount, (int i) => i);
// place tiles in random locations (all permutations are legal)
void shufflePuzzle() {
// publishes torus puzzle tiles to component inspection 'tile' node
void _inspectPuzzle() {
for (int i = 0; i < tiles.length; i++) {
void updateTile(int col, int row, int value) {
int writeTileId = tileId(col, row);
tiles[writeTileId] = value;
void rotateRow(int row, {bool rotateRight = true}) {
int col = rotateRight ? cols - 1 : 0; // the column to read from
int step = rotateRight ? _rotateForwardStep : _rotateBackwardStep;
int firstTile = tiles[tileId(col, row)];
do {
updateTile(col, row, tiles[tileId(col + step, row)]);
col += step;
} while (col > 0 && col < cols - 1);
updateTile(col, row, firstTile);
void rotateCol(int col, {bool rotateDown = true}) {
int row = rotateDown ? rows - 1 : 0; // the row to read from
int step = rotateDown ? _rotateForwardStep : _rotateBackwardStep;
int firstTile = tiles[tileId(col, row)];
do {
updateTile(col, row, tiles[tileId(col, row + step)]);
row += step;
} while (row > 0 && row < rows - 1);
updateTile(col, row, firstTile);