blob: 6186c246539f63d3df5b6e313fb4f3d1910107df [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:fidl_fidl_examples_bindingstest/fidl_async.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:zircon/zircon.dart' show Handle, System;
void main() {
group('hash and equality', () {
group('enums', () {
test('simple', () {
expect( ==, isTrue);
expect( == EnumOne.two, isFalse);
test('constructed', () {
expect( == EnumOne(1), isTrue);
test('different types', () {
expect( ==, isFalse);
test('map', () {
final Map<EnumOne, String> map = {EnumOne.three: 'tres'};
expect(map[EnumOne.three], equals('tres'));
group('structs', () {
test('no handles', () {
final s1 = NoHandleStruct(
foo: 'hello', bar: 42, baz: new Uint8List.fromList([2, 4, 6, 8]));
final s2 = NoHandleStruct(
foo: 'hello', bar: 42, baz: new Uint8List.fromList([2, 4, 6, 8]));
final s3 = NoHandleStruct(
foo: 'goodbye', bar: 42, baz: new Uint8List.fromList([2, 4, 6, 8]));
final s4 = NoHandleStruct(
foo: 'hello', bar: 42, baz: new Uint8List.fromList([3, 6, 9, 12]));
expect(s1 == s2, isTrue);
expect(s1 == s3, isFalse);
expect(s1 == s4, isFalse);
final Map<NoHandleStruct, String> map = {s1: 'yes'};
expect(map[s2], equals('yes'));
expect(map[s3], equals(null));
expect(map[s4], equals(null));
test('handles', () {
final i1 = HandleStruct(foo: 'hello', bar: 42, baz: Handle.invalid());
final i2 = HandleStruct(foo: 'hello', bar: 42, baz: Handle.invalid());
expect(i1 == i2, isTrue);
final pair = System.channelCreate();
final f1 = HandleStruct(foo: 'hello', bar: 42, baz: pair.first);
final f2 = HandleStruct(foo: 'hello', bar: 42, baz: pair.first);
final s = HandleStruct(foo: 'hello', bar: 42, baz: pair.second);
expect(f1 == f2, isTrue);
expect(f1 == s, isFalse);
expect(i1 == f1, isFalse);
final Map<HandleStruct, String> map = {
i1: 'invalid',
f1: 'first',
s: 'second',
expect(map[i2], equals('invalid'));
expect(map[f2], equals('first'));
expect(map[s], equals('second'));
group('unions', () {
test('equality', () {
expect(UnionOne.withFoo('hello') == UnionOne.withFoo('hello'), isTrue);
expect(UnionOne.withFoo('hello') == UnionOne.withFoo('ciao'), isFalse);
expect(UnionOne.withFoo('hello') == UnionOne.withBar('hello'), isFalse);
expect(UnionOne.withFoo('hello') == UnionTwo.withFoo('hello'), isFalse);
test('hash', () {
final Map<UnionOne, String> map = {
UnionOne.withFoo('hello'): 'hello foo',
UnionOne.withBar('hello'): 'hello bar',
UnionOne.withFoo('hola'): 'hola foo',
UnionOne.withBar('hola'): 'hola bar',
expect(map[UnionOne.withFoo('hello')], equals('hello foo'));
expect(map[UnionOne.withBar('hello')], equals('hello bar'));
expect(map[UnionOne.withFoo('hola')], equals('hola foo'));
expect(map[UnionOne.withBar('hola')], equals('hola bar'));