[flutter,dart] Remove size limit on memfs in non-product flutter/dart runner

Change-Id: I6698f55fd54edda750700e2db26c80ded1a96b18
diff --git a/runtime/dart/utils/tempfs.cc b/runtime/dart/utils/tempfs.cc
index c68fd4f..ef66901 100644
--- a/runtime/dart/utils/tempfs.cc
+++ b/runtime/dart/utils/tempfs.cc
@@ -18,12 +18,18 @@
 namespace {
 constexpr char kTmpPath[] = "/tmp";
-constexpr size_t kMaxTmpPages = 1024;
+[[maybe_unused]] constexpr size_t kMaxTmpPages = 1024;
 void DispatchTempMemFS() {
   async::Loop loop(&kAsyncLoopConfigAttachToThread);
+#if defined(DART_PRODUCT)
   zx_status_t status = memfs_install_at_with_page_limit(
       loop.dispatcher(), kMaxTmpPages, kTmpPath);
+  // Hot reload uses /tmp to hold the updated dills and assets so do not
+  // impose any size limitation in non product runners.
+  zx_status_t status = memfs_install_at(loop.dispatcher(), kTmpPath);
   if (status != ZX_OK) {
     FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to install a /tmp memfs: "
                    << zx_status_get_string(status);