blob: c8aa3f70b39499a100930650c70bf7191438bfea [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:math' show min;
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:fuchsia_vfs/vfs.dart';
import 'block.dart';
import 'heap.dart';
import 'util.dart';
import 'vmo_fields.dart';
import 'vmo_holder.dart';
/// Index 0 will never be allocated, so it's the designated 'invalid' value.
const int invalidIndex = 0;
/// Name of the root node.
const String rootName = 'root';
/// An Inspect-format VMO with accessors.
/// This writes Values (Nodes, Metrics, and Properties) to
/// a VMO, modifies them, and deletes them.
/// Values are referred to by integers, which are returned upon
/// creation and are passed back to this API to modify or delete the Value.
/// You can refer to this integer as an "index".
/// An index of 0 returned from a Value creation operation indicates the
/// operation failed. Other indexes are opaque and indicate success.
/// Warning: Names are limited to 24 bytes, and are UTF-8 encoded. In the case
/// of non-ASCII characters, this may result in a malformed string since the
/// last multi-byte character may be truncated.
class VmoWriter {
Heap _heap;
final VmoHolder _vmo;
Block _headerBlock;
/// Constructor.
VmoWriter(this._vmo) {
_headerBlock = Block.create(_vmo, headerIndex)..becomeHeader();
Block.create(_vmo, rootNodeIndex).becomeRoot();
Block.create(_vmo, rootNameIndex).becomeName(rootName);
_heap = Heap(_vmo);
/// Creates a [VmoWriter] with a VMO of size [size].
factory VmoWriter.withSize(int size) => VmoWriter(VmoHolder(size));
/// Gets the top Node of the Inspect tree (always at index 1).
int get rootNode => rootNodeIndex;
/// The read-only node of the VMO.
VmoFile get vmoNode =>
VmoFile.readOnly(_vmo.vmo, VmoSharingMode.shareDuplicate);
/// Creates and writes a Node block
int createNode(int parent, String name) {
var node = _createValue(parent, name);
if (node == null) {
return 0;
return node.index;
/// Deletes the Node.
void deleteNode(int nodeIndex) {
if (nodeIndex < heapStartIndex) {
throw Exception('Invalid index {nodeIndex}');
var node =, nodeIndex);
/// Adds a named Property to a Node.
int createProperty(int parent, String name) {
var property = _createValue(parent, name);
if (property == null) {
return 0;
return property.index;
/// Sets a Property's value from [String] or [ByteData].
/// First frees any existing value, then tries to allocate space for the new
/// value. If the new allocation fails, the previous
/// value will be cleared and the Property will be empty.
/// Throws ArgumentError if [value] is not [String] or [ByteData].
void setProperty(int propertyIndex, dynamic value) {
if (!(value is String || value is ByteData)) {
throw ArgumentError('Property value must be String or ByteData.');
var property =, propertyIndex);
ByteData valueToWrite;
if (value is String) {
valueToWrite = toByteData(value);
property.propertyFlags = propertyUtf8Flag;
} else if (value is ByteData) {
valueToWrite = value;
property.propertyFlags = propertyBinaryFlag;
if (valueToWrite == null || valueToWrite.lengthInBytes == 0) {
property.propertyExtentIndex = 0;
} else {
property.propertyExtentIndex =
if (property.propertyExtentIndex == invalidIndex) {
property.propertyTotalLength = 0;
} else {
_copyToExtents(property.propertyExtentIndex, valueToWrite);
property.propertyTotalLength = valueToWrite.lengthInBytes;
/// Deletes a Property.
void deleteProperty(int propertyIndex) {
var property =, propertyIndex);
/// Creates and assigns value.
int createMetric<T extends num>(int parent, String name, T value) {
Block metric = _createValue(parent, name);
if (metric == null) {
return 0;
if (value is double) {
} else {
return metric.index;
/// Set the metric's value.
void setMetric<T extends num>(int metricIndex, T value) {
var metric =, metricIndex);
if (T is double) {
metric.doubleValue = value.toDouble();
} else {
metric.intValue = value.toInt();
/// Adds to existing value.
void addMetric<T extends num>(int metricIndex, T value) {
var metric =, metricIndex);
if (T is double || metric.type == BlockType.doubleValue) {
metric.doubleValue += value;
} else {
metric.intValue += value;
/// Subtracts from existing value.
void subMetric<T extends num>(int metricIndex, T value) {
var metric =, metricIndex);
if (T is double || metric.type == BlockType.doubleValue) {
metric.doubleValue -= value;
} else {
metric.intValue -= value;
/// Deletes the Metric.
void deleteMetric(int metricIndex) {
_deleteValue(, metricIndex));
// Creates a new *_VALUE node inside the tree.
Block _createValue(int parent, String name) {
var block = _heap.allocateBlock();
if (block == null) {
return null;
var nameBlock = _heap.allocateBlock();
if (nameBlock == null) {
return null;
block.becomeValue(parentIndex: parent, nameIndex: nameBlock.index);, parent).childCount += 1;
return block;
/// Deletes a *_VALUE block.
/// This always unparents the block and frees its NAME block.
/// The block itself is freed unless it's a Node with children; in that
/// case it's converted to a TOMBSTONE and will be deleted later, when its
/// last child is deleted and unparented.
void _deleteValue(Block value) {
_heap.freeBlock(, value.nameIndex));
if (value.type == BlockType.nodeValue && value.childCount != 0) {
} else {
/// Walks a chain of EXTENT blocks, freeing them.
/// Passing in [invalidIndex] is legal and a NOP.
void _freeExtents(int firstExtent) {
int nextIndex = firstExtent;
while (nextIndex != invalidIndex) {
var extent =, nextIndex);
nextIndex = extent.nextExtent;
/// Tries to allocate enough extents to hold [size] bytes.
/// If it finds enough, it returns the index of first EXTENT block in chain.
/// Returns [invalidIndex] (and frees whatever it's grabbed) if it can't
/// allocate all it needs.
int _allocateExtents(int size) {
int nextIndex = invalidIndex;
int sizeRemaining = size;
while (sizeRemaining > 0) {
var extent = _heap.allocateBlock();
if (extent == null) {
return 0;
nextIndex = extent.index;
sizeRemaining -= extent.payloadSpaceBytes;
return nextIndex;
// Copies bytes from value to list of extents.
// Throws StateError if the extents run out before the data does.
void _copyToExtents(int firstExtent, ByteData value) {
int valueOffset = 0;
int nextExtent = firstExtent;
// ignore: literal_only_boolean_expressions
while (valueOffset != value.lengthInBytes) {
if (nextExtent == 0) {
throw StateError('Not enough extents to hold the data');
Block extent =, nextExtent);
int amountToWrite =
min(value.lengthInBytes - valueOffset, extent.payloadSpaceBytes);
_vmo.write(nextExtent * 16 + 8,
value.buffer.asByteData(valueOffset, amountToWrite));
valueOffset += amountToWrite;
nextExtent = extent.nextExtent;
// Decrement the parent's 'childCount' count. Don't change the parent's type.
// If the parent is a TOMBSTONE and has no children then free it.
// TOMBSTONES have no parent, so there's no recursion.
void _unparent(Block value) {
var parent =, value.parentIndex);
if (--parent.childCount == 0 && parent.type == BlockType.tombstone) {
// Start manipulating the VMO contents.
void _beginWork() {
_vmo.beginWork(); // TODO(CF-603): Maybe remove once VMO is efficient.
// Publish the manipulated VMO contents.
void _commit() {