blob: f3f053dec23c9067c185dc16c34836c640e9dde4 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
shell_gpu_configuration("fuchsia_gpu_configuration") {
enable_software = false
enable_gl = false
enable_vulkan = true
# Dependencies for flutter tooling
# While not required to run a flutter mod, these allow interacting
# with flutter via the fx tool and need to be built.
flutter_tool_deps = [ "//third_party/dart-pkg/git/flutter/packages/flutter_tools:fuchsia_attach($host_toolchain)" ]
# Builds a flutter_runner
# Parameters:
# output_name (required):
# The name of the resulting binary.
# extra_deps (required):
# Any additional dependencies.
# product (required):
# Whether to link against a Product mode Dart VM.
# extra_defines (optional):
# Any additional preprocessor defines.
template("flutter_runner") {
assert(defined(invoker.output_name), "flutter_runner must define output_name")
assert(defined(invoker.extra_deps), "flutter_runner must define extra_deps")
assert(defined(invoker.product), "flutter_runner must define product")
invoker_output_name = invoker.output_name
extra_deps = invoker.extra_deps
extra_defines = []
if (defined(invoker.extra_defines)) {
extra_defines += invoker.extra_defines
executable(target_name) {
output_name = invoker_output_name
defines = extra_defines
libs = []
sources = [
# The use of these dependencies is temporary and will be moved behind the
# embedder API.
flutter_deps = [
public_deps = [
deps = [
] + extra_deps + flutter_deps
# The flags below are needed so that Dart's CPU profiler can walk the
# C++ stack.
cflags = [
if (!invoker.product) {
# This flag is needed so that the call to dladdr() in Dart's native symbol
# resolver can report good symbol information for the CPU profiler.
ldflags = [ "-rdynamic" ]
flutter_runner("aot") {
output_name = "flutter_aot_runner"
product = false
if (flutter_profile) {
extra_defines = [ "FLUTTER_PROFILE" ]
extra_deps = [
flutter_runner("aot_product") {
output_name = "flutter_aot_product_runner"
product = true
extra_defines = [ "DART_PRODUCT" ]
extra_deps = [
flutter_runner("jit") {
output_name = "flutter_jit_runner"
product = false
if (flutter_profile) {
extra_defines = [ "FLUTTER_PROFILE" ]
extra_deps = [
] + flutter_tool_deps
flutter_runner("jit_product") {
output_name = "flutter_jit_product_runner"
product = true
extra_defines = [ "DART_PRODUCT" ]
extra_deps = [
observatory_target =
observatory_archive_dir = get_label_info(observatory_target, "target_gen_dir")
observatory_archive_name = get_label_info(observatory_target, "name")
observatory_archive_file =
template("aot_runner") {
product = defined(invoker.product) && invoker.product
product_suffix = ""
if (product) {
product_suffix = "_product"
package(target_name) {
deps = [
if (!product) {
deps += [ observatory_target ]
binary = "flutter_aot${product_suffix}_runner"
resources = [
path = rebase_path("//third_party/icu/common/icudtl.dat")
dest = "icudtl.dat"
if (!product) {
resources += [
path = rebase_path(observatory_archive_file)
dest = "observatory.tar"
meta = [
path = rebase_path("meta/flutter_aot${product_suffix}_runner.cmx")
dest = "flutter_aot${product_suffix}_runner.cmx"
template("jit_runner") {
product = defined(invoker.product) && invoker.product
product_suffix = ""
if (product) {
product_suffix = "_product"
package(target_name) {
snapshot_label = "//topaz/runtime/flutter_runner/kernel:kernel_core_snapshot${product_suffix}"
snapshot_framework_label = "${snapshot_label}_framework"
snapshot_gen_dir = get_label_info(snapshot_label, "target_gen_dir")
deps = [
if (!product) {
deps += [ observatory_target ]
binary = "flutter_jit${product_suffix}_runner"
resources = [
path = rebase_path(
dest = "vm_snapshot_data.bin"
path = rebase_path(
dest = "vm_snapshot_instructions.bin"
path = rebase_path(
dest = "isolate_core_snapshot_data.bin"
path = rebase_path(
dest = "isolate_core_snapshot_instructions.bin"
path = rebase_path(
dest = "framework_vm_snapshot_data.bin"
path = rebase_path(
dest = "framework_vm_snapshot_instructions.bin"
path = rebase_path(
dest = "framework_isolate_core_snapshot_data.bin"
path = rebase_path(
dest = "framework_isolate_core_snapshot_instructions.bin"
path = rebase_path("//third_party/icu/common/icudtl.dat")
dest = "icudtl.dat"
if (prebuilt_framework_path == "") {
deps += [ "//topaz/runtime/flutter_runner/kernel:framework_shim_kernel" ]
resources += [
path = rebase_path(
dest = "runner.frameworkversion"
} else {
deps +=
[ "//topaz/runtime/flutter_runner/kernel:extract_prebuilt_framework" ]
resources += [
path = rebase_path(
dest = "runner.frameworkversion"
if (!product) {
resources += [
path = rebase_path(observatory_archive_file)
dest = "observatory.tar"
meta = [
path = rebase_path("meta/flutter_jit${product_suffix}_runner.cmx")
dest = "flutter_jit${product_suffix}_runner.cmx"
aot_runner("flutter_aot_runner") {
product = false
aot_runner("flutter_aot_product_runner") {
product = true
jit_runner("flutter_jit_runner") {
product = false
jit_runner("flutter_jit_product_runner") {
product = true
executable("flutter_runner_unittests") {
testonly = true
output_name = "flutter_runner_tests"
sources = [
deps = [
test_package("flutter_runner_tests") {
deps = [
tests = [
name = "flutter_runner_tests"
environments = basic_envs
resources = [
path = rebase_path("tests/test_manifest.json")
dest = "testdata/test_fonts/manifest.json"
fonts = [
foreach(font, fonts) {
resources += [
path = rebase_path("//garnet/bin/fonts/third_party/${font}")
file_name = get_path_info(font, "file")
dest = "testdata/test_fonts/${file_name}"