blob: 85ddb7edd56711f42c2d43c0e3ddd0a540d2f1b9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/// [Step] represents a single destination in a syllabus flow.
/// Each [Step] has a unique name, which allows others [Step]s to reference it.
/// A [Step] may have a number of resulting child [Step]s mapped to return
/// result and/or a default one defined. A [Step] is considered the final [Step]
/// if there is no valid [Step] to transition to.
class Step {
static const String _actionJsonKey = 'action';
static const String _keyJsonKey = 'key';
static const String _defaultTransitionKey = 'default_transition';
static const String _resultsKey = 'result';
String _defaultTransition;
final Map<String, String> _results = {};
/// A unique identifier within the scope of the defined flow.
final String key;
/// The action associated with the [Step].
final String action;
Step(this.key, this.action, {Map<String, dynamic> results}) {
results?.forEach((key, action) => _results[key] = action);
factory Step.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
final Step step = Step(json[_keyJsonKey], json[_actionJsonKey],
results: json[_resultsKey])
..defaultTransition = json[_defaultTransitionKey];
return step;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
_keyJsonKey: key,
_actionJsonKey: action,
_defaultTransitionKey: _defaultTransition,
_resultsKey: _results,
/// Returns the next [Step] to proceed to based on the [result].
String getNext([String result]) {
final String searchVal = _results[result];
return searchVal != null || _defaultTransition == null
? searchVal
: _defaultTransition;
/// Sets the default [Step] to move if no match is found in the set results.
set defaultTransition(String key) => _defaultTransition = key;
/// Adds a transition from this [Step] for a given [resultCode]. When this
/// step returns, the mappings specified here are used to determine the next
/// [Step] to visit.
void addResult(String resultCode, String resultKey) {
_results[resultCode] = resultKey;
String toString() => 'key: $key defaultTransition:$_defaultTransition}';
/// Returns all next steps. Used by syllabus to discover all routes
Set<String> get nextSteps {
final Set<String> steps = Set<String>.from(_results.values);
if (_defaultTransition != null) {
return steps;
int get hashCode => key.hashCode;
bool operator ==(Object other) => other is Step && other.key == key;