blob: bdb60e60cb36fa5db720d3e76aa01730d67a87ae [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/lib/ui/scenic/cpp/host_memory.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkSurface.h"
namespace scenic {
namespace skia {
// Creates a Skia surface backed by host-accessible shared memory associated
// with an image resource.
sk_sp<SkSurface> MakeSkSurface(const scenic_util::HostImage& image);
// Creates a Skia surface backed by host-accessible shared memory.
sk_sp<SkSurface> MakeSkSurface(const fuchsia::images::ImageInfo& image_info,
std::shared_ptr<scenic_util::HostData> data,
off_t memory_offset);
sk_sp<SkSurface> MakeSkSurface(SkImageInfo image_info, size_t row_bytes,
std::shared_ptr<scenic_util::HostData> data,
off_t memory_offset);
// Represents a pool of Skia surfaces and image resources backed by
// host-accessible shared memory bound to a session. All images in the pool
// must have the same layout.
class HostSkSurfacePool {
// Creates a pool which can supply up to |num_images| images on demand.
explicit HostSkSurfacePool(Session* session, uint32_t num_images);
HostSkSurfacePool(const HostSkSurfacePool&) = delete;
HostSkSurfacePool& operator=(const HostSkSurfacePool&) = delete;
// The number of images which this pool can manage.
uint32_t num_images() const { return image_pool_.num_images(); }
// Gets information about the images in the pool, or nullptr if the
// pool is not configured.
const fuchsia::images::ImageInfo* image_info() const {
return image_pool_.image_info();
// Sets the image information for images in the pool.
// Previously created images are released but their memory may be reused.
// If |image_info| is nullptr, the pool reverts to an non-configured state;
// all images are released but the memory is retained for recycling.
// Returns true if the configuration changed.
bool Configure(const fuchsia::images::ImageInfo* image_info);
// Gets the surface backed by the image with the specified index.
// The |index| must be between 0 and |num_images() - 1|.
// The returned pointer is valid until the image is discarded or the
// pool is reconfigured. Returns nullptr if the pool is not configured.
sk_sp<SkSurface> GetSkSurface(uint32_t index);
// Gets the image with the specified index.
// The |index| must be between 0 and |num_images() - 1|.
// The returned pointer is valid until the image is discarded or the
// pool is reconfigured. Returns nullptr if the pool is not configured.
const scenic_util::HostImage* GetImage(uint32_t index) {
return image_pool_.GetImage(index);
// Discards the image with the specified index but recycles its memory.
// The |index| must be between 0 and |num_images() - 1|.
void DiscardImage(uint32_t index) { image_pool_.DiscardImage(index); }
scenic_util::HostImagePool image_pool_;
std::vector<sk_sp<SkSurface>> surface_ptrs_;
} // namespace skia
} // namespace scenic