blob: 97f54c86322c2288cd668242cfc8acb0bdf7d40d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import '';
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_modular/fidl.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:fidl/fidl.dart';
import 'package:lib.user.dart/user.dart';
import 'package:lib.widgets/model.dart';
import 'package:fuchsia/fuchsia.dart' as fuchsia;
import '../widgets/window_media_query.dart';
import 'user_shell_model.dart';
export '' show StartupContext;
export 'user_shell_model.dart' show UserShellModel;
/// A wrapper widget intended to be the root of the application that is
/// a [UserShell]. Its main purpose is to hold the [StartupContext] and
/// [UserShell] instances so they aren't garbage collected.
/// For convenience, [advertise] does the advertising of the app as a
/// [UserShell] to the rest of the system via the [StartupContext].
/// Also for convienence, the [UserShellModel] given to this widget as well as
/// an [IdleModel] will be made available to [_child] and [_child]'s descendants.
class UserShellWidget<T extends UserShellModel> extends StatelessWidget {
/// The [StartupContext] to [advertise] its [UserShell] services to.
final StartupContext _startupContext;
/// The binding for the [Lifecycle] service implemented by [UserShellImpl].
final LifecycleBinding _lifecycleBinding;
final IdleModel _idleModel = new IdleModel();
/// The [UserShellImpl] whose services to [advertise].
final UserShellImpl _userShell;
/// The rest of the application.
final Widget _child;
final T _userShellModel;
final VoidCallback _onWindowMetricsChanged;
/// Constructor.
factory UserShellWidget({
StartupContext startupContext,
T userShellModel,
VoidCallback onWindowMetricsChanged,
Widget child,
}) =>
new UserShellWidget<T>._create(
startupContext: startupContext,
userShellModel: userShellModel,
onWindowMetricsChanged: onWindowMetricsChanged,
child: child,
lifecycleBinding: new LifecycleBinding(),
StartupContext startupContext,
T userShellModel,
VoidCallback onWindowMetricsChanged,
Widget child,
LifecycleBinding lifecycleBinding,
}) : _startupContext = startupContext,
_userShellModel = userShellModel,
_onWindowMetricsChanged = onWindowMetricsChanged,
_child = child,
_lifecycleBinding = lifecycleBinding,
_userShell = new UserShellImpl(
startupContext: startupContext,
onReady: userShellModel?.onReady,
onStopping: userShellModel?.onStop,
onNotify: userShellModel?.onNotify,
watchAll: userShellModel?.watchAll,
onStop: () {
Widget build(BuildContext context) => new MaterialApp(
home: new Material(
child: new Directionality(
textDirection: TextDirection.ltr,
child: new WindowMediaQuery(
onWindowMetricsChanged: _onWindowMetricsChanged,
child: new Listener(
// TODO: determine idleness in a better way (DNO-147).
onPointerDown: (_) => _idleModel.onUserInteraction(),
onPointerMove: (_) => _idleModel.onUserInteraction(),
onPointerUp: (_) => _idleModel.onUserInteraction(),
onPointerCancel: (_) => _idleModel.onUserInteraction(),
behavior: HitTestBehavior.translucent,
child: new ScopedModel<IdleModel>(
model: _idleModel,
child: _userShellModel == null
? _child
: new ScopedModel<T>(
model: _userShellModel,
child: _child,
/// Advertises [_userShell] as a [LifeCycle] to the rest of the system via
/// the [StartupContext].
void advertise() {
(InterfaceRequest<Lifecycle> request) =>
_lifecycleBinding.bind(_userShell, request),