blob: e76f04553f94a1471c785178b08161c39952b5bb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_modular/fidl_async.dart'
show StoryInfo, StoryController, StoryVisibilityState;
import 'package:fuchsia_modular_flutter/session_shell.dart'
show SessionShell, Story;
import 'package:tiler/tiler.dart' show TilerModel, TileModel;
import 'ermine_story.dart';
// The minimum size of a tile we support.
const _kMinTileSize = Size(320, 240);
/// Defines a collection of [ClusterModel] instances. Calls [notifyListeners] when
/// a cluster is added or deleted.
class ClustersModel extends ChangeNotifier {
/// The list of [ClusterModel] initialized to one cluster.
final List<ClusterModel> clusters = [ClusterModel()];
/// The cluster currently in view.
final ValueNotifier<ClusterModel> currentCluster =
final _storyToCluster = <String, ClusterModel>{};
/// Change notifier when fullscreen is toggled for a story.
ValueNotifier<ErmineStory> fullscreenStoryNotifier = ValueNotifier(null);
/// Get the current story that is fullscreen.
ErmineStory get fullscreenStory => fullscreenStoryNotifier.value;
/// Returns [true] if currentCluster is the first cluster.
bool get isFirst =>
currentCluster.value == null || currentCluster.value == clusters.first;
/// Returns [true] if currentCluster is the last cluster.
bool get isLast =>
currentCluster.value == null || currentCluster.value == clusters.last;
/// Maximize the story to fullscreen: it's visual state to IMMERSIVE.
void maximize(String id) {
if (fullscreenStoryNotifier.value?.id == id) {
fullscreenStoryNotifier.value?.visibilityState =
fullscreenStoryNotifier.value = getStory(id)
..visibilityState = StoryVisibilityState.immersive;
/// Restore the story to non-fullscreen mode: it's visual state to DEFAULT.
void restore(String id) {
if (fullscreenStoryNotifier.value?.id != id) {
fullscreenStoryNotifier.value?.visibilityState =
fullscreenStoryNotifier.value = null;
/// Returns the story given it's id.
ErmineStory getStory(String id) => _storyToCluster[id]?.getStory(id);
/// Creates and adds a [Story] to the current cluster given it's [StoryInfo],
/// [SessionShell] and [StoryController]. Returns the created instance.
Story addStory({
StoryInfo info,
SessionShell sessionShell,
StoryController controller,
}) {
final story = ErmineStory(
info: info,
sessionShell: sessionShell,
controller: controller,
clustersModel: this,
// Add the story to the current cluster
currentCluster.value ??= clusters.first;
_storyToCluster[] = currentCluster.value..add(story);
// If current cluster is the last cluster, add one more to allow user
// to navigate to it.
if (currentCluster.value == clusters.last) {
return story;
/// Removes the [story] from the current cluster. If this is the last story
/// in the cluster, the cluster is also removed unless it is the last cluster.
void removeStory(Story story) {
final cluster = _storyToCluster[]..remove(story);
int index = clusters.indexOf(cluster);
// If this story was fullscreen, first restore it.
if (story == fullscreenStory) {
// If there are no more stories in this cluster, remove it. We keep two
// clusters alive at all times.
if (!_storyToCluster.values.contains(cluster) && clusters.length > 1) {
// Current cluster was removed, switch to another.
if (cluster == currentCluster.value) {
if (cluster == clusters.last) {
currentCluster.value = clusters[index - 1];
} else {
currentCluster.value = clusters[index + 1];
/// Set's the [currentCluster] to the next cluster, if available.
void nextCluster() {
if (fullscreenStory == null && currentCluster.value != clusters.last) {
currentCluster.value =
clusters[clusters.indexOf(currentCluster.value) + 1];
/// Set's the [currentCluster] to the previous cluster, if available.
void previousCluster() {
if (fullscreenStory == null && currentCluster.value != clusters.first) {
currentCluster.value =
clusters[clusters.indexOf(currentCluster.value) - 1];
/// Defines a collection of [Story] instances, internally held in TilerModel.
/// Calls [notifyListeners] when a story is added or removed from the cluster.
class ClusterModel extends ChangeNotifier {
/// The title of the cluster.
String title = '';
/// The [TilerModel] that holds the [Tile] per [Story].
final TilerModel<ErmineStory> tilerModel = TilerModel();
final _storyToTile = <String, TileModel<ErmineStory>>{};
bool get isEmpty => tilerModel.root.isEmpty;
ErmineStory getStory(String id) => _storyToTile[id]?.content;
/// Adds a [story] to this cluster.
void add(Story story) {
final tile = tilerModel.add(content: story, minSize: _kMinTileSize);
_storyToTile[] = tile;
/// Removes the [story] from this cluster.
void remove(Story story) {
final tile = _storyToTile[];