blob: 3f10736d1e2ca3f16c912fd2be2db0a3e9ca1c81 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of zircon;
// ignore_for_file: public_member_api_docs
/// Typed wrapper around a Zircon vmo object.
class Vmo extends _HandleWrapper<Vmo> {
Vmo(Handle handle) : super(handle);
GetSizeResult getSize() {
if (handle == null) {
return const GetSizeResult(ZX.ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
return System.vmoGetSize(handle);
int setSize(int size) {
if (handle == null || size < 0) {
return System.vmoSetSize(handle, size);
int write(ByteData data, [int vmoOffset = 0]) {
if (handle == null) {
return System.vmoWrite(handle, vmoOffset, data);
/// Duplicate this [Vmo] with the given rights.
Vmo duplicate(int rights) {
return Vmo(handle.duplicate(rights));
ReadResult read(int numBytes, [int vmoOffset = 0]) {
if (handle == null) {
return const ReadResult(ZX.ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
return System.vmoRead(handle, vmoOffset, numBytes);
/// Maps the Vmo into the process's root vmar, and returns it as a typed data
/// array.
/// The returned [Uint8List] is read-only. Attempts to write to it will
/// result in an UnsupportedError exception.
Uint8List map() {
if (handle == null) {
const int status = ZX.ERR_INVALID_ARGS;
throw new ZxStatusException(status, getStringForStatus(status));
MapResult r = System.vmoMap(handle);
if (r.status != ZX.OK) {
throw new ZxStatusException(r.status, getStringForStatus(r.status));
return new UnmodifiableUint8ListView(;
/// Typed wrapper around a Zircon vmo object, which also tracks its size.
class SizedVmo extends Vmo {
final int _size;
SizedVmo(Handle handle, this._size) : super(handle);
/// Uses fdio_get_vmo_clone() to get a VMO for the file at `path` in the
/// current Isolate's namespace.
/// The returned Vmo is read-only.
factory SizedVmo.fromFile(String path) {
FromFileResult r = System.vmoFromFile(path);
if (r.status != ZX.OK) {
throw new ZxStatusException(r.status, getStringForStatus(r.status));
return new SizedVmo(r.handle, r.numBytes);
/// Constructs a VMO using the given [bytes]. The returned Vmo is read-only.
factory SizedVmo.fromUint8List(Uint8List bytes) {
HandleResult r = System.vmoCreate(bytes.length);
if (r.status != ZX.OK) {
throw new ZxStatusException(r.status, getStringForStatus(r.status));
return new SizedVmo(r.handle, bytes.length)
/// Size of the Vmo in bytes.
int get size => _size;