blob: a44e2f780e82e3ed62c08cdbcbdcc2c087f404f2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import '';
import 'package:sledge/sledge.dart';
import 'package:sledge/src/query/field_value.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'helpers.dart';
Schema _newSchema1() {
final schemaDescription = <String, BaseType>{'s1': new LastOneWinsString()};
return new Schema(schemaDescription);
Schema _newSchema2() {
final schemaDescription = <String, BaseType>{'s2': new LastOneWinsString()};
return new Schema(schemaDescription);
Schema _newSchema3() {
final schemaDescription = <String, BaseType>{
'i1': new Integer(),
'i2': new Integer(),
's3': new LastOneWinsString(),
return new Schema(schemaDescription);
void main() async {
group('Queries with just a schema.', () {
test('Verify that getDocuments returns an empty list', () async {
Schema schema = _newSchema1();
Sledge sledge = newSledgeForTesting();
await sledge.runInTransaction(() async {
final query = new Query(schema);
final docs = await sledge.getDocuments(query);
expect(docs.length, equals(0));
test('Verify that getDocuments returns multiple documents', () async {
Schema schema1 = _newSchema1();
Schema schema2 = _newSchema2();
Sledge sledge = newSledgeForTesting();
Document docA;
Document docB;
// Save 3 documents in Sledge, two of which are instances of schema1.
await sledge.runInTransaction(() async {
docA = await sledge.getDocument(new DocumentId(schema1));
docA['s1'].value = 'foo';
docB = await sledge.getDocument(new DocumentId(schema1));
docB['s1'].value = 'bar';
final otherDoc = await sledge.getDocument(new DocumentId(schema2));
otherDoc['s2'].value = 'baz';
// Verify that `getDocuments` does not return any documents.
final docs = await sledge.getDocuments(new Query(schema1));
expect(docs.length, equals(0));
// Verify that `getDocuments` returns all instances of schema1.
await sledge.runInTransaction(() async {
final docs = await sledge.getDocuments(new Query(schema1));
expect(docs.length, equals(2));
expect(docs, contains(docA));
expect(docs, contains(docB));
group('Queries with equalities.', () {
test('Verify that getDocuments returns an empty list', () async {
Schema schema = _newSchema3();
Sledge sledge = newSledgeForTesting();
await sledge.runInTransaction(() async {
final comparisons = <String, QueryFieldComparison>{
'i1': new QueryFieldComparison(
new NumFieldValue(42), ComparisonType.equal)
final query = new Query(schema, comparisons: comparisons);
final docs = await sledge.getDocuments(query);
expect(docs.length, equals(0));
test('Verify that getDocuments returns documents', () async {
Schema schema = _newSchema3();
Sledge sledge = newSledgeForTesting();
// Create 5 documents.
Document doc1;
Document doc2;
Document doc3;
Document doc4;
Document doc5;
await sledge.runInTransaction(() async {
doc1 = await sledge.getDocument(new DocumentId(schema));
doc1['i1'].value = 1;
doc1['i2'].value = 10;
doc2 = await sledge.getDocument(new DocumentId(schema));
doc2['i1'].value = 2;
doc2['i2'].value = 20;
doc3 = await sledge.getDocument(new DocumentId(schema));
doc3['i1'].value = 1;
doc3['i2'].value = 30;
doc4 = await sledge.getDocument(new DocumentId(schema));
doc4['i1'].value = 2;
doc4['i2'].value = 30;
doc5 = await sledge.getDocument(new DocumentId(schema));
doc5['i1'].value = 2;
doc5['i2'].value = 20;
// Verify the resuts of queries with equalities.
await sledge.runInTransaction(() async {
QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder(schema)..addEqual('i1', 1);
final docs = await sledge.getDocuments(;
expect(docs.length, equals(2));
expect(docs, containsAll([doc1, doc3]));
QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder(schema)..addEqual('i2', 30);
final docs = await sledge.getDocuments(;
expect(docs.length, equals(2));
expect(docs, containsAll([doc3, doc4]));
QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder(schema)
..addEqual('i1', 2)
..addEqual('i2', 30);
final docs = await sledge.getDocuments(;
expect(docs.length, equals(1));
expect(docs, containsAll([doc4]));
// Verify the resuts of queries with inequalities.
await sledge.runInTransaction(() async {
final lessQb = new QueryBuilder(schema)..addLess('i2', 20);
final lessOrEqualQb = new QueryBuilder(schema)
..addLessOrEqual('i2', 20);
final greaterOrEqualQb = new QueryBuilder(schema)
..addGreaterOrEqual('i2', 20);
final greaterQb = new QueryBuilder(schema)..addGreater('i2', 20);
final docs = await sledge.getDocuments(;
expect(docs.length, equals(1));
expect(docs, containsAll([doc1]));
final docs = await sledge.getDocuments(;
expect(docs.length, equals(3));
expect(docs, containsAll([doc1, doc2, doc5]));
final docs = await sledge.getDocuments(;
expect(docs.length, equals(4));
expect(docs, containsAll([doc2, doc3, doc4, doc5]));
final docs = await sledge.getDocuments(;
expect(docs.length, equals(2));
expect(docs, containsAll([doc3, doc4]));