blob: cf75516a55e7cf1b212d2da46f7f97dd0fc4ff98 [file] [log] [blame]
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:mondrian/models/surface/positioned_surface.dart';
/// Utility function to assert properties of a [PositionedSurface].
void assertSurfaceProperties(PositionedSurface surface,
{double height, double width, Offset topLeft, Offset bottomRight}) {
expect(surface.surface, isNotNull);
Rect position = surface.position;
// TODO(jphsiao): remove hacks to make tests pass while width and height
// are incorrect. Issue is tracked in flutter as #18169
if (height != null) {
expect(_isWithinMargin(position.height, height, 0.01), true);
if (width != null) {
expect(_isWithinMargin(position.width, width, 0.01), true);
if (topLeft != null) {
double x = position.topLeft.dx;
expect(_isWithinMargin(x, topLeft.dx, 0.01), true);
double y = position.topLeft.dy;
expect(_isWithinMargin(y, topLeft.dy, 0.01), true);
if (bottomRight != null) {
double x = position.bottomRight.dx;
expect(_isWithinMargin(x, bottomRight.dx, 0.01), true);
double y = position.bottomRight.dy;
expect(_isWithinMargin(y, bottomRight.dy, 0.01), true);
/// Determines whether two values are within the provided margin
bool _isWithinMargin(double expected, double actual, double margin) {
return (expected - actual).abs() < margin;