blob: 72129319ebc61f96058d1b2722b8479ad95da4bf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:typed_data';
import '../../document/value.dart';
import '../../document/values/last_one_wins_value.dart';
import '../../sledge_connection_id.dart';
import '../base_type.dart';
/// The Sledge type to store booleans.
class Boolean implements BaseType {
String toJson() => 'Boolean';
Value newValue(ConnectionId connectionId) => LastOneWinsValue<bool>();
/// The Sledge type to store integers.
class Integer implements BaseType {
String toJson() => 'Integer';
Value newValue(ConnectionId connectionId) => LastOneWinsValue<int>();
/// The Sledge type to store doubles.
class Double implements BaseType {
String toJson() => 'Double';
Value newValue(ConnectionId connectionId) => LastOneWinsValue<double>();
/// The Sledge type to store strings with LWW merging strategy.
class LastOneWinsString implements BaseType {
String toJson() => 'LastOneWinsString';
Value newValue(ConnectionId connectionId) => LastOneWinsValue<String>();
/// The Sledge type to store byte data with LWW merging strategy.
class LastOneWinsUint8List implements BaseType {
String toJson() => 'LastOneWinsUint8List';
Value newValue(ConnectionId connectionId) =>