blob: 96c803ea03eaf06126171befeb49fdb99aab8cfe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'sizer.dart';
import 'tile.dart';
/// Defines a widget to arrange tiles supplied in [model]. For tiles that are
/// leaf nodes in the [model], it calls the [chromeBuilder] to build their
/// widget. The [sizerBuilder] is called to display a sizing widget between
/// two tiles. If [sizerBuilder] returns null, no space is created between
/// the tiles. The supplied [sizerThickness] is used during layout calculations.
class Tiler extends StatelessWidget {
final TilerModel model;
final TileChromeBuilder chromeBuilder;
final TileSizerBuilder sizerBuilder;
final double sizerThickness;
const Tiler({
@required this.model,
@required this.chromeBuilder,
this.sizerThickness = 0.0,
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return AnimatedBuilder(
animation: model,
builder: (_, __) => model.root != null
? Tile(
model: model.root,
chromeBuilder: chromeBuilder,
sizerBuilder: sizerBuilder,
sizerThickness: sizerThickness,
: Offstage(),
/// Defines a model to hold a tree of [TileModel]s. The leaf nodes are tiles
/// of type [TileType.content], branches can be [TileType.column] or
/// [TileType.row]. The member [root] holds the reference to the root tile.
class TilerModel extends ChangeNotifier {
TileModel root;
/// Initializes the [TilerModel] to start layout in supplied [direction].
TilerModel({this.root}) {
if (root != null) {
/// Returns the tile next to [tile] in the given [direction].
TileModel navigate(AxisDirection direction, TileModel tile) {
assert(tile != null);
switch (direction) {
case AxisDirection.left:
return _last(_previous(tile, TileType.column));
case AxisDirection.up:
return _last(_previous(tile, TileType.row));
case AxisDirection.right:
return _first(_next(tile, TileType.column));
case AxisDirection.down:
return _first(_next(tile, TileType.row));
return null;
/// Returns a new tile after splitting the supplied [tile] in the [direction].
/// The [tile] is split such that new tile has supplied [flex].
TileModel split({
@required TileModel tile,
Object content,
AxisDirection direction = AxisDirection.right,
double flex = 0.5,
}) {
assert(tile != null);
assert(flex > 0 && flex < 1);
final parent = tile.parent;
final newTile = TileModel(
type: TileType.content,
content: content,
flex: flex,
final newParent = TileModel(
type: _isHorizontal(direction) ? TileType.column : TileType.row,
tiles: axisDirectionIsReversed(direction)
? [newTile, tile]
: [tile, newTile],
// If parent is null, tile should be the root tile.
if (parent == null) {
assert(tile == root);
root = newParent;
} else {
int index = parent?.tiles?.indexOf(tile) ?? 0;
// Copy existing flex and resize offsets from tile.
newParent.parent = parent;
parent.tiles.insert(index, newParent);
newTile.parent = newParent;
..parent = newParent
..flex = 1 - flex;
return newTile;
/// Adds a new tile with [content] next to currently focused tile in the
/// [direction] specified.
TileModel add({
TileModel nearTile,
Object content,
AxisDirection direction = AxisDirection.right,
}) {
assert(direction != null);
final tile = TileModel(
type: TileType.content,
content: content,
if (root == null) {
root = tile;
} else {
nearTile ??= root;
_insert(nearTile, tile, direction);
return tile;
/// Removes (deletes) currently focused tile. Focus switches to the tile
/// preceding it.
void remove(TileModel tile) {
assert(tile != null);
void _initialize(TileModel tile, [TileModel parent]) {
assert(tile != null);
tile.parent = parent;
for (final child in tile.tiles) {
_initialize(child, tile);
void _remove(TileModel tile) {
if (tile == root) {
root = null;
} else {
assert(tile.parent != null);
final parent = tile.parent;
if (parent.tiles.isEmpty) {
// Remove empty parent.
} else if (parent.tiles.length == 1) {
// For parent with only one child, move the child to it's grand parent.
// and remove the parent.
final grandParent = parent.parent;
if (grandParent != null) {
final index = grandParent.tiles.indexOf(parent);
var child = parent.tiles.first;
child.parent = grandParent;
grandParent.tiles.insert(index, child);
} else {
assert(parent == root);
root = parent.tiles.first..parent = null;
tile.parent = null;
void _insert(TileModel focus, TileModel tile, AxisDirection direction) {
if (focus == root) {
root = TileModel(
type: _isHorizontal(direction) ? TileType.column : TileType.row,
tiles: [root],
root.tiles.first.parent = root;
_insert(focus, tile, direction);
if ((focus.parent.type == TileType.column && _isHorizontal(direction)) ||
(focus.parent.type == TileType.row && _isVertical(direction))) {
int index = focus.parent.tiles.indexOf(focus);
if (direction == AxisDirection.left || direction == AxisDirection.up) {
focus.parent.tiles.insert(index, tile);
} else {
focus.parent.tiles.insert(index + 1, tile);
tile.parent = focus.parent;
_insert(focus.parent, tile, direction);
/// Returns the tile next to [tile] in a column or row. If [tile] is the last
/// tile in the parent, it returns the next ancestor column or row. This is
/// usefule for finding the tile to the right or below the given [tile].
TileModel _next(TileModel tile, TileType type) {
if (tile == null || tile.parent == null) {
return null;
final tiles = tile.parent.tiles;
if (tile.parent.type == type && tile != tiles.last) {
int index = tiles.indexOf(tile);
return tiles[index + 1];
return _next(tile.parent, type);
/// Returns the tile previous to [tile] in a column or row. If [tile] is the
/// last tile in the parent, it returns the previous ancestor column or row.
/// This is useful for finding the tile to the left or above the given [tile].
TileModel _previous(TileModel tile, TileType type) {
if (tile == null || tile.parent == null) {
return null;
final tiles = tile.parent.tiles;
if (tile.parent.type == type && tile != tiles.first) {
int index = tiles.indexOf(tile);
return tiles[index - 1];
return _previous(tile.parent, type);
/// Returns the leaf tile node given a [tile] using depth first search.
TileModel _first(TileModel tile) {
if (tile == null || tile.type == TileType.content) {
return tile;
return _first(tile.tiles.first);
/// Returns the leaf tile node given a [tile] using depth last search.
TileModel _last(TileModel tile) {
if (tile == null || tile.type == TileType.content) {
return tile;
return _last(tile.tiles.last);
bool _isHorizontal(AxisDirection direction) =>
direction == AxisDirection.left || direction == AxisDirection.right;
bool _isVertical(AxisDirection direction) =>
direction == AxisDirection.up || direction == AxisDirection.down;