blob: 37fa7a9ad99ab56955bfeb8b4ee13ed292bd3764 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'sizer.dart';
typedef TileChromeBuilder = Widget Function(
BuildContext context, TileModel tile);
/// A [Widget] that renders a tile give its [TileModel]. If the tile type is
/// [TileType.content], it calls [chromeBuilder] to build a widget to render
/// the tile. Otherwise, it renders the [tiles] children in row or column
/// order. It calls [sizerBuilder] to get a sizing widget to display between
/// rows or columns of tiles.
class Tile extends StatelessWidget {
final TileModel model;
final TileChromeBuilder chromeBuilder;
final TileSizerBuilder sizerBuilder;
final double sizerThickness;
const Tile({
@required this.model,
@required this.chromeBuilder,
this.sizerThickness = 0.0,
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
if (model.type == TileType.content) {
return chromeBuilder(context, model);
} else if (model.tiles.isEmpty) {
return SizedBox.shrink();
} else {
return LayoutBuilder(
builder: (context, constraints) {
/// Compute individual tile width and height.
final type = model.type;
final width = constraints.maxWidth;
final height = constraints.maxHeight;
final numTiles = model.tiles.length;
final numSizers = numTiles - 1;
final tileWidth = type == TileType.column
? (width - sizerThickness * numSizers) / numTiles
: width;
final tileHeight = type == TileType.row
? (height - sizerThickness * numSizers) / numTiles
: height;
// Normalize the flex on each tile.
final flex = => t.flex).reduce((f1, f2) => f1 + f2);
for (var tile in model.tiles) {
..flex = tile.flex * (numTiles / flex)
..width = tileWidth
..height = tileHeight;
final tiles = model.tiles
.map<List<Widget>>((t) => t == model.tiles.first
? [
animation: t,
child: Tile(
model: t,
chromeBuilder: chromeBuilder,
sizerBuilder: sizerBuilder,
sizerThickness: sizerThickness,
builder: (context, child) => SizedBox(
width: t.width,
height: t.height,
child: child,
: [
direction: model.type == TileType.row
? Axis.horizontal
: Axis.vertical,
tileBefore: model.tiles[model.tiles.indexOf(t) - 1],
tileAfter: t,
sizerBuilder: sizerBuilder,
animation: t,
child: Tile(
model: t,
chromeBuilder: chromeBuilder,
sizerBuilder: sizerBuilder,
sizerThickness: sizerThickness,
builder: (context, child) => SizedBox(
width: t.width,
height: t.height,
child: child,
.expand((e) => e)
return model.type == TileType.row
? Column(
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch,
children: tiles,
: Row(
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch,
children: tiles,
enum TileType { content, row, column }
/// Defines a model for a tile. It is a tree data structure where each tile
/// model holds a reference to its parent and a list of children. If the type
/// of tile, [TileType] is [TileType.content], it is a leaf node tile.
/// The [content] of tile holds a reference to an arbitrary object, that is
/// passed to the caller during the construction of the tile's chrome widget.
class TileModel extends ChangeNotifier {
TileModel parent;
TileType type;
Object content;
List<TileModel> tiles;
@required this.type,
double flex = 1,
}) : _flex = flex {
tiles ??= <TileModel>[];
// Defines the flex factor on how the tile is sized.
double _flex = 1;
double get flex => _flex;
set flex(double value) {
_flex = value;
double _width = 0;
double get width =>
parent.type == TileType.column ? _width + _offset : _width;
set width(double value) {
_width = value;
double _height = 0;
double get height =>
parent.type == TileType.row ? _height + _offset : _height;
set height(double value) {
_height = value;
double _offset = 0;
double get offset => _offset;
set offset(double value) {
_offset += value;
// Called everytime flex or width/height is set.
void _computeOffset() {
if (parent.type == TileType.column) {
_offset = -(_width - (_width * _flex));
} else {
_offset = -(_height - (_height * _flex));
// Called everytime offset is set.
void _computeFlex() {
_flex = parent.type == TileType.column
? (_width + _offset) / _width
: (_height + _offset) / _height;
void copy(TileModel other) {
_offset = other._offset;
_flex = other._flex;
_width = other._width;
_height = other._height;
void reset() {
_flex = 1;
_offset = 0;
_width = 0;
_height = 0;
void notify() => notifyListeners();
String toString() => type == TileType.content
? '($content)'
: type == TileType.row ? 'row $tiles' : 'column $tiles';