blob: b35a06d71c6b6f3d19e562770106accfc2e443fc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
final DateFormat _kTimeOnlyDateFormat = DateFormat('h:mm', 'en_US');
final DateFormat _kDateOnlyDateFormat = DateFormat('EEEE MMM d', 'en_US');
final DateFormat _kShortStringDateFormat = DateFormat('h:mm', 'en_US');
final DateFormat _kLongStringDateFormat = DateFormat('EEEE h:mm', 'en_US');
final DateFormat _kMeridiemOnlyFormat = DateFormat('a', 'en_US');
/// Creates time strings and notifies when they change.
class TimeStringer extends Listenable {
final Set<VoidCallback> _listeners = <VoidCallback>{};
Timer _timer;
int _offsetMinutes = 0;
/// [listener] will be called whenever [shortString] or [longString] have
/// changed.
void addListener(VoidCallback listener) {
if (_listeners.length == 1) {
/// [listener] will no longer be called whenever [shortString] or [longString]
/// have changed.
void removeListener(VoidCallback listener) {
if (_listeners.isEmpty) {
_timer = null;
/// Returns the time only (eg. '10:34').
String get timeOnly => _kTimeOnlyDateFormat
/// Returns the date only (eg. 'MONDAY AUG 3').
String get dateOnly => _kDateOnlyDateFormat
/// Returns a short version of the time (eg. '10:34').
String get shortString =>
/// Returns a long version of the time including the day (eg. 'Monday 10:34').
String get longString =>
/// Returns the meridiem (eg. 'AM')
String get meridiem =>
/// Returns the offset, in minutes.
int get offsetMinutes => _offsetMinutes;
set offsetMinutes(int offsetMinutes) {
if (_offsetMinutes != offsetMinutes) {
_offsetMinutes = offsetMinutes;
void _scheduleTimer() {
_timer =
Timer(Duration(seconds: 61 -, () {
void _notifyListeners() {
for (VoidCallback listener in _listeners.toList()) {