blob: 49be67e52c3492d1b3213e96af72a4c0766d1406 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:zircon/zircon.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:fidl/fidl.dart';
import 'package:fidl_fidl_examples_bindingstest/fidl_async.dart';
void main() async {
group('proxy state', () {
test('initial', () {
final proxy = TestServerProxy();
expect(proxy.ctrl.state, equals(InterfaceState.unbound));
test('request', () {
final proxy = TestServerProxy();
expect(proxy.ctrl.whenBound, completes);
final request = proxy.ctrl.request();
expect(proxy.ctrl.state, equals(InterfaceState.bound));
expect(, isTrue);
test('bind', () {
final pair = InterfacePair<TestServer>();
final proxy = TestServerProxy();
expect(proxy.ctrl.whenBound, completes);
expect(proxy.ctrl.state, equals(InterfaceState.bound));
expect(, isTrue);
test('after bind', () {
// Set up a bound proxy...
var pair = InterfacePair<TestServer>();
final proxy = TestServerProxy();
// The bound proxy cannot be bound to a handle.
pair = InterfacePair<TestServer>();
expect(() => proxy.ctrl.bind(pair.handle), throwsA(anything));
// The bound proxy cannot vend an interface request.
expect(proxy.ctrl.request, throwsA(anything));
test('unbind', () {
// Set up a bound proxy...
final pair = InterfacePair<TestServer>();
final proxy = TestServerProxy();
expect(proxy.ctrl.whenClosed, completes);
final handle = proxy.ctrl.unbind();
expect(proxy.ctrl.state, equals(InterfaceState.closed));
expect(, isTrue);
expect(, isTrue);
test('close', () {
// Set up a bound proxy...
final pair = InterfacePair<TestServer>();
final proxy = TestServerProxy();
expect(proxy.ctrl.whenClosed, completes);
expect(proxy.ctrl.state, equals(InterfaceState.closed));
final readResult =;
expect(readResult.status, equals(ZX.ERR_PEER_CLOSED));
test('after close', () {
// Set up a closed proxy...
var pair = InterfacePair<TestServer>();
final proxy = TestServerProxy();
// The closed proxy will never reach bound state.
expect(proxy.ctrl.whenBound, throwsA(anything));
// The closed proxy cannot be bound to a handle.
pair = InterfacePair<TestServer>();
expect(() => proxy.ctrl.bind(pair.handle), throwsA(anything));
// The closed proxy cannot vend an interface request.
expect(proxy.ctrl.request, throwsA(anything));
// Calling close has no effect, nothing is thrown.