[trace_processing] Remove obsolete trace-cmp.py script

This script is unmaintained and obsolete.  Its modern replacement can be
found at

Change-Id: Ia9d95d0e6a3addaac2582112c0d68b5cef7d6856
Reviewed-on: https://fuchsia-review.googlesource.com/c/topaz/+/372256
Reviewed-by: Eric Jia <ejia@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Andrew Wilson <anwilson@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Nathan Rogers <nathanrogers@google.com>
diff --git a/tools/uiperf/trace-cmp.py b/tools/uiperf/trace-cmp.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 755e6e0..0000000
--- a/tools/uiperf/trace-cmp.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import argparse
-import collections
-import json
-import sys
-  import matplotlib.patches
-  import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-  import numpy as np
-  import pandas as pd
-  import scipy as sp
-  import scipy.stats
-  import seaborn as sns
-  plt.style.use('ggplot')
-except ImportError as e:
-  print("""\
-Looks like you didn't have one of the following libraries installed:
-  * matplotlib
-  * numpy
-  * pandas
-  * scipy
-  * seaborn
-Try installing them with:
-  $ sudo apt install python3-matplotlib python3-numpy python3-pandas python3-scipy python3-seaborn""")
-  raise e
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
-    description="""\
-Compare the distribution of event durations between two (groups of) trace files.
-Example usage:
-  ./topaz/tools/uiperf/trace-cmp.py \\
-    --event_name 'vsync callback' \\
-    --thread_names 'assistant_card_image_grid.ui' \\
-    --before trace-2018-10-09T21:00:25.json trace-2018-10-09T21:08:14.json \\
-    --after trace-2018-10-09T21:12:14.json trace-2018-10-09T22:03:04.json
-    formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
-    '--event_name',
-    default='vsync callback',
-    nargs='?',
-    help=
-    'What event name to look for in each trace.  By default, this is '
-    '\'vsync callback\', which is the total per frame workload on the Flutter '
-    'UI thread.'
-    '--thread_names',
-    default=[],
-    nargs='*',
-    help=
-    'What thread names to search for |event_name| in.  Example: "dashboard.ui".'
-    '--before',
-    default=[],
-    nargs='+',
-    help=
-    'A list of before (a build without your changes) json trace files.  Example: "trace-2018-10-09T22:18:26.json".'
-    '--after',
-    default=[],
-    nargs='+',
-    help=
-    'A list of after (a build with your changes) json trace files.  Example: "trace-2018-10-09T22:25:01.json".'
-# TODO: Add cdf as a graph option.
-valid_graph_args = {'none', 'density'}
-    '--graph',
-    default='none',
-    nargs='?',
-    help='Optionally display a density plot of the distribution of event durations.  Must be one of {}'.format(valid_graph_args)
-args = parser.parse_args()
-target_event_name = args.event_name
-target_thread_names = set(args.thread_names)
-before_filenames = args.before
-after_filenames = args.after
-if len(before_filenames) == 0:
-  print('List of before tracefiles must be non-empty.')
-  parser.print_usage()
-  sys.exit(1)
-if len(after_filenames) == 0:
-  parser.print_usage()
-  print('List of after tracefiles must be non-empty.')
-  sys.exit(1)
-if args.graph not in valid_graph_args:
-  parser.print_usage()
-  print('Invalid --graph argument, must be one of {}'.format(valid_graph_args))
-  sys.exit(1)
-# {
-#   pthread:0x1234: {'Before': [e0, e1, ...], 'After': [e0, e1, ...]},
-#   pthread:0x1235: {'Before': [e0, e1, ...], 'After': [e0, e1, ...]},
-# }
-thread_name_to_groups = collections.defaultdict(
-    lambda: collections.defaultdict(list))
-for group, filenames in [('Before', before_filenames), ('After',
-                                                        after_filenames)]:
-  for filename in filenames:
-    with open(filename) as f:
-      root_object = json.load(f)
-    system_trace_events = root_object['systemTraceEvents']
-    trace_events = root_object['traceEvents']
-    # A mapping of thread ids to thread names.
-    tid_to_name = {}
-    for e in system_trace_events['events']:
-      if e['ph'] == 't':
-        tid_to_name[e['tid']] = e['name']
-    # Group (events sorted by ts) by tid.
-    by_tid = collections.defaultdict(list)
-    for e in trace_events:
-      by_tid[e['tid']].append(e)
-    for k, v in by_tid.items():
-      by_tid[k] = sorted(v, key=lambda e: e['ts'])
-    for tid, es in by_tid.items():
-      thread_name = tid_to_name[tid]
-      if len(
-          target_thread_names) > 0 and thread_name not in target_thread_names:
-        continue
-      events = [e for e in es if e['name'] == target_event_name]
-      event_durations = []
-      begin_stack = []
-      # If the first event's phase is end, then remove it.
-      if len(events) > 0 and events[0]['ph'] == 'E':
-        events.pop(0)
-      for e in events:
-        if e['ph'] == 'B':
-          begin_stack.append(e)
-        elif e['ph'] == 'E':
-          popped = begin_stack.pop()
-          event_durations.append(e['ts'] - popped['ts'])
-        else:
-          assert False
-      assert len(begin_stack) == 0
-      if len(event_durations) == 0:
-        continue
-      thread_name_to_groups[thread_name][group].append(event_durations)
-for thread_name, groups in thread_name_to_groups.items():
-  if ('Before' in groups) ^ ('After' in groups):
-    print('Found thread name "{}" only in {} trace'.format(
-        thread_name, ['Before', 'After']['After' in groups]))
-  df = pd.DataFrame(columns=[
-      'Group',
-      'Count',
-      # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sample_maximum_and_minimum
-      'Minimum',
-      # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percentile
-      '25th Percentile',
-      # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median
-      'Median',
-      # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sample_mean_and_covariance
-      'Mean',
-      '75th Percentile',
-      '90th Percentile',
-      '95th Percentile',
-      '99th Percentile',
-      'Maximum',
-      # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_deviation#Sample_standard_deviation
-      'Standard Deviation',
-      # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median_absolute_deviation
-      'Median Absolute Deviation',
-      # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outlier#Tukey's_fences
-      'Tukey Outlier Count',
-  ])
-  yss = []
-  for key in ['Before', 'After']:
-    group = groups[key]
-    ys = []
-    for item in group:
-      ys += item
-    ys = np.array(ys)
-    yss.append(ys)
-    color = {
-        'Before': 'blue',
-        'After': 'orange',
-    }[key]
-    sns.distplot(ys, rug=True, color=color, label=key, bins=20)
-    row = {}
-    row['Group'] = key
-    row['Count'] = ys.shape[0]
-    row['Minimum'] = ys.min()
-    row['25th Percentile'] = np.percentile(ys, 25)
-    row['Median'] = np.percentile(ys, 50)
-    row['Mean'] = ys.mean()
-    row['75th Percentile'] = np.percentile(ys, 75)
-    row['90th Percentile'] = np.percentile(ys, 90)
-    row['95th Percentile'] = np.percentile(ys, 95)
-    row['99th Percentile'] = np.percentile(ys, 99)
-    row['Maximum'] = ys.max()
-    row['Standard Deviation'] = ys.std()
-    median = np.median(ys)
-    row['Median Absolute Deviation'] = np.median(
-        [np.abs(y - median) for y in ys])
-    q1 = np.percentile(ys, 25)
-    q3 = np.percentile(ys, 75)
-    iqr = q3 - q1
-    l = q1 - 1.5 * iqr
-    u = q3 + 1.5 * iqr
-    outliers = [y for y in ys if not (l <= y <= u)]
-    row['Tukey Outlier Count'] = len(outliers)
-    df = df.append(row, ignore_index=True)
-  print('Results for {}:'.format(thread_name))
-  print('Units: Microseconds')
-  print(df.to_string(index=False, float_format='%.2f', justify='center'))
-  # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mann%E2%80%93Whitney_U_test
-  u_statistic, p_value = sp.stats.mannwhitneyu(
-      yss[0], yss[1], alternative='two-sided')
-  cutoff = 0.05
-  report_result = 'DIFFERED' if p_value < cutoff else 'DID NOT DIFFER'
-  print('Mann–Whitney U test:')
-  print(
-      'The distributions of the two groups {} significantly (Mann-Whitney U={:.2f}, P={:.2f}, cutoff={:.2f}).'
-      .format(report_result, u_statistic, p_value, cutoff))
-  if args.graph == 'density':
-    plt.title('{}: Before/After {} Durations'.format(thread_name,
-                                                     target_event_name))
-    plt.xlabel('Microseconds')
-    plt.ylabel('Density')
-    before_patch = matplotlib.patches.Patch(color='blue', label='Before')
-    after_patch = matplotlib.patches.Patch(color='orange', label='After')
-    plt.legend(handles=[before_patch, after_patch])
-    plt.show()
-  print('')
-  print('===')
-  print('')