blob: d24b9e2ce0c4d8c1a8669662d733cf2c7f56f05f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
declare_args() {
flutter_default_app = "flutter_jit_app"
declare_args() {
# Controls whether dart_app() targets generate JIT or AOT Dart snapshots.
# This defaults to JIT, use `fx set <ARCH> --args
# 'dart_default_app="dart_aot_app"' to switch to AOT.
dart_default_app = "dart_jit_app"
declare_args() {
# When AOT compiling, an app will reference objects in the sharing basis's
# snapshot when available instead of writing the objects in its own snapshot.
# The snapshot of the sharing basis app will be included in every other app's
# package and deduplicated by blobfs.
flutter_aot_sharing_basis = ""
# Enable profiling and tracing. Default is true in Debug builds and false
# in release builds.
if (is_debug) {
flutter_profile = true
} else {
flutter_profile = false
# Whether experimental space dart mode is enabled for Flutter applications.
flutter_space_dart = true
# Whether experimental space dart mode is enabled for Dart applications.
dart_space_dart = true
declare_args() {
# When AOT compiling, an app will reference objects in the sharing basis's
# snapshot when available instead of writing the objects in its own snapshot.
# The snapshot of the sharing basis app will be included in every other app's
# package and deduplicated by blobfs.
if (dart_default_app == "dart_jit_app") {
# module_suggester is not AOT compiled in debug builds
dart_aot_sharing_basis = ""
} else {
dart_aot_sharing_basis =
# In product mode, we force all Flutter apps to use a specific runtime mode.
# Currently, we force them all to use JIT, but we might switch to DBC in the
# future.
flutter_product_app = "flutter_dart_jit_component"
flutter_base = "//third_party/dart-pkg/git/flutter"
flutter_tools_label =
flutter_tools_out_dir = get_label_info(flutter_tools_label, "root_out_dir")
flutter_tools_bin = "$flutter_tools_out_dir/dart-tools/fuchsia_builder"
flutter_asset_tools_label = "$flutter_base/packages/flutter_tools:fuchsia_asset_builder($host_toolchain)"
flutter_asset_tools_out_dir =
get_label_info(flutter_asset_tools_label, "root_out_dir")
flutter_asset_tools_bin =
# In product mode, we force all Dart apps to use a specific runtime mode.
# Currently, we force them all to use JIT, but we might switch to DBC in the
# future.
dart_product_app = "flutter_dart_jit_component"
# Defines a Flutter and Dart package with JIT runtime components
# After Flutter and Dart JIT runtime components are calculated in
# flutter_dart_jit_component, put them all into one Fuchsia package.
# Parameters
# components_with_kernel (required)
# [list of scopes] Defines the components in the package. Either main_dart
# or components must be defined, but not both.
# Entries in a scope in the components_with_kernel list:
# kernel_target_name (required)
# Name of the kernel target.
# kernel_manifest (required)
# Manifest file for the dart kernel.
# deps (required)
# Dependencies of this component.
# sources (required)
# Source files of this component.
# component_resources (required)
# Resources of this component.
template("_flutter_dart_jit_package") {
package(target_name) {
package_name = invoker.pkg_name
deps = invoker.cmx_deps
extra = []
public_deps = []
foreach(component, invoker.components_with_kernel) {
deps += [ ":${component.kernel_target_name}" ]
deps += component.deps
extra += [ component.kernel_manifest ]
if (component.component_type == "flutter") {
extra += [ component.asset_manifest ]
deps += [ ":${component.component_resources}" ]
if (defined(invoker.non_dart_deps)) {
deps += invoker.non_dart_deps
resources = []
if (defined(invoker.resources)) {
resources += invoker.resources
if (defined(invoker.invoker_resources)) {
resources += invoker.invoker_resources
meta = invoker.cmx_filtered_meta
template("_flutter_jit_asset_manifest") {
action("${target_name}_resources") {
script = "//topaz/runtime/flutter_runner/build/"
args = [
if (defined(invoker.manifest)) {
args += [
deps = [
outputs = [
# Defines JIT runtime components to be further distributed in one package.
# Takes a set of flutter and dart components and puts them into one fuchsia
# package with the flutter_jit_runner as its runtime. Also supports legacy
# calls where the components parameter isn't specified, in which we will create
# one default component for the package.
# Parameters
# components (required)
# [list of scopes] Defines the components in the package. Either main_dart
# or components must be defined, but not both.
# Entries in a scope in the resources list:
# component_name (required)
# Name of the component.
# main_dart (required)
# File containing the main function of the component.
# dart_package_name (optional)
# Name of the dart package for the component. If not provided, it will
# be inferred from the component name.
# package_root (optional)
# Path to the dart package for the component. If not provided, it will
# be assumed as ".".
# sources (optional)
# Relative path of source files to be included in the dart package for
# the component at $package_root/lib.
# main_dart (required)
# File containing the main function of the application. Either main_dart or
# components must be defined, but not both.
# pkg_name (required)
# Name of the fuchsia package these components shall reside in.
# legacy_component (required)
# True if this template is invoked with an inferred components field, for
# legacy calls that assume just one component per fuchsia package.
# package_name (optional)
# Name of the Dart package. This is used as an identifier in code that
# depends on the dart library that the *one and only* component generates.
# Only compatible when legacy_component = true.
template("flutter_dart_jit_component") {
pkg_name = invoker.pkg_name
legacy_component = invoker.legacy_component
components = []
components += invoker.components
if (defined(invoker.flutter_driver_extendable)) {
flutter_driver_extendable = invoker.flutter_driver_extendable
} else {
flutter_driver_extendable = false
package_meta = []
if (defined(invoker.meta)) {
package_meta = invoker.meta
# Inject appropriate "runner" into Component manifests
cmx_filtered_meta = []
cmx_deps = []
# Build the kernel for each of the components, and bundle them in the same
# scope for later packaging.
components_with_kernel = []
foreach(component, components) {
assert(defined(component.main_dart), "Must specify main_dart file")
if (component.component_type == "flutter") {
product = !flutter_profile
if (defined(invoker.product)) {
product = invoker.product
if (dart_force_product) {
product = true
gen_bytecode = false
interpreter = false
if ((defined(invoker.space_dart) && invoker.space_dart) ||
flutter_space_dart) {
gen_bytecode = true
interpreter = true
product_suffix = ""
if (product) {
product_suffix = "_product"
runtime_meta =
} else if (component.component_type == "dart") {
product = !is_debug
if (defined(invoker.product)) {
product = invoker.product
if (dart_force_product) {
product = true
product_suffix = ""
if (product) {
product_suffix = "_product"
gen_bytecode = false
interpreter = false
if ((defined(invoker.space_dart) && invoker.space_dart) ||
dart_space_dart) {
gen_bytecode = true
interpreter = true
runtime_meta = "//topaz/runtime/dart_runner/meta/jit${product_suffix}_runtime"
# Look through the package meta for cmx file for this component, and merge
# in the runner.
found_cmx = false
foreach(item, package_meta) {
dest = item.path
if (defined(item.dest)) {
dest = item.dest
if (get_path_info(dest, "file") == "${component.component_name}.cmx") {
merged = "merged_" + get_path_info(dest, "file")
json_merge(merged) {
sources = [
merged_outputs = []
merged_outputs += get_target_outputs(":$merged")
item.path = merged_outputs[0]
cmx_deps += [ ":$merged" ]
cmx_filtered_meta += [ item ]
found_cmx = true
assert(found_cmx, "could not find ${component.component_name}.cmx for component ${component.component_name}!")
component_name = component.component_name
# TODO(CP-142): Should be renamed to component_root
package_root = component.package_root
if (legacy_component) {
kernel_name = target_name
} else {
kernel_name = component_name
kernel_target_name = kernel_name + "_kernel"
kernel_manifest = "$target_gen_dir/${kernel_target_name}.dilpmanifest"
if (component.component_type == "flutter") {
dart_library_target_name = "${kernel_name}_dart_library"
dart_target_gen_dir =
get_label_info(":bogus($dart_toolchain)", "target_gen_dir")
dot_packages = "$dart_target_gen_dir/$dart_library_target_name.packages"
if (flutter_driver_extendable) {
generated_extension_wrapper =
generated_extension_wrapper_main_dart = component.main_dart
action("${kernel_name}_extensions_wrapper") {
script =
args = [
"--main-dart=" + rebase_path(generated_extension_wrapper_main_dart,
"--out=" + rebase_path(generated_extension_wrapper),
outputs = [
dart_kernel(kernel_name) {
if (component.component_type == "flutter") {
platform_name = "flutter_runner"
platform_deps =
[ "//topaz/runtime/flutter_runner/kernel:kernel_platform_files" ]
platform_path = "$root_out_dir/flutter_runner_patched_sdk"
} else if (component.component_type == "dart") {
platform_name = "dart_runner"
platform_deps =
[ "//topaz/runtime/dart_runner/kernel:kernel_platform_files" ]
platform_path = "$root_out_dir/dart_runner_patched_sdk"
# TODO(CP-140): These variables should be from the component
deps = component.deps
sources = component.sources
if (defined(component.dart_package_name)) {
package_name = component.dart_package_name
} else if (defined(invoker.package_name)) {
package_name = invoker.package_name
if (flutter_driver_extendable) {
main_dart = generated_extension_wrapper
} else {
main_dart = component.main_dart
manifest = kernel_manifest
args = [
# TODO(CP-140): Should be forwarded from the component.
non_dart_deps = []
if (defined(invoker.non_dart_deps)) {
non_dart_deps = invoker.non_dart_deps
if (flutter_driver_extendable) {
deps += [
non_dart_deps +=
[ ":${kernel_name}_extensions_wrapper($target_toolchain)" ]
if (component.component_type == "flutter") {
asset_manifest = "$target_gen_dir/build/${kernel_name}_pkgassets"
_flutter_jit_asset_manifest(kernel_name) {
components_with_kernel += [
component_type = component.component_type
kernel_target_name = kernel_target_name
kernel_manifest = kernel_manifest
asset_manifest = asset_manifest
deps = component.deps
sources = component.sources
component_resources = "${kernel_name}_resources"
} else if (component.component_type == "dart") {
components_with_kernel += [
component_type = component.component_type
kernel_target_name = kernel_target_name
kernel_manifest = kernel_manifest
deps = component.deps
sources = component.sources
invoker_resources = []
if (defined(invoker.resources)) {
invoker_resources += invoker.resources
found_cmx = false
foreach(item, package_meta) {
dest = item.path
if (defined(item.dest)) {
dest = item.dest
if (get_path_info(dest, "extension") == "cmx") {
found_cmx = true
} else {
cmx_filtered_meta += [ item ]
assert(found_cmx, "Failed to inject runner for ${target_name}; missing cmx")
# We have all components and their kernels generated now. We call package() to
# put everything into a fuchsia package, merging deps, extra, meta etc.
_flutter_dart_jit_package(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*")
# Defines a Flutter and Dart package with AOT runtime components
# After Flutter and Dart AOT runtime components are calculated in
# flutter_dart_aot_component, put them all into one Fuchsia package.
# Parameters
# components_with_kernel (required)
# [list of scopes] Defines the components in the package. Either main_dart
# or components must be defined, but not both.
# Entries in a scope in the components_with_kernel list:
# kernel_target_name (required)
# Name of the kernel target.
# kernel_manifest (required)
# Manifest file for the dart kernel.
# deps (required)
# Dependencies of this component.
# sources (required)
# Source files of this component.
# component_resources (required)
# Resources of this component.
template("_flutter_dart_aot_package") {
package(target_name) {
package_name = invoker.pkg_name
non_dart_deps = []
if (defined(invoker.non_dart_deps)) {
non_dart_deps = invoker.non_dart_deps
deps = non_dart_deps + invoker.cmx_deps
extra = []
resources = []
foreach(component, invoker.components_with_kernel) {
deps += [
] + component.component_shared_snapshot_deps + component.deps
if (component.component_type == "flutter") {
extra += [ component.asset_manifest ]
deps += [ ":${component.component_resources}" ]
resources_path = "${component.component_name}/"
resources += [
path = rebase_path(component.snapshot_data_path)
dest = "${resources_path}isolate_snapshot_data.bin"
path = rebase_path(component.snapshot_instructions_path)
dest = "${resources_path}isolate_snapshot_instructions.bin"
path = rebase_path(component.shared_snapshot_data_path)
dest = "${resources_path}shared_snapshot_data.bin"
path = rebase_path(component.shared_snapshot_instructions_path)
dest = "${resources_path}shared_snapshot_instructions.bin"
if (component.component_type == "flutter") {
resources += [
path = rebase_path(component.vm_snapshot_data_path)
dest = "${resources_path}vm_snapshot_data.bin"
path = rebase_path(component.vm_snapshot_instructions_path)
dest = "${resources_path}vm_snapshot_instructions.bin"
if (defined(invoker.invoker_resources)) {
resources += invoker.invoker_resources
if (defined(invoker.resources)) {
resources += invoker.resources
meta = invoker.cmx_filtered_meta
# Defines AOT runtime components to be further distributed in one package.
# Takes a set of flutter and dart components and puts them into one fuchsia
# package with the flutter_aot_runner as its runtime. Also supports legacy
# calls where the components parameter isn't specified, in which we will create
# one default component for the package.
# Parameters
# components (required)
# [list of scopes] Defines the components in the package. Either main_dart
# or components must be defined, but not both.
# Entries in a scope in the resources list:
# component_name (required)
# Name of the component.
# main_dart (required)
# File containing the main function of the component.
# dart_package_name (optional)
# Name of the dart package for the component. If not provided, it will
# be inferred from the component name.
# package_root (optional)
# Path to the dart package for the component. If not provided, it will
# be assumed as ".".
# sources (optional)
# Relative path of source files to be included in the dart package for
# the component at $package_root/lib.
# main_dart (required)
# File containing the main function of the application. Either main_dart or
# components must be defined, but not both.
# pkg_name (required)
# Name of the fuchsia package these components shall reside in.
# legacy_component (required)
# True if this template is invoked with an inferred components field, for
# legacy calls that assume just one component per fuchsia package.
# package_name (optional)
# Name of the Dart package. This is used as an identifier in code that
# depends on the dart library that the *one and only* component generates.
# Only compatible when legacy_component = true.
template("flutter_dart_aot_component") {
pkg_name = invoker.pkg_name
legacy_component = invoker.legacy_component
components = []
components += invoker.components
package_meta = []
if (defined(invoker.meta)) {
package_meta = invoker.meta
# Inject appropriate "runner" into Component manifests
cmx_filtered_meta = []
cmx_deps = []
# Build the kernel for each of the components, and bundle them in the same
# scope for later packaging.
components_with_kernel = []
foreach(component, components) {
assert(defined(component.main_dart), "Must specify main_dart file")
if (component.component_type == "flutter") {
product = !flutter_profile
} else if (component.component_type == "dart") {
product = !is_debug
if (defined(invoker.product)) {
product = invoker.product
if (dart_force_product) {
product = true
product_suffix = ""
if (product) {
product_suffix = "_product"
if (component.component_type == "flutter") {
runtime_meta =
} else if (component.component_type == "dart") {
runtime_meta =
# Look through the package meta for cmx file for this component, and merge
# in the runner.
found_cmx = false
foreach(item, package_meta) {
dest = item.path
if (defined(item.dest)) {
dest = item.dest
if (get_path_info(dest, "file") == "${component.component_name}.cmx") {
merged = "merged_" + get_path_info(dest, "file")
json_merge(merged) {
sources = [
merged_outputs = []
merged_outputs += get_target_outputs(":$merged")
item.path = merged_outputs[0]
cmx_deps += [ ":$merged" ]
cmx_filtered_meta += [ item ]
found_cmx = true
assert(found_cmx, "could not find ${component.component_name}.cmx for component ${component.component_name}!")
component_name = component.component_name
# TODO(CP-142): Should be renamed to component_root
package_root = component.package_root
if (legacy_component) {
kernel_name = target_name
} else {
kernel_name = component_name
kernel_target_name = kernel_name + "_kernel"
kernel_path = "$target_gen_dir/${kernel_target_name}.dil"
if (component.component_type == "flutter") {
dart_library_target_name = "${kernel_name}_dart_library"
dart_kernel(kernel_name) {
if (component.component_type == "flutter") {
platform_name = "flutter_runner"
platform_deps =
[ "//topaz/runtime/flutter_runner/kernel:kernel_platform_files" ]
platform_path = "$root_out_dir/flutter_runner_patched_sdk"
} else if (component.component_type == "dart") {
platform_name = "dart_runner"
platform_deps =
[ "//topaz/runtime/dart_runner/kernel:kernel_platform_files" ]
platform_path = "$root_out_dir/dart_runner_patched_sdk"
# TODO(CP-140): These variables should be from the component
deps = component.deps
sources = component.sources
if (defined(component.dart_package_name)) {
package_name = component.dart_package_name
} else if (defined(invoker.package_name)) {
package_name = invoker.package_name
main_dart = component.main_dart
args = [
# TODO(rmacnak): VM snapshot is ignored. Allow skipping its generation.
vm_snapshot_data_path = "$target_gen_dir/${kernel_name}_vm_data.aotsnapshot"
vm_snapshot_instructions_path =
snapshot_data_path = "$target_gen_dir/${kernel_name}_data.aotsnapshot"
snapshot_instructions_path =
snapshot_target_name = kernel_name + "_snapshot"
if (component.component_type == "flutter" &&
flutter_aot_sharing_basis != "" &&
get_label_info(":$kernel_name", "label_no_toolchain") !=
get_label_info(flutter_aot_sharing_basis, "label_no_toolchain")) {
# Note: The use of "label_no_toolchain" is to ensure we are comparing
# fully qualified target names. We don't actually care about the
# toolchain.
shared_snapshot_deps = []
shared_snapshot_deps =
[ get_label_info(flutter_aot_sharing_basis, "label_no_toolchain") +
"_snapshot" ]
prefix = get_label_info(flutter_aot_sharing_basis, "target_gen_dir") +
"/" + get_label_info(flutter_aot_sharing_basis, "name")
shared_snapshot_data_path = "${prefix}_data.aotsnapshot"
shared_snapshot_instructions_path = "${prefix}_instructions.aotsnapshot"
} else if (component.component_type == "dart" &&
dart_aot_sharing_basis != "" &&
get_label_info(":$kernel_name", "label_no_toolchain") !=
get_label_info(dart_aot_sharing_basis, "label_no_toolchain")) {
# Note: The use of "label_no_toolchain" is to ensure we are comparing
# fully qualified target names. We don't actually care about the
# toolchain.
shared_snapshot_deps = []
shared_snapshot_deps =
[ get_label_info(dart_aot_sharing_basis, "label_no_toolchain") +
"_snapshot" ]
prefix = get_label_info(dart_aot_sharing_basis, "target_gen_dir") + "/" +
get_label_info(dart_aot_sharing_basis, "name")
shared_snapshot_data_path = "${prefix}_data.aotsnapshot"
shared_snapshot_instructions_path = "${prefix}_instructions.aotsnapshot"
} else {
shared_snapshot_deps = []
shared_snapshot_data_path = "//topaz/runtime/dart_runner/empty"
shared_snapshot_instructions_path = "//topaz/runtime/dart_runner/empty"
stats_target_name = "${kernel_name}_stats"
stats_json_path = "$target_gen_dir/${kernel_name}/stats/symbol_sizes.json"
stats_html_dir = "$target_gen_dir/${kernel_name}/stats"
action(snapshot_target_name) {
if (defined(invoker.testonly)) {
testonly = invoker.testonly
deps =
gen_snapshot_deps + shared_snapshot_deps + [ ":$kernel_target_name" ]
inputs = [
outputs = [
if (product) {
script = gen_snapshot_product
} else {
script = gen_snapshot
args = [
"--vm_snapshot_data=" + rebase_path(vm_snapshot_data_path),
"--vm_snapshot_instructions=" +
"--isolate_snapshot_data=" + rebase_path(snapshot_data_path),
"--isolate_snapshot_instructions=" +
"--shared_data=" + rebase_path(shared_snapshot_data_path),
"--shared_instructions=" +
"--print-instructions-sizes-to=" + rebase_path(stats_json_path),
if (is_debug && !product) {
args += [ "--enable_asserts" ]
args += [ rebase_path(kernel_path) ]
pool = "//build/dart:dart_pool($dart_toolchain)"
dart_action(stats_target_name) {
if (defined(invoker.testonly)) {
testonly = invoker.testonly
deps = [
script = "//third_party/dart/pkg/vm/bin/run_binary_size_analysis.dart"
inputs = [
outputs = [
args = [
if (component.component_type == "flutter") {
asset_manifest = "$target_gen_dir/build/${kernel_name}_pkgassets"
dart_target_gen_dir =
get_label_info(":bogus($dart_toolchain)", "target_gen_dir")
dot_packages = "$dart_target_gen_dir/$dart_library_target_name.packages"
action("${kernel_name}_resources") {
script = "//topaz/runtime/flutter_runner/build/"
args = [
if (defined(invoker.manifest)) {
args += [
deps = [
outputs = [
components_with_kernel += [
component_type = component.component_type
kernel_target_name = kernel_target_name
component_name = component_name
asset_manifest = asset_manifest
snapshot_target_name = snapshot_target_name
stats_target_name = stats_target_name
vm_snapshot_data_path = vm_snapshot_data_path
vm_snapshot_instructions_path = vm_snapshot_instructions_path
snapshot_data_path = snapshot_data_path
snapshot_instructions_path = snapshot_instructions_path
shared_snapshot_data_path = shared_snapshot_data_path
shared_snapshot_instructions_path = shared_snapshot_instructions_path
component_shared_snapshot_deps = shared_snapshot_deps
deps = component.deps
sources = component.sources
component_resources = "${kernel_name}_resources"
} else if (component.component_type == "dart") {
components_with_kernel += [
component_type = component.component_type
kernel_target_name = kernel_target_name
component_name = component_name
snapshot_target_name = snapshot_target_name
stats_target_name = stats_target_name
snapshot_data_path = snapshot_data_path
snapshot_instructions_path = snapshot_instructions_path
shared_snapshot_data_path = shared_snapshot_data_path
shared_snapshot_instructions_path = shared_snapshot_instructions_path
component_shared_snapshot_deps = shared_snapshot_deps
deps = component.deps
sources = component.sources
if (defined(invoker.resources)) {
invoker_resources = invoker.resources
} else {
invoker_resources = []
found_cmx = false
foreach(item, package_meta) {
dest = item.path
if (defined(item.dest)) {
dest = item.dest
if (get_path_info(dest, "extension") == "cmx") {
found_cmx = true
} else {
cmx_filtered_meta += [ item ]
assert(found_cmx, "Failed to inject runner for ${target_name}; missing cmx")
# We have all components and their kernels generated now. We call package() to
# put everything into a fuchsia package, merging deps, extra, meta etc.
_flutter_dart_aot_package(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*")