blob: d976cf9af95543fcbe06f03847522b880de9a3fd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// ignore_for_file: always_specify_types
// ignore_for_file: public_member_api_docs
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth/fidl.dart' as bt;
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth_le/fidl.dart' as ble;
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_modular/fidl.dart';
import '';
import '';
import 'package:lib.module_resolver.dart/intent_builder.dart';
import 'package:lib.proposal.dart/proposal.dart';
final ProposalPublisherProxy _proposalPublisher = new ProposalPublisherProxy();
final StartupContext _context = new StartupContext.fromStartupInfo();
final ble.CentralDelegateBinding _delegateBinding =
new ble.CentralDelegateBinding();
final ble.CentralProxy _central = new ble.CentralProxy();
const String kEddystoneUuid = '0000feaa-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb';
final Set<String> proposed = new Set<String>();
Future<Null> proposeUrl(String url) async {
// TODO(jamuraa): resolve this URL for a title or more info?
// TODO(jamuraa): add icon for eddystone / physicalweb'Proposing URL: $url');
_proposalPublisher.propose(await createProposal(
id: 'Eddystone-URL: $url',
confidence: 0.0,
headline: 'Open nearby webpage',
subheadline: '$url',
details: 'Eddystone nearby webpage detected',
color: 0xFF0000FF,
actions: <Action>[
new Action.withCreateStory(
new CreateStory(intent: new IntentBuilder.handler(url).intent),
String toHexString(final Iterable<int> data) {
return data
.map((int byte) => byte.toRadixString(16).padLeft(2, '0'))
.join(' ');
String decodeEddystoneURL(Iterable<int> encoded) {
if (encoded.length < 2) {
return null;
const Map<int, String> prefixes = const {
0: 'http://www.',
1: 'https://www.',
2: 'http://',
3: 'https://',
const Map<int, String> expansions = const {
0: '.com/',
1: '.org/',
2: '.edu/',
3: '.net/',
4: '.info/',
5: '.biz/',
6: '.gov/',
7: '.com',
8: '.org',
9: '.edu',
10: '.net',
11: '.info',
12: '.biz',
13: '.gov',
String decoded = prefixes[encoded.first];
if (decoded == null) {
log.warning('Eddystone-URL has invalid scheme: ${encoded.first}');
return null;
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(decoded);
for (final int c in encoded.skip(1)) {
if ((c < 0x20) || (c > 0x7F)) {
} else {
buffer.write(new String.fromCharCode(c));
return buffer.toString();
class EddystoneScanner implements ble.CentralDelegate {
int _delayMinutes = 1;
void start(ble.Central central) {
ble.ScanFilter filter =
const ble.ScanFilter(serviceUuids: const [kEddystoneUuid]);'BLE starting scan for Eddystone beacons');
central.startScan(filter, (bt.Status status) {
if (status.error != null) {
'BLE scan start failed: ${status.error.description}, retry in $_delayMinutes mins');
new Timer(new Duration(minutes: _delayMinutes), () => start(_central));
_delayMinutes *= 2;
if (_delayMinutes > 60) {
_delayMinutes = 60;
// ble.CentralDelegate overrides:
// ignore: avoid_positional_boolean_parameters
void onScanStateChanged(bool scanning) {'BLE adapter scan state changed: $scanning');
if (!scanning) {
_delayMinutes = 1;
void onDeviceDiscovered(ble.RemoteDevice device) {
ble.AdvertisingData ad = device.advertisingData;
for (final ble.ServiceDataEntry entry in ad.serviceData) {
if (entry.uuid != kEddystoneUuid) {'Not Eddystone: $entry.uuid');
if ( < 4) {
log.warning('invalid Eddystone format, dropping');
if ([0] == 0x10) {
// Eddystone-URL
String url =
if (url != null && !proposed.contains(url)) {
// We never connect to any peripherals so this implementation does nothing.
void onPeripheralDisconnected(String id) {}
Future<Null> main(List<dynamic> args) async {
setupLogger(name: 'Eddystone Agent');'Agent starting');
// ignore: unawaited_futures
.then((proxyerror) => log.warning('BLE Central: $proxyerror'));
connectToService(_context.environmentServices, _proposalPublisher.ctrl);
connectToService(_context.environmentServices, _central.ctrl);
var scanner = new EddystoneScanner();