blob: 454ac0511e99e85140088b312c5f7cbf5e11f228 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:fidl/fidl.dart';
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_modular/fidl.dart' as fidl;
import '';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'link_watcher_impl.dart';
export 'package:fidl_fuchsia_modular/fidl.dart';
/// Hosts a [LinkWatcherImpl] and manages the underlying [binding].
class LinkWatcherHost {
/// The [Binding] that connects the [impl] to client requests.
final fidl.LinkWatcherBinding binding = fidl.LinkWatcherBinding();
/// Callback for when the Link content value updates.
final LinkWatcherNotifyCallback onNotify;
/// The impl that handles client requests by delegating to the [onNotify]
/// callback.
LinkWatcherImpl impl;
/// Constructor.
@required this.onNotify,
}) : assert(onNotify != null) {
impl = LinkWatcherImpl(
onNotify: onNotify,
..onBind = _handleBind
..onClose = _handleClose
..onConnectionError = _handleConnectionError
..onUnbind = _handleUnbind;
Completer<InterfaceHandle<fidl.LinkWatcher>> _wrap;
/// Async version of binding.wrap()
Future<InterfaceHandle<fidl.LinkWatcher>> wrap() {
if (_wrap != null) {
Exception err = Exception(
'failing due to rebind attempt on an active connection');
return _wrap.future;
} else {
_wrap = Completer<InterfaceHandle<fidl.LinkWatcher>>();
InterfaceHandle<fidl.LinkWatcher> handle;
try {
handle = binding.wrap(impl);
} on Exception catch (err, stackTrace) {
_wrap.completeError(err, stackTrace);
return _wrap.future;
// TODO: binding.wrap should use exceptions instead of a null value for
// failure modes.
if (handle == null) {
Exception err = Exception('failed to wrap LinkWatcherImpl');
// Give the async errors a chance to bubble before resolving with a success.
scheduleMicrotask(() {
if (!_wrap.isCompleted) {
return _wrap.future;
void _handleConnectionError() {
Exception err = Exception('binding connection failed');
if (_wrap != null && !_wrap.isCompleted) {
log.severe('binding connection failed outside of async control flow.');
void _handleBind() {
log.fine('binding ready');
void _handleUnbind() {
log.fine('binding unbound');
void _handleClose() {
log.fine('binding closed');
void _reset() {
// _wrap is reset so it can be called again without returning the previous,
// unbound interface handle.
_wrap = null;
/// Closes the underlying binding, usually called as a direct effect of
/// Lifecycle::terminate (see being triggered by the
/// framework.
Future<Null> terminate() async {
log.fine('terminate called, closing $binding');
return null;