blob: 8ff8dcdee8e08dcfdc068e22f60cefa057cb9a79 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:tiler/tiler.dart';
void main() {
group('init', () {
test('should create an instance of tiler', () {
model: null,
chromeBuilder: null,
sizerBuilder: null,
test('should create an instance of TilerModel with non-null root', () {
final tiler = TilerModel();
expect(tiler, isNotNull);
expect(tiler.root, isNotNull);
test('should create an instance of TilerModel with content tile', () {
final tiler = TilerModel<String>()..add(content: 'x');
expect(tiler.root.isCollection, true);
expect(tiler.root.tiles.first.isContent, true);
expect(tiler.root.tiles.first.content, 'x');
test('should allow initializing with empty row or column', () {
final tiler = TilerModel(root: TileModel(type: TileType.row));
expect(tiler.root.type, TileType.row);
expect(tiler.root.tiles.isEmpty, true);
group('add tile', () {
test('should not allow content root', () {
() => TilerModel(
root: TileModel(
type: TileType.content,
content: 'root',
test('should allow specifying nearTile = null with non-null root', () {
final tiler = TilerModel(
root: TileModel(
type: TileType.column,
tiles: [
type: TileType.content,
content: 'root',
)..add(content: 'new');
expect(tiler.root.type, TileType.column);
expect(tiler.root.tiles.length, 2);
expect(tiler.root.tiles.first.content, 'root');
expect(tiler.root.tiles.last.content, 'new');
test('should allow specifying nearTile = null with null root', () {
final tiler = TilerModel<String>()..add(content: 'new');
expect(tiler.root.isCollection, true);
expect(tiler.root.tiles.first.isContent, true);
expect(tiler.root.tiles.first.content, 'new');
test('should add to the right of given tile in a column', () {
final tiler = TilerModel(
root: TileModel(
type: TileType.column,
tiles: [
type: TileType.content,
content: 'near',
final nearTile = tiler.root.tiles.first;
nearTile: nearTile,
direction: AxisDirection.right,
content: 'right',
expect(nearTile, tiler.root.tiles.first);
expect(tiler.root.tiles.first.content, 'near');
expect(tiler.root.tiles.last.content, 'right');
test('should add to the left of given tile in a column', () {
final tiler = TilerModel(
root: TileModel(type: TileType.column, tiles: [
type: TileType.content,
content: 'near',
final nearTile = tiler.root.tiles.first;
nearTile: nearTile,
direction: AxisDirection.left,
content: 'left',
expect(nearTile, tiler.root.tiles.last);
expect(tiler.root.tiles.last.content, 'near');
expect(tiler.root.tiles.first.content, 'left');
test('should add to the top of given tile in a column', () {
final tiler = TilerModel(
root: TileModel(type: TileType.column, tiles: [
TileModel(type: TileType.content, content: 'a'),
TileModel(type: TileType.content, content: 'b'),
final nearTile = tiler.root.tiles.first;
nearTile: nearTile,
direction: AxisDirection.up,
content: 'up',
// Expected layout:
// TileType.row [
// TileType.content('up'),
// TileType.column [
// TileType.content('a')
// TileType.content('b')
// ]
// ]
expect(nearTile, tiler.root.tiles.last.tiles.first);
expect(tiler.root.tiles.last.tiles.first.content, 'a');
expect(tiler.root.tiles.first.content, 'up');
test('up should change from column to row for only one child', () {
final tiler = TilerModel(
root: TileModel(type: TileType.column, tiles: [
TileModel(type: TileType.content, content: 'a'),
final nearTile = tiler.root.tiles.first;
nearTile: nearTile,
direction: AxisDirection.up,
content: 'up',
// Expected layout:
// TileType.row [
// TileType.content('up'),
// TileType.content('a'),
// ]
expect(nearTile, tiler.root.tiles.last);
expect(tiler.root.tiles.last.content, 'a');
expect(tiler.root.tiles.first.content, 'up');
test('should add to the bottom of given tile in a column', () {
final tiler = TilerModel(
root: TileModel(type: TileType.column, tiles: [
TileModel(type: TileType.content, content: 'a'),
TileModel(type: TileType.content, content: 'b'),
final nearTile = tiler.root.tiles.first;
nearTile: nearTile,
direction: AxisDirection.down,
content: 'down',
// Expected layout:
// TileType.row [
// TileType.column [
// TileType.content('a')
// TileType.content('b'),
// ],
// TileType.content('down')
// ]
expect(nearTile, tiler.root.tiles.first.tiles.first);
expect(tiler.root.tiles.first.tiles.first.content, 'a');
expect(tiler.root.tiles.last.content, 'down');
test('down should change from column to row for only one child', () {
final tiler = TilerModel(
root: TileModel(type: TileType.column, tiles: [
TileModel(type: TileType.content, content: 'a'),
final nearTile = tiler.root.tiles.first;
nearTile: nearTile,
direction: AxisDirection.down,
content: 'down',
// Expected layout:
// TileType.row [
// TileType.content('a'),
// TileType.content('down'),
// ]
expect(nearTile, tiler.root.tiles.first);
expect(tiler.root.tiles.first.content, 'a');
expect(tiler.root.tiles.last.content, 'down');
group('split tile', () {
test('should not allow splitting a null tile', () {
expect(() => TilerModel()..split(tile: null), throwsAssertionError);
test('should not allow splitting root or collection tile', () {
final tiler = TilerModel(
root: TileModel(
type: TileType.column,
tiles: [
type: TileType.content,
content: 'first',
expect(() => tiler.split(tile: tiler.root), throwsAssertionError);
test('should reparent tile if split in same direction', () {
final tiler = TilerModel(
root: TileModel(
type: TileType.column,
tiles: [
type: TileType.content,
content: 'first',
final tile = tiler.root.tiles.first;
tile: tile,
content: 'new',
direction: AxisDirection.right,
// Expected layout:
// column [column [(first), (new)]]
expect(tiler.root.type, TileType.column);
expect(tiler.root.tiles.length, 1);
expect(tiler.root.tiles.first.type, TileType.column);
expect(tiler.root.tiles.first.tiles.length, 2);
expect(tiler.root.tiles.first.tiles.first.content, 'first');
expect(tiler.root.tiles.first.tiles.last.content, 'new');
expect(tiler.root.tiles.first.tiles.first, tile);
test('should reparent tile if split in cross direction(up)', () {
final tiler = TilerModel(
root: TileModel(
type: TileType.column,
tiles: [
type: TileType.content,
content: 'first',
final tile = tiler.root.tiles.first;
tile: tile,
content: 'new',
direction: AxisDirection.up,
// Expected layout:
// column [row [content(new), content(first)]]
expect(tiler.root.type, TileType.column);
expect(tiler.root.tiles.length, 1);
expect(tiler.root.tiles.first.type, TileType.row);
expect(tiler.root.tiles.first.tiles.length, 2);
expect(tiler.root.tiles.first.tiles.first.content, 'new');
expect(tiler.root.tiles.first.tiles.last.content, 'first');
expect(tiler.root.tiles.first.tiles.last, tile);
test('should reparent tile if split in cross direction(down)', () {
final tiler = TilerModel(
root: TileModel(
type: TileType.column,
tiles: [
type: TileType.content,
content: 'first',
final tile = tiler.root.tiles.first;
tile: tile,
content: 'new',
direction: AxisDirection.down,
// Expected layout:
// column [row [content(first), content(new)]]
expect(tiler.root.type, TileType.column);
expect(tiler.root.tiles.length, 1);
expect(tiler.root.tiles.first.type, TileType.row);
expect(tiler.root.tiles.first.tiles.length, 2);
expect(tiler.root.tiles.first.tiles.first.content, 'first');
expect(tiler.root.tiles.first.tiles.last.content, 'new');
expect(tiler.root.tiles.first.tiles.first, tile);
group('remove tile', () {
test('should not allow removing a null tile', () {
expect(() => TilerModel()..remove(null), throwsAssertionError);
test('should allow removing the root', () {
final tiler = TilerModel(
root: TileModel(
type: TileType.column,
tiles: [
type: TileType.content,
content: 'first',
expect(tiler.root.isCollection, true);
test('should remove empty parent, but not root', () {
final tiler = TilerModel(
root: TileModel(
type: TileType.row,
tiles: [
type: TileType.column,
tiles: [
TileModel(type: TileType.content),
expect(tiler.root.isCollection, true);
expect(tiler.root.type, TileType.row);
expect(tiler.root.tiles.isEmpty, true);
test('should remove one tile', () {
final tiler = TilerModel(
root: TileModel(
type: TileType.row,
tiles: [
TileModel(type: TileType.content, content: 'first'),
TileModel(type: TileType.content, content: 'second'),
expect(tiler.root.type, TileType.row);
expect(tiler.root.tiles.first.content, 'first');
test('should remove parent if left with one tile', () {
final tiler = TilerModel(
root: TileModel(
type: TileType.row,
tiles: [
TileModel(type: TileType.content, content: 'first'),
type: TileType.row,
tiles: [
TileModel(type: TileType.content, content: 'second'),
TileModel(type: TileType.content, content: 'third'),
expect(tiler.root.type, TileType.row);
expect(tiler.root.tiles.length, 2);
expect(tiler.root.tiles.first.content, 'first');
expect(tiler.root.tiles.last.content, 'second');