blob: 34c1aa66079ca87e488dd20e4f297063247a5861 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:built_collection/built_collection.dart';
import 'package:fuchsia_scenic_flutter/child_view_connection.dart';
import 'package:tiler/tiler.dart';
import '../layout.dart';
import '../tile_model/module_info.dart';
import '../tile_model/tile_layout_model.dart';
import '../tile_presenter/tile_presenter.dart';
import 'layout_policy.dart';
import 'layout_store.dart';
import 'layout_utils.dart';
// The user has requested a different layout.
typedef UserLayoutRequestCallback = void Function(TilerModel<ModuleInfo>);
/// The layout strategy manages a model of the layout that is shared with the
/// Presenter through the TileLayoutModel.
class DejaLayout extends Layout<TileLayoutModel> {
var _tilerModel = TilerModel<ModuleInfo>();
List<TilerModel<ModuleInfo>> _tilerModelSuggestions = [];
final _connections = <String, ChildViewConnection>{};
final _layoutPolicy = LayoutPolicy(layoutStore: LayoutStore());
/// Tiling layout presenter
TilePresenter presenter;
/// Construct a Layout Manage that uses the Deja layout algorithm.
/// Deja stores past layouts and matches them for the
/// new layout when views are added or removed.
RemoveSurfaceCallback removeSurface,
FocusChangeCallback changeFocus,
}) : super(
removeSurface: removeSurface,
changeFocus: changeFocus,
) {
presenter = TilePresenter(
removeSurfaceCallback: removeSurface,
changeFocusCallback: changeFocus,
requestLayoutCallback: _userLayoutRequest);
/// Called by Modular
void addSurface({
String surfaceId,
String intent,
ChildViewConnection view,
UnmodifiableListView<String> parameters,
}) {
final content = ModuleInfo(
modName: surfaceId,
intent: intent,
parameters: parameters,
// Find the largest tile in the _tilerModel and have our content split
// and insert itself there.
splitLargestContent(_tilerModel, content);
final tilerModels = _layoutPolicy.getLayout(_tilerModel);
_tilerModel = tilerModels.first;
_tilerModelSuggestions = tilerModels.take(4).toList();
_connections[surfaceId] = view;
/// Called by Modular
void deleteSurface(String surfaceId) {
final tile = findContent(_tilerModel, surfaceId);
if (tile != null) {
// Regenerate Layout Suggestions.
final tilerModels = _layoutPolicy.getLayout(_tilerModel);
_tilerModel = tilerModels.first;
_tilerModelSuggestions = tilerModels.take(4).toList();
/// A utility to send the layout to the presenter
void _onLayoutChange() {
model: _tilerModel, connections: BuiltMap(_connections)));
/// Presenter is asking that this new layout be made active. This follows some
/// user editing or re-arranging.
void _userLayoutRequest(TilerModel<ModuleInfo> model) {
final modsToRemove = getModsDifference(_tilerModel, model);
_tilerModel = model;
if (modsToRemove.isNotEmpty) {
// Regenerate Layout Suggestions.
final tilerModels = _layoutPolicy.getLayout(_tilerModel);
_tilerModel = tilerModels.first;
_tilerModelSuggestions = tilerModels.take(4).toList();