blob: 0de86582165dad44c0037e9e7100c272e626a532 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package ir
import (
// Documented is embedded in structs for declarations that may hold documentation.
type Documented struct {
Doc []string
// Type represents a FIDL datatype.
type Type struct {
Decl string // type in traditional bindings
SyncDecl string // type in async bindings when referring to traditional bindings
AsyncDecl string // type in async bindings when referring to async bindings
Nullable bool
declType types.DeclType
typedDataDecl string
typeExpr string
// Const represents a constant declaration.
type Const struct {
Type Type
Name string
Value string
// Enum represents an enum declaration.
type Enum struct {
Name string
Members []EnumMember
TypeSymbol string
TypeExpr string
// EnumMember represents a member of an enum declaration.
type EnumMember struct {
Name string
Value string
// Bits represents a bits declaration.
type Bits struct {
Name string
Members []BitsMember
TypeSymbol string
TypeExpr string
// BitsMember represents a member of a bits declaration.
type BitsMember struct {
Name string
Value string
// Union represents a union declaration.
type Union struct {
Name string
TagName string
Members []UnionMember
TypeSymbol string
TypeExpr string
OptTypeSymbol string
OptTypeExpr string
// UnionMember represents a member of a Union declaration.
type UnionMember struct {
Ordinal uint64
Type Type
Name string
CtorName string
Tag string
// Struct represents a struct declaration.
type Struct struct {
Name string
Members []StructMember
TypeSymbol string
TypeExpr string
HasNullableField bool
// StructMember represents a member of a struct declaration.
type StructMember struct {
Type Type
Name string
DefaultValue string
OffsetV1 int
typeExpr string
// Table represents a table declaration.
type Table struct {
Name string
Members []TableMember
TypeSymbol string
TypeExpr string
// TableMember represents a member of a table declaration.
type TableMember struct {
Ordinal int
Type Type
Name string
DefaultValue string
typeExpr string
// Interface represents an interface declaration.
type Interface struct {
Name string
ServiceName string
ServiceData string
ProxyName string
BindingName string
EventsName string
Methods []Method
HasEvents bool
type MethodResponse struct {
// WireParameters represent the parameters of the top level response struct
// that is sent on the wire
WireParameters []StructMember
// MethodParameters represent the parameters that the user interacts with
// when using generated methods. When HasError is false, this is the same as
// WireParameters. When HasError is true, MethodParameters corresponds to the
// fields of a succesful response.
MethodParameters []StructMember
HasError bool
ResultType Union
ValueType Type
ErrorType Type
// Method represents a method declaration within an interface declaration.
type Method struct {
Name string
HasRequest bool
Request []StructMember
HasResponse bool
Response MethodResponse
// AsyncResponseClass is a named tuple that wraps the MethodParameters of
// a response, and is only generated when there is more than one parameter
AsyncResponseClass string
AsyncResponseType string
CallbackType string
TypeSymbol string
TypeExpr string
Transitional bool
// Import describes another FIDL library that will be imported.
type Import struct {
URL string
LocalName string
AsyncURL string
// Root holds all of the declarations for a FIDL library.
type Root struct {
LibraryName string
Imports []Import
Consts []Const
Enums []Enum
Bits []Bits
Interfaces []Interface
Structs []Struct
Tables []Table
Unions []Union
type context map[string]bool
var (
// Name of a bits member
bitsMemberContext = make(context)
// Name of an enum member
enumMemberContext = make(context)
// Name of a struct member
structMemberContext = make(context)
// Name of a table member
tableMemberContext = make(context)
// Name of a union member
unionMemberContext = make(context)
// Tag of a union member
unionMemberTagContext = make(context)
// Name of a constant
constantContext = make(context)
// Name of a top-level declaration (other than a constant)
declarationContext = make(context)
// Name of a method
methodContext = make(context)
// Everywhere
func init() {
var allContexts = []context{
enumMemberContext, structMemberContext, tableMemberContext,
unionMemberContext, unionMemberTagContext, constantContext,
declarationContext, methodContext, bitsMemberContext,
var reservedWords = map[string][]context{
"assert": allContexts,
"async": allContexts,
"await": allContexts,
"break": allContexts,
"bool": {structMemberContext, tableMemberContext},
"case": allContexts,
"catch": allContexts,
"class": allContexts,
"const": allContexts,
"continue": allContexts,
"default": allContexts,
"do": allContexts,
"double": {structMemberContext, tableMemberContext},
"dynamic": {bitsMemberContext, enumMemberContext, methodContext, unionMemberContext, constantContext, tableMemberContext, structMemberContext},
"else": allContexts,
"enum": allContexts,
"extends": allContexts,
"false": allContexts,
"final": allContexts,
"finally": allContexts,
"for": allContexts,
"hashCode": {methodContext, bitsMemberContext, enumMemberContext, unionMemberContext, structMemberContext, tableMemberContext},
"noSuchMethod": {methodContext, enumMemberContext, unionMemberContext, structMemberContext, tableMemberContext},
"runtimeType": {methodContext, enumMemberContext, unionMemberContext, structMemberContext, tableMemberContext},
"index": {unionMemberTagContext},
"if": allContexts,
"in": allContexts,
"int": {bitsMemberContext, enumMemberContext, methodContext, unionMemberContext, constantContext, tableMemberContext, structMemberContext},
"is": allContexts,
"List": {declarationContext},
"Map": {declarationContext},
"new": allContexts,
"Never": {declarationContext},
"null": allContexts,
"Null": {declarationContext},
"num": {enumMemberContext, methodContext, unionMemberContext, constantContext, tableMemberContext, structMemberContext},
"Object": {declarationContext},
"override": allContexts,
"rethrow": allContexts,
"return": allContexts,
"String": allContexts,
"super": allContexts,
"switch": allContexts,
"this": allContexts,
"throw": allContexts,
"toString": {methodContext, bitsMemberContext, enumMemberContext, structMemberContext, tableMemberContext, unionMemberContext},
"true": allContexts,
"try": allContexts,
"values": {unionMemberTagContext},
"var": allContexts,
"void": allContexts,
"while": allContexts,
"with": allContexts,
"yield": allContexts,
for word, ctxs := range reservedWords {
for _, ctx := range ctxs {
ctx[word] = true
func (ctx context) changeIfReserved(str string) string {
if ctx[str] {
return str + "$"
return str
var declForPrimitiveType = map[types.PrimitiveSubtype]string{
types.Bool: "bool",
types.Int8: "int",
types.Int16: "int",
types.Int32: "int",
types.Int64: "int",
types.Uint8: "int",
types.Uint16: "int",
types.Uint32: "int",
types.Uint64: "int",
types.Float32: "double",
types.Float64: "double",
var typedDataDecl = map[types.PrimitiveSubtype]string{
types.Int8: "Int8List",
types.Int16: "Int16List",
types.Int32: "Int32List",
types.Int64: "Int64List",
types.Uint8: "Uint8List",
types.Uint16: "Uint16List",
types.Uint32: "Uint32List",
types.Uint64: "Uint64List",
types.Float32: "Float32List",
types.Float64: "Float64List",
var typeForPrimitiveSubtype = map[types.PrimitiveSubtype]string{
types.Bool: "BoolType",
types.Int8: "Int8Type",
types.Int16: "Int16Type",
types.Int32: "Int32Type",
types.Int64: "Int64Type",
types.Uint8: "Uint8Type",
types.Uint16: "Uint16Type",
types.Uint32: "Uint32Type",
types.Uint64: "Uint64Type",
types.Float32: "Float32Type",
types.Float64: "Float64Type",
func docStringLink(nameWithBars string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", nameWithBars[1:len(nameWithBars)-1])
var reLink = regexp.MustCompile("\\|([^\\|]+)\\|")
// TODO(pascallouis): rethink how we depend on the types package.
type Annotated interface {
LookupAttribute(types.Identifier) (types.Attribute, bool)
func docString(node Annotated) Documented {
attribute, ok := node.LookupAttribute("Doc")
if !ok {
return Documented{nil}
var docs []string
lines := strings.Split(attribute.Value, "\n")
if len(lines[len(lines)-1]) == 0 {
// Remove the blank line at the end
lines = lines[:len(lines)-1]
for _, line := range lines {
// Turn |something| into [something]
line = reLink.ReplaceAllStringFunc(line, docStringLink)
docs = append(docs, line)
return Documented{docs}
func formatBool(val bool) string {
return strconv.FormatBool(val)
func formatInt(val *int) string {
if val == nil {
return "null"
return strconv.Itoa(*val)
func formatParameterList(params []StructMember) string {
if len(params) == 0 {
return "null"
lines := []string{}
for _, p := range params {
lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf(" %s,\n", p.typeExpr))
return fmt.Sprintf("<$fidl.MemberType>[\n%s ]", strings.Join(lines, ""))
func formatStructMemberList(members []StructMember) string {
if len(members) == 0 {
return "<$fidl.MemberType>[]"
lines := []string{}
for _, v := range members {
lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf(" %s,\n", v.typeExpr))
return fmt.Sprintf("<$fidl.MemberType>[\n%s ]", strings.Join(lines, ""))
func formatTableMemberList(members []TableMember) string {
if len(members) == 0 {
return "<int, $fidl.FidlType>{}"
lines := []string{}
for _, v := range members {
lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf(" %d: %s,\n", v.Ordinal, v.Type.typeExpr))
return fmt.Sprintf("<int, $fidl.FidlType>{\n%s }", strings.Join(lines, ""))
func formatUnionMemberList(members []UnionMember) string {
if len(members) == 0 {
return "<int, $fidl.FidlType>{}"
var lines []string
for _, v := range members {
lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf(" %d: %s,\n", v.Ordinal, v.Type.typeExpr))
return fmt.Sprintf("<int, $fidl.FidlType>{\n%s }", strings.Join(lines, ""))
func formatLibraryName(library types.LibraryIdentifier) string {
parts := []string{}
for _, part := range library {
parts = append(parts, string(part))
return strings.Join(parts, "_")
func typeExprForPrimitiveSubtype(val types.PrimitiveSubtype) string {
t, ok := typeForPrimitiveSubtype[val]
if !ok {
log.Fatal("Unknown primitive subtype: ", val)
return fmt.Sprintf("$fidl.%s()", t)
func libraryPrefix(library types.LibraryIdentifier) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("lib$%s", formatLibraryName(library))
type compiler struct {
decls types.DeclMap
library types.LibraryIdentifier
typesRoot types.Root
requestResponsePayload map[types.EncodedCompoundIdentifier]types.Struct
func (c *compiler) getPayload(name types.EncodedCompoundIdentifier) types.Struct {
val, ok := c.requestResponsePayload[name]
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown request/response struct: %s", name))
return val
func (c *compiler) typeExprForMethod(val types.Method, request []StructMember, response []StructMember, name string) string {
var (
requestSize = 0
responseSize = 0
if val.RequestPayload != "" {
payload := c.getPayload(val.RequestPayload)
requestSize = payload.TypeShapeV1.InlineSize
if val.ResponsePayload != "" {
payload := c.getPayload(val.ResponsePayload)
responseSize = payload.TypeShapeV1.InlineSize
// request/response and requestInlineSize/responseInlineSize are null/0 for both empty
// payloads and when there are no request/responses. The HasRequest and HasResponse fields
// are used to distinguish between these two cases during codegen.
return fmt.Sprintf(`$fidl.MethodType(
request: %s,
response: %s,
name: r"%s",
requestInlineSize: %d,
responseInlineSize: %d,
)`, formatParameterList(request), formatParameterList(response), name,
requestSize, responseSize)
func (c *compiler) inExternalLibrary(ci types.CompoundIdentifier) bool {
if len(ci.Library) != len(c.library) {
return true
for i, part := range c.library {
if ci.Library[i] != part {
return true
return false
func (c *compiler) typeSymbolForCompoundIdentifier(ident types.CompoundIdentifier) string {
return c._typeSymbolForCompoundIdentifier(ident, "Type")
func (c *compiler) optTypeSymbolForCompoundIdentifier(ident types.CompoundIdentifier) string {
return c._typeSymbolForCompoundIdentifier(ident, "OptType")
func (c *compiler) _typeSymbolForCompoundIdentifier(ident types.CompoundIdentifier, suffix string) string {
t := fmt.Sprintf("k%s_%s", ident.Name, suffix)
if c.inExternalLibrary(ident) {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", libraryPrefix(ident.Library), t)
return t
func (c *compiler) compileUpperCamelIdentifier(val types.Identifier, context context) string {
return context.changeIfReserved(common.ToUpperCamelCase(string(val)))
func (c *compiler) compileLowerCamelIdentifier(val types.Identifier, context context) string {
return context.changeIfReserved(common.ToLowerCamelCase(string(val)))
func (c *compiler) compileCompoundIdentifier(val types.CompoundIdentifier, context context) string {
strs := []string{}
if c.inExternalLibrary(val) {
strs = append(strs, libraryPrefix(val.Library))
strs = append(strs, context.changeIfReserved(string(val.Name)))
return strings.Join(strs, ".")
func (c *compiler) compileUpperCamelCompoundIdentifier(val types.CompoundIdentifier, ext string, context context) string {
str := context.changeIfReserved(common.ToUpperCamelCase(string(val.Name))) + ext
val.Name = types.Identifier(str)
return c.compileCompoundIdentifier(val, context)
func (c *compiler) compileLowerCamelCompoundIdentifier(val types.CompoundIdentifier, ext string, context context) string {
constName := string(val.Name)
if string(val.Member) != "" {
constName = string(val.Member)
str := context.changeIfReserved(common.ToLowerCamelCase(string(constName))) + ext
val.Name = types.Identifier(str)
return c.compileCompoundIdentifier(val, context)
func (c *compiler) compileLiteral(val types.Literal) string {
switch val.Kind {
case types.StringLiteral:
// TODO(abarth): Escape more characters (e.g., newline).
return fmt.Sprintf("%q", val.Value)
case types.NumericLiteral:
// TODO(FIDL-486): Once we expose resolved constants for defaults, e.g.
// in structs, we will not need ignore hex and binary values.
if strings.HasPrefix(val.Value, "0x") || strings.HasPrefix(val.Value, "0b") {
return val.Value
// No special handling of floats.
if strings.ContainsRune(val.Value, '.') {
return val.Value
// For numbers larger than int64, they must be emitted as hex numbers.
// We simply do this for all positive numbers.
if strings.HasPrefix(val.Value, "-") {
return val.Value
num, err := strconv.ParseUint(val.Value, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("JSON IR contains invalid numeric literal: %s", val.Value))
return fmt.Sprintf("%#x", num)
case types.TrueLiteral:
return "true"
case types.FalseLiteral:
return "false"
case types.DefaultLiteral:
return "default"
log.Fatal("Unknown literal kind: ", val.Kind)
return ""
func (c *compiler) compileConstant(val types.Constant, t *Type) string {
switch val.Kind {
case types.IdentifierConstant:
v := c.compileLowerCamelCompoundIdentifier(types.ParseCompoundIdentifier(val.Identifier), "", constantContext)
if t != nil && t.declType == types.EnumDeclType {
v = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", t.Decl, v)
return v
case types.LiteralConstant:
return c.compileLiteral(val.Literal)
log.Fatal("Unknown constant kind: ", val.Kind)
return ""
func (c *compiler) compilePrimitiveSubtype(val types.PrimitiveSubtype) string {
if t, ok := declForPrimitiveType[val]; ok {
return t
log.Fatal("Unknown primitive type: ", val)
return ""
func (c *compiler) maybeCompileConstant(val *types.Constant, t *Type) string {
if val == nil {
return "null"
return c.compileConstant(*val, t)
func (c *compiler) compileType(val types.Type) Type {
r := Type{}
r.Nullable = val.Nullable
switch val.Kind {
case types.ArrayType:
t := c.compileType(*val.ElementType)
if len(t.typedDataDecl) > 0 {
r.Decl = t.typedDataDecl
r.SyncDecl = r.Decl
r.AsyncDecl = r.Decl
} else {
r.Decl = fmt.Sprintf("List<%s>", t.Decl)
r.SyncDecl = fmt.Sprintf("List<%s>", t.SyncDecl)
r.AsyncDecl = fmt.Sprintf("List<%s>", t.AsyncDecl)
elementStr := fmt.Sprintf("element: %s", t.typeExpr)
elementCountStr := fmt.Sprintf("elementCount: %s", formatInt(val.ElementCount))
r.typeExpr = fmt.Sprintf("$fidl.ArrayType<%s>(%s, %s)", r.Decl, elementStr, elementCountStr)
case types.VectorType:
t := c.compileType(*val.ElementType)
if len(t.typedDataDecl) > 0 {
r.Decl = t.typedDataDecl
r.SyncDecl = r.Decl
r.AsyncDecl = r.Decl
} else {
r.Decl = fmt.Sprintf("List<%s>", t.Decl)
r.SyncDecl = fmt.Sprintf("List<%s>", t.SyncDecl)
r.AsyncDecl = fmt.Sprintf("List<%s>", t.AsyncDecl)
elementStr := fmt.Sprintf("element: %s", t.typeExpr)
maybeElementCountStr := fmt.Sprintf("maybeElementCount: %s", formatInt(val.ElementCount))
nullableStr := fmt.Sprintf("nullable: %s", formatBool(val.Nullable))
r.typeExpr = fmt.Sprintf("$fidl.VectorType<%s>(%s, %s, %s)",
r.Decl, elementStr, maybeElementCountStr, nullableStr)
case types.StringType:
r.Decl = "String"
r.SyncDecl = r.Decl
r.AsyncDecl = r.Decl
r.typeExpr = fmt.Sprintf("$fidl.StringType(maybeElementCount: %s, nullable: %s)",
formatInt(val.ElementCount), formatBool(val.Nullable))
case types.HandleType:
var subtype string
switch val.HandleSubtype {
case "channel":
subtype = "Channel"
case "eventpair":
subtype = "EventPair"
case "socket":
subtype = "Socket"
case "vmo":
subtype = "Vmo"
subtype = "Handle"
r.Decl = "$zx." + subtype
r.SyncDecl = r.Decl
r.AsyncDecl = r.Decl
r.typeExpr = fmt.Sprintf("$fidl.%sType(nullable: %s)",
subtype, formatBool(val.Nullable))
case types.RequestType:
compound := types.ParseCompoundIdentifier(val.RequestSubtype)
t := c.compileUpperCamelCompoundIdentifier(compound, "", declarationContext)
r.Decl = fmt.Sprintf("$fidl.InterfaceRequest<%s>", t)
if c.inExternalLibrary(compound) {
r.SyncDecl = fmt.Sprintf("$fidl.InterfaceRequest<sync$%s>", t)
} else {
r.SyncDecl = fmt.Sprintf("$fidl.InterfaceRequest<$sync.%s>", t)
r.AsyncDecl = r.Decl
r.typeExpr = fmt.Sprintf("$fidl.InterfaceRequestType<%s>(nullable: %s)",
t, formatBool(val.Nullable))
case types.PrimitiveType:
r.Decl = c.compilePrimitiveSubtype(val.PrimitiveSubtype)
r.SyncDecl = r.Decl
r.AsyncDecl = r.Decl
r.typedDataDecl = typedDataDecl[val.PrimitiveSubtype]
r.typeExpr = typeExprForPrimitiveSubtype(val.PrimitiveSubtype)
case types.IdentifierType:
compound := types.ParseCompoundIdentifier(val.Identifier)
t := c.compileUpperCamelCompoundIdentifier(compound, "", declarationContext)
declType, ok := c.decls[val.Identifier]
if !ok {
log.Fatal("Unknown identifier: ", val.Identifier)
r.declType = declType
switch r.declType {
case types.ConstDeclType:
case types.EnumDeclType:
case types.BitsDeclType:
case types.StructDeclType:
case types.TableDeclType:
case types.UnionDeclType:
r.Decl = t
if c.inExternalLibrary(compound) {
r.SyncDecl = fmt.Sprintf("sync$%s", t)
} else {
r.SyncDecl = fmt.Sprintf("$sync.%s", t)
r.AsyncDecl = r.SyncDecl
if val.Nullable {
switch r.declType {
case types.UnionDeclType:
r.typeExpr = c.optTypeSymbolForCompoundIdentifier(types.ParseCompoundIdentifier(val.Identifier))
r.typeExpr = fmt.Sprintf("$fidl.PointerType<%s>(element: %s)",
t, c.typeSymbolForCompoundIdentifier(types.ParseCompoundIdentifier(val.Identifier)))
} else {
r.typeExpr = c.typeSymbolForCompoundIdentifier(types.ParseCompoundIdentifier(val.Identifier))
case types.InterfaceDeclType:
r.Decl = fmt.Sprintf("$fidl.InterfaceHandle<%s>", t)
if c.inExternalLibrary(compound) {
r.SyncDecl = fmt.Sprintf("$fidl.InterfaceHandle<sync$%s>", t)
} else {
r.SyncDecl = fmt.Sprintf("$fidl.InterfaceHandle<$sync.%s>", t)
r.AsyncDecl = r.Decl
r.typeExpr = fmt.Sprintf("$fidl.InterfaceHandleType<%s>(nullable: %s)",
t, formatBool(val.Nullable))
log.Fatal("Unknown declaration type: ", r.declType)
log.Fatal("Unknown type kind: ", val.Kind)
if r.AsyncDecl == "" {
log.Fatalf("No AsyncDecl for %s", r.Decl)
if r.SyncDecl == "" {
log.Fatalf("No SyncDecl for %s", r.Decl)
return r
func (c *compiler) compileConst(val types.Const) Const {
r := Const{
Type: c.compileType(val.Type),
Name: c.compileLowerCamelCompoundIdentifier(types.ParseCompoundIdentifier(val.Name), "", constantContext),
Value: c.compileConstant(val.Value, nil),
Documented: docString(val),
if r.Type.declType == types.EnumDeclType {
r.Value = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", r.Type.Decl, r.Value)
return r
func (c *compiler) compileEnum(val types.Enum) Enum {
ci := types.ParseCompoundIdentifier(val.Name)
n := c.compileUpperCamelCompoundIdentifier(ci, "", declarationContext)
e := Enum{
Name: n,
Members: []EnumMember{},
TypeSymbol: c.typeSymbolForCompoundIdentifier(ci),
TypeExpr: fmt.Sprintf("$fidl.EnumType<%s>(type: %s, ctor: %s._ctor)", n, typeExprForPrimitiveSubtype(val.Type), n),
Documented: docString(val),
for _, v := range val.Members {
e.Members = append(e.Members, EnumMember{
Name: c.compileLowerCamelIdentifier(v.Name, enumMemberContext),
Value: c.compileConstant(v.Value, nil),
Documented: docString(v),
return e
func (c *compiler) compileBits(val types.Bits) Bits {
ci := types.ParseCompoundIdentifier(val.Name)
n := c.compileUpperCamelCompoundIdentifier(ci, "", declarationContext)
if val.Type.Kind != types.PrimitiveType {
panic("unexpected, only primitives are allowed for bits declarations")
subtype := val.Type.PrimitiveSubtype
b := Bits{
Name: n,
TypeSymbol: c.typeSymbolForCompoundIdentifier(ci),
TypeExpr: fmt.Sprintf("$fidl.BitsType<%s>(type: %s, ctor: %s._ctor)", n, typeExprForPrimitiveSubtype(subtype), n),
Documented: docString(val),
for _, v := range val.Members {
b.Members = append(b.Members, BitsMember{
Name: c.compileLowerCamelIdentifier(v.Name, bitsMemberContext),
Value: c.compileConstant(v.Value, nil),
Documented: docString(v),
return b
func (c *compiler) compileParameterArray(payload types.EncodedCompoundIdentifier) []StructMember {
var parameters []StructMember
for _, v := range c.getPayload(payload).Members {
parameters = append(parameters, c.compileStructMember(v))
return parameters
func (c *compiler) compileMethodResponse(method types.Method) MethodResponse {
var (
resultUnion types.Union
resultType types.Type
valueStruct *types.Struct
valueType types.Type
isResult bool
isReponseUnion bool
parameters []StructMember
payload := c.getPayload(method.ResponsePayload).Members
// Method needs to have exactly one response arg
if !method.HasResponse || len(payload) != 1 {
goto NotAResult
// That arg must be a non-nullable identifier
resultType = payload[0].Type
if resultType.Kind != types.IdentifierType || resultType.Nullable {
goto NotAResult
// That identifier is for a union
isReponseUnion = false
for _, union := range c.typesRoot.Unions {
if union.Name == resultType.Identifier {
resultUnion = union
isReponseUnion = true
if !isReponseUnion {
goto NotAResult
// Union needs the [Result] attribute, two members
_, isResult = resultUnion.LookupAttribute("Result")
if !isResult || len(resultUnion.Members) != 2 {
goto NotAResult
// Find the struct
valueType = resultUnion.Members[0].Type
for _, decl := range c.typesRoot.Structs {
if decl.Name == valueType.Identifier {
valueStruct = &decl
if valueStruct == nil {
goto NotAResult
// Turn the struct into a parameter array that will be used for function arguments.
for _, v := range valueStruct.Members {
parameters = append(parameters, c.compileStructMember(v))
return MethodResponse{
WireParameters: c.compileParameterArray(method.ResponsePayload),
MethodParameters: parameters,
HasError: true,
ResultType: c.compileUnion(resultUnion),
ValueType: c.compileType(resultUnion.Members[0].Type),
ErrorType: c.compileType(resultUnion.Members[1].Type),
response := c.compileParameterArray(method.ResponsePayload)
return MethodResponse{
WireParameters: response,
MethodParameters: response,
func (c *compiler) compileMethod(val types.Method, protocol Interface, fidlProtocol types.Interface) Method {
var (
name = c.compileLowerCamelIdentifier(val.Name, methodContext)
request []StructMember
response MethodResponse
asyncResponseClass string
asyncResponseType string
if val.HasRequest && val.RequestPayload != "" {
request = c.compileParameterArray(val.RequestPayload)
if val.HasResponse && val.ResponsePayload != "" {
response = c.compileMethodResponse(val)
if len(response.MethodParameters) > 1 {
asyncResponseClass = fmt.Sprintf("%s$%s$Response", protocol.Name, val.Name)
if val.HasResponse {
switch len(response.MethodParameters) {
case 0:
asyncResponseType = "void"
case 1:
responseType := response.MethodParameters[0].Type
asyncResponseType = responseType.Decl
asyncResponseType = asyncResponseClass
_, transitional := val.LookupAttribute("Transitional")
return Method{
Ordinals: types.NewOrdinalsStep7(
fmt.Sprintf("_k%s_%s_Ordinal", protocol.Name, val.Name),
fmt.Sprintf("_k%s_%s_GenOrdinal", protocol.Name, val.Name),
Name: name,
HasRequest: val.HasRequest,
Request: request,
HasResponse: val.HasResponse,
Response: response,
AsyncResponseClass: asyncResponseClass,
AsyncResponseType: asyncResponseType,
CallbackType: fmt.Sprintf("%s%sCallback", protocol.Name, c.compileUpperCamelIdentifier(val.Name, methodContext)),
TypeSymbol: fmt.Sprintf("_k%s_%s_Type", protocol.Name, val.Name),
TypeExpr: c.typeExprForMethod(val, request, response.WireParameters, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", protocol.Name, val.Name)),
Transitional: transitional,
Documented: docString(val),
func (c *compiler) compileInterface(val types.Interface) Interface {
ci := types.ParseCompoundIdentifier(val.Name)
r := Interface{
c.compileUpperCamelCompoundIdentifier(ci, "", declarationContext),
c.compileUpperCamelCompoundIdentifier(ci, "Data", declarationContext),
c.compileUpperCamelCompoundIdentifier(ci, "Proxy", declarationContext),
c.compileUpperCamelCompoundIdentifier(ci, "Binding", declarationContext),
c.compileUpperCamelCompoundIdentifier(ci, "Events", declarationContext),
if r.ServiceName == "" {
r.ServiceName = "null"
for _, v := range val.Methods {
m := c.compileMethod(v, r, val)
r.Methods = append(r.Methods, m)
if !v.HasRequest && v.HasResponse {
r.HasEvents = true
return r
func (c *compiler) compileStructMember(val types.StructMember) StructMember {
t := c.compileType(val.Type)
defaultValue := ""
if val.MaybeDefaultValue != nil {
defaultValue = c.compileConstant(*val.MaybeDefaultValue, &t)
typeStr := fmt.Sprintf("type: %s", t.typeExpr)
offsetStr := fmt.Sprintf("offset: %v", val.FieldShapeV1.Offset)
return StructMember{
c.compileLowerCamelIdentifier(val.Name, structMemberContext),
fmt.Sprintf("$fidl.MemberType<%s>(%s, %s)", t.Decl, typeStr, offsetStr),
func (c *compiler) compileStruct(val types.Struct) Struct {
ci := types.ParseCompoundIdentifier(val.Name)
r := Struct{
Name: c.compileUpperCamelCompoundIdentifier(ci, "", declarationContext),
Members: []StructMember{},
TypeSymbol: c.typeSymbolForCompoundIdentifier(ci),
TypeExpr: "",
HasNullableField: false,
Documented: docString(val),
var hasNullableField = false
for _, v := range val.Members {
var member = c.compileStructMember(v)
if member.Type.Nullable {
hasNullableField = true
r.Members = append(r.Members, member)
if len(r.Members) == 0 {
r.Members = []StructMember{
r.HasNullableField = hasNullableField
r.TypeExpr = fmt.Sprintf(`$fidl.StructType<%s>(
inlineSize: %v,
members: %s,
ctor: %s._ctor,
)`, r.Name, val.TypeShapeV1.InlineSize, formatStructMemberList(r.Members), r.Name)
return r
func (c *compiler) compileTableMember(val types.TableMember) TableMember {
t := c.compileType(val.Type)
defaultValue := ""
if val.MaybeDefaultValue != nil {
defaultValue = c.compileConstant(*val.MaybeDefaultValue, &t)
return TableMember{
Ordinal: val.Ordinal,
Type: t,
Name: c.compileLowerCamelIdentifier(val.Name, tableMemberContext),
DefaultValue: defaultValue,
Documented: docString(val),
func (c *compiler) compileTable(val types.Table) Table {
ci := types.ParseCompoundIdentifier(val.Name)
r := Table{
Name: c.compileUpperCamelCompoundIdentifier(ci, "", declarationContext),
TypeSymbol: c.typeSymbolForCompoundIdentifier(ci),
Documented: docString(val),
for _, v := range val.SortedMembersNoReserved() {
r.Members = append(r.Members, c.compileTableMember(v))
r.TypeExpr = fmt.Sprintf(`$fidl.TableType<%s>(
inlineSize: %v,
members: %s,
ctor: %s._ctor,
)`, r.Name, val.TypeShapeV1.InlineSize, formatTableMemberList(r.Members), r.Name)
return r
func (c *compiler) compileUnion(val types.Union) Union {
var members []UnionMember
for _, member := range val.Members {
if member.Reserved {
memberType := c.compileType(member.Type)
members = append(members, UnionMember{
Ordinal: uint64(member.Ordinal),
Type: memberType,
Name: c.compileLowerCamelIdentifier(member.Name, unionMemberContext),
CtorName: c.compileUpperCamelIdentifier(member.Name, unionMemberContext),
Tag: c.compileLowerCamelIdentifier(member.Name, unionMemberTagContext),
Documented: docString(member),
ci := types.ParseCompoundIdentifier(val.Name)
r := Union{
Name: c.compileUpperCamelCompoundIdentifier(ci, "", declarationContext),
TagName: c.compileUpperCamelCompoundIdentifier(ci, "Tag", declarationContext),
TypeSymbol: c.typeSymbolForCompoundIdentifier(ci),
OptTypeSymbol: c.optTypeSymbolForCompoundIdentifier(ci),
Members: members,
Documented: docString(val),
Strictness: val.Strictness,
r.TypeExpr = fmt.Sprintf(`$fidl.XUnionType<%s>(
members: %s,
ctor: %s._ctor,
nullable: false,
flexible: %t,
)`, r.Name, formatUnionMemberList(r.Members), r.Name, r.IsFlexible())
r.OptTypeExpr = fmt.Sprintf(`$fidl.XUnionType<%s>(
members: %s,
ctor: %s._ctor,
nullable: true,
flexible: %t,
)`, r.Name, formatUnionMemberList(r.Members), r.Name, r.IsFlexible())
return r
// Compile the language independent type definition into the Dart-specific representation.
func Compile(r types.Root) Root {
root := Root{}
c := compiler{
decls: r.DeclsWithDependencies(),
library: types.ParseLibraryName(r.Name),
typesRoot: r,
requestResponsePayload: map[types.EncodedCompoundIdentifier]types.Struct{},
root.LibraryName = fmt.Sprintf("fidl_%s", formatLibraryName(c.library))
for _, v := range r.Consts {
root.Consts = append(root.Consts, c.compileConst(v))
for _, v := range r.Enums {
root.Enums = append(root.Enums, c.compileEnum(v))
for _, v := range r.Bits {
root.Bits = append(root.Bits, c.compileBits(v))
for _, v := range r.Structs {
if v.Anonymous {
c.requestResponsePayload[v.Name] = v
} else {
root.Structs = append(root.Structs, c.compileStruct(v))
for _, v := range r.Tables {
root.Tables = append(root.Tables, c.compileTable(v))
for _, v := range r.Unions {
root.Unions = append(root.Unions, c.compileUnion(v))
if len(r.XUnions) > 0 {
panic("xunions should not be used anymore")
for _, v := range r.Interfaces {
root.Interfaces = append(root.Interfaces, c.compileInterface(v))
for _, l := range r.Libraries {
if l.Name == r.Name {
// We don't need to import our own package.
library := types.ParseLibraryName(l.Name)
root.Imports = append(root.Imports, Import{
LocalName: libraryPrefix(library),
AsyncURL: fmt.Sprintf("package:fidl_%s/fidl_async.dart", formatLibraryName(library)),
return root