blob: 78d4083fcd5d7f2e22f8ad0a2ad9c65e9942a4d9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:composition_delegate.dart/composition_delegate.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
CompositionDelegate setupCompositionDelegate() {
CompositionDelegate compDelegate = new CompositionDelegate(
layoutContext: new LayoutContext(size: Size(1280, 800)));
return compDelegate;
'Test layout determination',
() {
test('For no Surfaces is empty', () {
CompositionDelegate compDelegate = setupCompositionDelegate();
expect(compDelegate.getLayout(), equals([]));
test('For one Surface is full screen', () {
// expect a List, with one Layer, with one SurfaceLayout
CompositionDelegate compDelegate = setupCompositionDelegate();
List<Layer> expectedLayout = <Layer>[
element: SurfaceLayout(
x: 0.0, y: 0.0, w: 1280.0, h: 800.0, surfaceId: 'first'))
..addSurface(surface: Surface(surfaceId: 'first'))
..focusSurface(surfaceId: 'first');
expect(compDelegate.getLayout(), equals(expectedLayout));
test('For two Surfaces with no relationship is stacked', () {
CompositionDelegate compDelegate = setupCompositionDelegate();
Layer expectedUpper = Layer(
element: SurfaceLayout(
x: 0.0, y: 0.0, w: 1280.0, h: 800.0, surfaceId: 'second'));
Layer expectedLower = Layer(
element: SurfaceLayout(
x: 0.0, y: 0.0, w: 1280.0, h: 800.0, surfaceId: 'first'));
// expect a List of two Layers, with one SurfaceLayout in each
List<Layer> expectedLayout = [expectedLower, expectedUpper];
// This test relies on the surface being focused in the correct order as the focus list is
// maintained separaretly from what has been added to the tree.
..addSurface(surface: Surface(surfaceId: 'first'))
..focusSurface(surfaceId: 'first')
..addSurface(surface: Surface(surfaceId: 'second'))
..focusSurface(surfaceId: 'second');
expect(compDelegate.getLayout(), equals(expectedLayout));
test('For two related Surfaces is a 50/50 split', () {
CompositionDelegate compDelegate = setupCompositionDelegate();
List<SurfaceLayout> surfaces = [
SurfaceLayout(x: 0.0, y: 0.0, w: 640.0, h: 800.0, surfaceId: 'first'),
x: 640.0, y: 0.0, w: 640.0, h: 800.0, surfaceId: 'second'),
Layer expectedLayout = Layer.fromList(elements: surfaces);
..addSurface(surface: Surface(surfaceId: 'first'))
surface: Surface(
surfaceId: 'second',
metadata: {},
parentId: 'first')
..focusSurface(surfaceId: 'second');
expect(compDelegate.getLayout(), equals([expectedLayout]));
'For four Surfaces, 3 children with the same parent, is split into quarters vertically',
() {
CompositionDelegate compDelegate = setupCompositionDelegate();
List<SurfaceLayout> surfaces = [
SurfaceLayout(x: 0.0, y: 0.0, w: 320.0, h: 800.0, surfaceId: 'first'),
x: 320.0, y: 0.0, w: 320.0, h: 800.0, surfaceId: 'second'),
x: 640.0, y: 0.0, w: 320.0, h: 800.0, surfaceId: 'third'),
x: 960.0, y: 0.0, w: 320.0, h: 800.0, surfaceId: 'fourth'),
Layer expectedLayout = Layer.fromList(elements: surfaces);
..addSurface(surface: Surface(surfaceId: 'first'))
surface: Surface(
surfaceId: 'second',
metadata: {},
parentId: 'first')
surface: Surface(
surfaceId: 'third',
metadata: {},
parentId: 'first')
surface: Surface(
surfaceId: 'fourth',
metadata: {},
parentId: 'first')
..focusSurface(surfaceId: 'fourth');
expect(compDelegate.getLayout(), equals([expectedLayout]));