blob: 353b56c445e2e3fca06b2eaa58b0e95cdefe8888 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// ignore_for_file: implementation_imports
import '';
import 'package:sledge/src/document/values/map_value.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import '../crdt_test_framework/crdt_test_framework.dart';
import '../crdt_test_framework/evaluation_order.dart';
// Wraps the construction of Fleet of PosNegCounter.
class MapFleetFactory<K, V> {
const MapFleetFactory();
Fleet<MapValue<K, V>> newFleet(int count) {
return new Fleet<MapValue<K, V>>(count, (index) => new MapValue<K, V>());
const MapFleetFactory<int, int> intMapFleetFactory =
const MapFleetFactory<int, int>();
class ValuesAreUniqueChecker<K, V> extends Checker<MapValue<K, V>> {
void check(Map<K, V> m) {
final valueSet = m.values.toSet();
expect(m.values.length, equals(valueSet.length));
void main() async {
test('Checker fails.', () async {
final fleet = intMapFleetFactory.newFleet(2)
..runInTransaction(0, (MapValue<int, int> m0) async {
m0[1] = 2;
..runInTransaction(0, (MapValue<int, int> m0) async {
m0[2] = 4;
..runInTransaction(1, (MapValue<int, int> m1) async {
m1[1] = 4;
m1[2] = 2;
..synchronize([0, 1])
..addChecker(() => new ValuesAreUniqueChecker<int, int>());
try {
await fleet.testAllOrders();
// If SingleOrderTestFailure wasn't thrown, fail. Note that fail will
// throw another exception, not caught in the following code.
fail('Expected testAllOrders to fail.');
} on SingleOrderTestFailure catch (failure) {
final nodeIds = => node.nodeId);
// Check that the EvaluationOrder is correctly reproduced with the list of
// nodeIds.
expect(new EvaluationOrder.fromIds(nodeIds, fleet.graph.nodes),
try {
await fleet.testSingleOrder(order: failure.order);
// If SingleOrderTestFailure wasn't thrown, fail. Note that fail will
// throw another exception, not caught in the following code.
fail('Expected testSingleOrder to fail.');
} on SingleOrderTestFailure catch (secondFailure) {
expect(secondFailure.order, equals(failure.order));
test('Checker fails. Random orders. Random sync.', () async {
final fleet = intMapFleetFactory.newFleet(2)
..runInTransaction(0, (MapValue<int, int> m0) {
m0[1] = 2;
..synchronize([0, 1])
..runInTransaction(1, (MapValue<int, int> m1) {
m1[1] = 4;
m1[2] = 2;
..runInTransaction(0, (MapValue<int, int> m0) {
m0[2] = 4;
..addChecker(() => new ValuesAreUniqueChecker<int, int>());
try {
// 1/2 probability of the correct order.
// 1/2 probability of synchronization after the last modification.
// In average, an exception is thrown every 4 runs.
// With a 100 runs, the probability of not having an exception thrown is:
// (3/4)^100 < 3.21e-13
await fleet.testRandomOrders(100);
// If SingleOrderTestFailure wasn't thrown, fail. Note that fail will
// throw another exception, not caught in the following code.
fail('Expected testRandomOrders to fail.');
} on SingleOrderTestFailure catch (failure) {
final nodeIds = => node.nodeId);
// Check that the EvaluationOrder is correctly reproduced with the list of
// nodeIds.
new EvaluationOrder.fromIds(nodeIds, fleet.graph.nodes,
allowGenerated: true),
// Check that generated synchronization nodes are also reproduced.
// If we only keep the order and choose synchronizations randomly,
// the probability of throwing TestFailure is 1/2.
// So probability to throw TestFailure 20 times in a row is < 1e-6
for (int it = 0; it < 20; it++) {
try {
await fleet
.testFixedOrder( => node.nodeId));
// If SingleOrderTestFailure wasn't thrown, fail. Note that fail will
// throw another exception, not caught in the following code.
fail('Expected testFixedOrder to fail.');
} on SingleOrderTestFailure catch (doublingFailure) {
expect(doublingFailure.order, equals(failure.order));