blob: 777b7ac10e8e59e7174baef09516db8e188cca08 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_setui/fidl.dart';
import 'setui_setting_controller.dart';
// TODO: Implement and override applyMutation.
class NetworkController extends SetUiSettingController {
Future<void> close() async {
// TODO: implement close
Future<void> initialize() async {
// TODO: implement initialize
// TODO: implement value
SettingsObject get value => null;
/// STOPSHIP(brycelee): re-enable once Migration is complete
// /// How often to poll the wlan for wifi information.
// const Duration _statusPeriod = const Duration(seconds: 3);
// /// How often to poll the wlan for available wifi networks.
// const Duration _scanPeriod = const Duration(seconds: 40);
// const int _scanTimeout = 25;
// const _connectionScanInterval = 3;
// class NetworkController extends SetUiSettingController {
// // List of APs that we obtained from wireless scanning.
// // Periodically refreshed when there is no connected network.
// List<wlan.Ap> _scannedAps = [];
// /// This status is guaranteed to not be null as long as initialize is
// /// called. Periodically refreshed.
// wlan.WlanStatus _status;
// Timer _updateTimer;
// Timer _scanTimer;
// wlan.WlanProxy _wlanProxy;
// @override
// Future<void> close() async {
// _scanTimer?.cancel();
// _updateTimer?.cancel();
// _wlanProxy?.ctrl?.close();
// _scannedAps = [];
// _status = null;
// }
// @override
// Future<void> initialize() async {
// await initializeWithService(() async {
// final proxy = wlan.WlanProxy();
// connectToService(
// StartupContext.fromStartupInfo().environmentServices, proxy.ctrl);
// return proxy;
// });
// }
// /// Initializes the controller with the given [wlan.WlanProxy].
// ///
// /// Needed to allow providing a fake proxy for testing.
// @visibleForTesting
// Future<void> initializeWithService(
// Future<wlan.WlanProxy> proxyGetter()) async {
// final Completer<bool> wlanCompleter = Completer();
// _wlanProxy = await proxyGetter();
// _updateTimer = Timer.periodic(_statusPeriod, (timer) {
// _wlanProxy.status((status) {
// if (_onStatusRefreshed(status)) {
// notifyListeners();
// }
// });
// });
// _wlanProxy.status((status) {
// _onStatusRefreshed(status);
// wlanCompleter.complete(true);
// });
// /// Waits for all initial values and then returns false if any of the futures return false
// return await wlanCompleter.future;
// }
// @override
// Future<bool> setSettingValue(SettingsObject value) async {
// assert( == SettingDataTag.wireless);
// if ( != SettingDataTag.wireless) {
// return false;
// }
// final accessPoints = ?? [];
// for (WirelessAccessPoint ap in accessPoints) {
// if (_status.currentAp != null &&
// ap.accessPointId == _accessPointId(_status.currentAp.ssid)) {
// if (ap.status == ConnectionStatus.disconnected ||
// ap.status == ConnectionStatus.disconnecting) {
// await _disconnect();
// }
// } else {
// if (ap.status == ConnectionStatus.connected ||
// ap.status == ConnectionStatus.connecting) {
// await _connect(,
// == WirelessSecurity.secured ? ap.password : null);
// }
// }
// }
// return true;
// }
// @override
// SettingsObject get value => _buildSettingsObject();
// // Returns true if this caused a change in state.
// bool _onStatusRefreshed(wlan.WlanStatus status) {
// bool changed = false;
// if (_status != status) {
// _status = status;
// changed = true;
// }
// if (status.state == wlan.State.associated) {
// _scanTimer?.cancel();
// _scannedAps = [];
// } else {
// if (_scanTimer == null || !_scanTimer.isActive) {
// _scan();
// _scanTimer = Timer.periodic(_scanPeriod, (timer) {
// _scan();
// });
// }
// }
// return changed;
// }
// SettingsObject _buildSettingsObject() {
// return SettingsObject(
// settingType: SettingType.wireless,
// data: SettingData.withWireless(_buildWirelessState()));
// }
// WirelessState _buildWirelessState() {
// return WirelessState(
// accessPoints: _status.currentAp != null
// ? [_buildCurrentAccessPoint()]
// :;
// }
// WirelessAccessPoint _buildCurrentAccessPoint() =>
// _buildAccessPoint(_status.currentAp, status: _getState(_status.state));
// WirelessAccessPoint _buildAccessPoint(wlan.Ap accessPoint,
// {ConnectionStatus status}) {
// return WirelessAccessPoint(
// accessPointId: _accessPointId(accessPoint.ssid),
// security: accessPoint.isSecure
// ? WirelessSecurity.secured
// : WirelessSecurity.unsecured,
// password: '',
// rssi: accessPoint.rssiDbm,
// status: status ?? ConnectionStatus.disconnected,
// name: accessPoint.ssid);
// }
// void _scan() {
// _wlanProxy.scan(const wlan.ScanRequest(timeout: _scanTimeout),
// (wlan.ScanResult scanResult) {
// _scannedAps = _dedupeAndRemoveIncompatible(scanResult);
// notifyListeners();
// });
// }
// Future<void> _disconnect() {
// Completer completer = Completer();
// _wlanProxy.disconnect((wlan.Error error) {
// completer.complete();
// });
// return completer.future;
// }
// Future<bool> _connect(String ssid, [String password]) {
// Completer<bool> completer = Completer();
// final config = wlan.ConnectConfig(
// ssid: ssid,
// passPhrase: password ?? '',
// scanInterval: _connectionScanInterval,
// bssid: '');
// _wlanProxy.connect(config, (result) {
// completer.complete(result.code == wlan.ErrCode.ok);
// });
// return completer.future;
// }
// }
// /// Remove duplicate and incompatible networks
// List<wlan.Ap> _dedupeAndRemoveIncompatible(wlan.ScanResult scanResult) {
// List<wlan.Ap> aps = <wlan.Ap>[];
// if (scanResult.error.code == wlan.ErrCode.ok) {
// // First sort APs by signal strength so when we de-dupe we drop the
// // weakest ones
// scanResult.aps.sort((wlan.Ap a, wlan.Ap b) => b.rssiDbm - a.rssiDbm);
// Set<String> seenNames = Set<String>();
// for (wlan.Ap ap in scanResult.aps) {
// // Dedupe: if we've seen this ssid before, skip it.
// if (!seenNames.contains(ap.ssid) && ap.isCompatible) {
// aps.add(ap);
// }
// seenNames.add(ap.ssid);
// }
// }
// return aps;
// }
// ConnectionStatus _getState(wlan.State state) {
// switch (state) {
// case wlan.State.associated:
// return ConnectionStatus.connected;
// case wlan.State.associating:
// case wlan.State.joining:
// case wlan.State.scanning:
// case wlan.State.bss:
// case wlan.State.querying:
// case wlan.State.authenticating:
// return ConnectionStatus.connecting;
// default:
// return ConnectionStatus.unknown;
// }
// }
// int _accessPointId(String ssid) => ssid.hashCode;