blob: 6c8f5956808445f8d3d1d94f6312ba93b15a4678 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:lib.widgets/model.dart';
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_scpi/fidl.dart' as scpi;
import '';
export 'package:lib.widgets/model.dart'
show ScopedModel, Model, ScopedModelDescendant;
class SystemInfoModel extends Model {
int _temperature = 0;
int _fanLevel = 0;
int _cpuUtilization = 0;
int _memoryUtilization = 0;
double _bigClusterFrequency = 0.0;
double _littleClusterFrequency = 0.0;
double _bigClusterVoltage = 0.0;
double _littleClusterVoltage = 0.0;
List<scpi.DvfsOpp> _bigClusterOpps;
List<scpi.DvfsOpp> _smallClusterOpps;
static const Duration _systemInformationUpdatePeriod = const Duration(seconds: 4);
final scpi.SystemControllerProxy _systemControllerProxy = scpi.SystemControllerProxy();
SystemInfoModel() {
StartupContext startupContext = StartupContext.fromStartupInfo();
connectToService(startupContext.environmentServices, _systemControllerProxy.ctrl);
int powerDomain = 0;
_systemControllerProxy.getDvfsInfo(powerDomain, (scpi.Status status, List<scpi.DvfsOpp> opps) {
_bigClusterOpps = opps;
powerDomain = 1;
_systemControllerProxy.getDvfsInfo(powerDomain, (scpi.Status status, List<scpi.DvfsOpp> opps) {
_smallClusterOpps = opps;
Timer.periodic(_systemInformationUpdatePeriod, (_) {
int get cpuUtilization => _cpuUtilization;
int get memoryUtilization => _memoryUtilization;
int get fanLevel => _fanLevel;
int get temperature => _temperature;
double get bigClusterFrequency => _bigClusterFrequency;
double get littleClusterFrequency => _littleClusterFrequency;
double get bigClusterVoltage => _bigClusterVoltage;
double get littleClusterVoltage => _littleClusterVoltage;
void _update() {
void _updateSysInformation() {
_systemControllerProxy.getSystemStatus((scpi.Status status, scpi.SystemStatus systemStatus) {
_temperature = systemStatus.temperature;
_fanLevel = systemStatus.fanLevel;
_bigClusterFrequency =
_littleClusterFrequency =
_bigClusterVoltage =
_littleClusterVoltage =
_cpuUtilization = systemStatus.cpuUtilization;
_memoryUtilization = systemStatus.memoryUtilization;