blob: ecfecb2cbc54b45326faacf7e3f30cf9ce17f1e2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'dart:ui' as ui
show Paragraph, ParagraphBuilder, ParagraphConstraints, ParagraphStyle;
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import '';
import 'package:xi_client/client.dart';
import 'document.dart';
import 'key_info.dart';
import 'line_cache.dart';
import 'text_line.dart';
/// Widget for one editor tab.
class Editor extends StatefulWidget {
/// If `true`, draws a watermark in the background of the editor view.
final bool debugBackground;
final Document document;
const Editor({@required this.document, Key key, this.debugBackground = false})
: assert(document != null),
super(key: key);
EditorState createState() => new EditorState();
/// A simple class representing a line and column location in the view.
class LineCol {
/// Create a new location for the given line and column
LineCol({this.line, this.col});
/// The line number, 0-based
final int line;
/// The column, as a utf-8 offset from beginning of line
final int col;
String toString() {
return 'line: $line, col: $col';
const String _zeroWidthSpace = '\u{200b}';
/// State for editor tab
class EditorState extends State<Editor> {
final ScrollController _controller = new ScrollController();
// Height of lines (currently fixed, all lines have the same height)
double _lineHeight;
// location of last tap (used to expand selection on long press)
LineCol _lastTapLocation;
final FocusNode _focusNode = new FocusNode();
TextStyle _defaultStyle;
StreamSubscription<Document> _documentStream;
/// Creates a new editor state.
EditorState() {
Color color = const Color(0xFF000000);
_defaultStyle = new TextStyle(color: color);
// TODO: make style configurable
_lineHeight = _lineHeightForStyle(_defaultStyle);
/// Returns a [Future] that will resolve when initialization has finished.
Future<XiViewProxy> get viewProxy {
return widget.document.viewProxy;
void initState() {
void didUpdateWidget(Editor oldWidget) {
void _setupStream() {
_documentStream ??= widget.document?.listen((Document doc) => setState(() {
assert(doc != null);
assert(doc == widget.document);
void dispose() {
double _lineHeightForStyle(TextStyle style) {
ui.ParagraphBuilder builder =
new ui.ParagraphBuilder(new ui.ParagraphStyle())
ui.Paragraph layout =
..layout(new ui.ParagraphConstraints(width: double.infinity));
return layout.height;
void _updateScrollPosition() {
if (_controller.hasClients && _controller.position.haveDimensions) {
ScrollPosition pos = _controller.position;
double topY = widget.document.scrollPos.line * _lineHeight;
double botY = topY + _lineHeight;
if (topY < pos.pixels) {
} else if (botY > pos.pixels + pos.viewportDimension) {
pos.jumpTo(botY - pos.viewportDimension);
void _doMovement(Movement movement, bool modifySel) {
viewProxy.then((view) => modifySel
? view.moveCursorModifyingSelection(movement)
: view.moveCursor(movement));
void _handleHidKey(int hidUsage, Modifiers modifiers) {
if (hidUsage == 0x2A) {
// Keyboard DELETE (Backspace)
viewProxy.then((view) => view.deleteBackward());
} else if (hidUsage == 0x28) {
// Keyboard Return (ENTER)
viewProxy.then((view) => view.insertNewline());
} else if (modifiers.ctrl && hidUsage == 0x04) {
// Keyboard a
_doMovement(Movement.beginningOfParagraph, false);
} else if (modifiers.ctrl && hidUsage == 0x08) {
// Keyboard e
_doMovement(Movement.endOfParagraph, false);
} else if (modifiers.ctrl && hidUsage == 0x0E) {
// Keyboard k
viewProxy.then((view) => view.kill());
} else if (modifiers.ctrl && hidUsage == 0x17) {
// Keyboard t
viewProxy.then((view) => view.transpose());
} else if (modifiers.ctrl && hidUsage == 0x1C) {
// Keyboard y
viewProxy.then((view) => view.yank());
} else if (modifiers.ctrl && hidUsage == 0x1D) {
// Keyboard z
if (modifiers.shift) {
viewProxy.then((view) => view.redo());
} else {
viewProxy.then((view) => view.undo());
} else if (hidUsage == 0x50) {
// Keyboard LeftArrow
_doMovement(Movement.left, modifiers.shift);
} else if (hidUsage == 0x4F) {
// keyboard RightArrow
_doMovement(Movement.right, modifiers.shift);
} else if (hidUsage == 0x52) {
// Keyboard UpArrow
_doMovement(Movement.up, modifiers.shift);
} else if (hidUsage == 0x51) {
// Keyboard DownArrow
_doMovement(Movement.down, modifiers.shift);
} else if (modifiers.altRight && hidUsage == 0x04) {
// altgr-a inserts emoji, to test unicode ability
viewProxy.then((view) => view.insert('\u{1f601}'));
} else if (modifiers.altRight && hidUsage == 0x0f) {
// altgr-l inserts arabic lam, to test bidi ability
viewProxy.then((view) => view.insert('\u{0644}'));
void _handleCodePoint(int codePoint, Modifiers modifiers) {
if (codePoint == 9) {
viewProxy.then((view) => view.insertTab());
} else if (codePoint == 10) {
viewProxy.then((view) => view.insertNewline());
} else {
String chars = new String.fromCharCode(codePoint);
viewProxy.then((view) => view.insert(chars));
void _handleKey(RawKeyEvent event) {
if (event is RawKeyDownEvent) {
RawKeyEventData data =;
if (data is RawKeyEventDataAndroid) {
'codePoint=${data.codePoint}, metaState=${data.metaState}, keyCode=${data.keyCode}');
var modifiers = Modifiers.fromAndroid(data.metaState);
if (data.codePoint != 0) {
_handleCodePoint(data.codePoint, modifiers);
} else {
int _hidKey = keyCodeFromAndroid(data.keyCode);
if (_hidKey != null) {
_handleHidKey(_hidKey, modifiers);
} else if (data is RawKeyEventDataFuchsia) {
'codePoint=${data.codePoint}, modifiers=${data.modifiers}, hidUsage=${data.hidUsage}');
var modifiers = Modifiers.fromFuchsia(data.modifiers);
if (data.codePoint != 0 && !modifiers.ctrl) {
_handleCodePoint(data.codePoint, modifiers);
} else {
_handleHidKey(data.hidUsage, modifiers);
void _requestKeyboard() {
LineCol _getLineColFromGlobal(Offset globalPosition) {
RenderBox renderObject = context.findRenderObject();
Offset local = renderObject.globalToLocal(globalPosition);
double x = local.dx;
double y = local.dy + _controller.offset;
int line = y ~/ _lineHeight;
int col = 0;
Line text = widget.document.lines.getLine(line);
if (text != null) {
col = _utf16ToUtf8Offset(text.text.text, text.getIndexForHorizontal(x));
return new LineCol(line: line, col: col);
void _handleTapDown(TapDownDetails details) {
_lastTapLocation = _getLineColFromGlobal(details.globalPosition);
GestureType gestureType = GestureType.pointSelect;
viewProxy.then((view) =>
view.gesture(_lastTapLocation.line, _lastTapLocation.col, gestureType));
void _handleLongPress() {
if (_lastTapLocation != null) {
GestureType gestureType = GestureType.pointSelect;
viewProxy.then((view) => view.gesture(
_lastTapLocation.line, _lastTapLocation.col, gestureType));
void _handleHorizontalDragUpdate(DragUpdateDetails details) {
LineCol lineCol = _getLineColFromGlobal(details.globalPosition);
viewProxy.then((view) => view.drag(lineCol.line, lineCol.col));
void _sendScrollViewport() {
if (_controller.hasClients) {
ScrollPosition pos = _controller.position;
int viewHeight = 1 + pos.viewportDimension ~/ _lineHeight;
if (viewHeight == 1) {
// TODO: horrible hack, remove when we reliably get viewport height
viewHeight = 42;
int start = pos.pixels ~/ _lineHeight;
// TODO: be less noisy, send only if changed
viewProxy.then((view) => view.scroll(start, start + viewHeight));'sending scroll $start $viewHeight');
TextLine _itemBuilder(BuildContext ctx, int ix) {
Line line = widget.document.lines.getLine(ix);
if (line == null) {
viewProxy.then((view) => view.requestLines(ix, ix + 1));
return new TextLine(
// TODO: the string '[invalid]' is debug painting, replace with actual UX.
line?.text ??
new TextSpan(text: '[invalid]', style:,
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final Widget lines = (widget.document == null)
? new Container()
: new ListView.builder(
itemExtent: _lineHeight,
itemCount: widget.document.lines.height,
itemBuilder: _itemBuilder,
controller: _controller,
return new RawKeyboardListener(
focusNode: _focusNode,
onKey: _handleKey,
child: new GestureDetector(
onTapDown: _handleTapDown,
onLongPress: _handleLongPress,
onHorizontalDragUpdate: _handleHorizontalDragUpdate,
behavior: HitTestBehavior.opaque,
child: new NotificationListener<ScrollUpdateNotification>(
onNotification: (ScrollUpdateNotification update) {
return true;
child: new Container(
color: Colors.white,
constraints: BoxConstraints.expand(),
child: widget.debugBackground ? _makeDebugBackground(lines) : lines,
/// Convert a UTF-16 offset within a string to the corresponding UTF-8 offset
int _utf16ToUtf8Offset(String s, int utf16Offset) {
int utf8Ix = 0;
int utf16Ix = 0;
while (utf16Ix < utf16Offset) {
int codeUnit = s.codeUnitAt(utf16Ix);
if (codeUnit < 0x80) {
utf8Ix += 1;
} else if (codeUnit < 0x800) {
utf8Ix += 2;
} else if (codeUnit >= 0xDC00 && codeUnit < 0xE000) {
// We count the leading surrogate as 3, trailing as 1, total 4
utf8Ix += 1;
} else {
utf8Ix += 3;
return utf8Ix;
/// Creates a new widget with the editor overlayed on a watermarked background
Widget _makeDebugBackground(Widget editor) {
return new Stack(children: <Widget>[
constraints: new BoxConstraints.expand(),
child: new Center(
child: Transform.rotate(
angle: -math.pi / 6.0,
child: new Text('xi editor',
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: 144.0,
fontWeight: FontWeight.w800)),