blob: c8f170846267bc1cda694d3effd4b1707750036c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fidl.examples.bindingstest;
struct NoHandleStruct {
string foo;
int32 bar;
vector<uint8> baz;
struct ExampleStruct {
string foo;
int32 bar;
vector<uint8>? baz;
table ExampleTable {
1: string foo;
2: int32 bar;
3: vector<uint8> baz;
interface TestServer {
1: OneWayNoArgs();
2: ReceivedOneWayNoArgs() -> (bool received);
3: OneWayStringArg(string value);
4: ReceivedOneWayString() -> (string value);
5: OneWayThreeArgs(int32 x, uint64 y, NoHandleStruct z);
6: ReceivedOneWayThreeArgs() -> (int32 x, uint64 y, NoHandleStruct z);
21: OneWayExampleTable(ExampleTable value);
22: ReceivedOneWayExampleTable() -> (ExampleTable received);
7: TwoWayNoArgs() -> ();
8: TwoWayStringArg(string value) -> (string value);
9: TwoWayThreeArgs(int32 x, uint64 y, NoHandleStruct z) -> (int32 x, uint64 y, NoHandleStruct z);
10: SendEmptyEvent();
11: -> EmptyEvent();
12: SendStringEvent(string value);
13: -> StringEvent(string value);
14: SendThreeArgEvent(int32 x, uint64 y, NoHandleStruct z);
15: -> ThreeArgEvent(int32 x, uint64 y, NoHandleStruct z);
16: SendMultipleEvents(int32 count, float64 intervalSeconds);
17: -> MultipleEvent(int32 index);
18: ReplySlowly(string value, float64 delaySeconds) -> (string value);
19: CloseConnection(float64 delaySeconds);
20: -> NeverEvent();
enum EnumOne {
ONE = 1;
TWO = 2;
THREE = 3;
enum EnumTwo {
ONE = 1;
TWO = 2;
THREE = 3;
struct HandleStruct {
string foo;
int32 bar;
handle baz;
union UnionOne {
string foo;
string bar;
uint32 baz;
union UnionTwo {
string foo;
string bar;
uint32 baz;
interface SimpleServer {
1: Ping() -> ();