blob: 232aed0d2d28ecbb8f3241dd99bcdeecd2f4d42d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
// TarOutput records test results in a TAR archive.
type TarOutput struct {
w *tar.Writer
func (o *TarOutput) Record(result testrunner.TestResult) {
pathInArchive := path.Join(result.Name, runtests.TestOutputFilename)
botanist.ArchiveReader(o.w, result.Output, pathInArchive)
// TarFile adds a file to the underlying archive.
func (o *TarOutput) TarFile(bytes []byte, filename string) error {
return botanist.ArchiveBuffer(o.w, bytes, filename)
func (o *TarOutput) Close() error {
return o.w.Close()
func NewTarOutput(archive string) (*TarOutput, error) {
fd, err := os.Create(archive)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to open %q: %v", archive, err)
tw := tar.NewWriter(fd)
return &TarOutput{w: tw}, nil
// TAPOutput records test results as a TAP output stream.
type TAPOutput struct {
producer *tap.Producer
func NewTAPOutput(output io.Writer, testCount int) *TAPOutput {
producer := tap.NewProducer(output)
return &TAPOutput{producer}
func (o *TAPOutput) Record(result testrunner.TestResult) {
o.producer.Ok(result.Result == runtests.TestSuccess, result.Name)
// SummaryOutput records test results in a TestSummary object.
type SummaryOutput struct {
Summary runtests.TestSummary
func (o *SummaryOutput) Record(result testrunner.TestResult) {
pathInArchive := path.Join(result.Name, runtests.TestOutputFilename)
// Strip any leading //, contributed by Linux/Mac test names, so that
// pathInArchive gives a valid relative path.
pathInArchive = strings.TrimLeft(pathInArchive, "//")
o.Summary.Tests = append(o.Summary.Tests, runtests.TestDetails{
Name: result.Name,
OutputFile: pathInArchive,
Result: result.Result,