blob: 04e5d9fc12f25547e7562f1cb6f5ee2142fc45dc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "tonic/file_loader/file_loader.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "filesystem/file.h"
#include "filesystem/path.h"
#include "filesystem/portable_unistd.h"
#include "tonic/common/macros.h"
#include "tonic/converter/dart_converter.h"
#include "tonic/parsers/packages_map.h"
#include "tonic/platform/platform_utils.h"
namespace tonic {
namespace {
constexpr char kDartScheme[] = "dart:";
constexpr char kFileScheme[] = "file:";
constexpr size_t kFileSchemeLength = sizeof(kFileScheme) - 1;
constexpr char kPackageScheme[] = "package:";
constexpr size_t kPackageSchemeLength = sizeof(kPackageScheme) - 1;
// Extract the scheme prefix ('package:' or 'file:' from )
std::string ExtractSchemePrefix(std::string url) {
if (url.find(kPackageScheme) == 0u)
return kPackageScheme;
if (url.find(kFileScheme) == 0u)
return kFileScheme;
return std::string();
// Extract the path from a package: or file: url.
std::string ExtractPath(std::string url) {
if (url.find(kPackageScheme) == 0u)
return url.substr(kPackageSchemeLength);
if (url.find(kFileScheme) == 0u)
return url.substr(kFileSchemeLength);
return url;
} // namespace
FileLoader::FileLoader(int dirfd) : dirfd_(dirfd) {}
FileLoader::~FileLoader() {
if (dirfd_ >= 0)
std::string FileLoader::SanitizeURIEscapedCharacters(const std::string& str) {
std::string result;
for (std::string::size_type i = 0; i < str.size(); ++i) {
if (str[i] == '%') {
if (i > str.size() - 3 || !isxdigit(str[i + 1]) || !isxdigit(str[i + 2]))
return "";
const std::string hex = str.substr(i + 1, 2);
const unsigned char c = strtoul(hex.c_str(), nullptr, 16);
if (!c)
return "";
result += c;
i += 2;
} else {
result += str[i];
return result;
bool FileLoader::LoadPackagesMap(const std::string& packages) {
packages_ = packages;
std::string packages_source;
if (!ReadFileToString(packages_, &packages_source)) {
std::cerr << "error: Unable to load .packages file '" << packages_ << "'."
<< std::endl;
return false;
packages_map_.reset(new PackagesMap());
std::string error;
if (!packages_map_->Parse(packages_source, &error)) {
std::cerr << "error: Unable to parse .packages file '" << packages_ << "'."
<< std::endl
<< error << std::endl;
return false;
return true;
std::string FileLoader::GetFilePathForPackageURL(std::string url) {
if (!packages_map_)
return std::string();
TONIC_DCHECK(url.find(kPackageScheme) == 0u);
url = url.substr(kPackageSchemeLength);
size_t slash = url.find(FileLoader::kPathSeparator);
if (slash == std::string::npos)
return std::string();
std::string package = url.substr(0, slash);
std::string library_path = url.substr(slash + 1);
std::string package_path = packages_map_->Resolve(package);
if (package_path.empty())
return std::string();
if (package_path.find(FileLoader::kFileURLPrefix) == 0u)
return SanitizePath(package_path.substr(FileLoader::kFileURLPrefixLength) +
return filesystem::GetDirectoryName(filesystem::AbsolutePath(packages_)) +
FileLoader::kPathSeparator + package_path +
FileLoader::kPathSeparator + library_path;
Dart_Handle FileLoader::HandleLibraryTag(Dart_LibraryTag tag,
Dart_Handle library,
Dart_Handle url) {
TONIC_DCHECK(Dart_IsNull(library) || Dart_IsLibrary(library) ||
if (tag == Dart_kCanonicalizeUrl)
return CanonicalizeURL(library, url);
if (tag == Dart_kImportTag)
return Import(url);
if (tag == Dart_kSourceTag)
return Source(library, url);
if (tag == Dart_kScriptTag) {
// Clear dependencies.
// Reload packages map.
// Load the root script.
return Script(url);
if (tag == Dart_kKernelTag)
return Kernel(url);
return Dart_NewApiError("Unknown library tag.");
Dart_Handle FileLoader::CanonicalizeURL(Dart_Handle library, Dart_Handle url) {
std::string string = StdStringFromDart(url);
if (string.find(kDartScheme) == 0u)
return url;
if (string.find(kPackageScheme) == 0u)
return StdStringToDart(SanitizePath(string));
if (string.find(kFileScheme) == 0u)
return StdStringToDart(SanitizePath(CanonicalizeFileURL(string)));
std::string library_url = StdStringFromDart(Dart_LibraryUrl(library));
std::string prefix = ExtractSchemePrefix(library_url);
std::string base_path = ExtractPath(library_url);
std::string simplified_path =
filesystem::SimplifyPath(filesystem::GetDirectoryName(base_path) +
FileLoader::kPathSeparator + string);
return StdStringToDart(SanitizePath(prefix + simplified_path));
std::string FileLoader::GetFilePathForURL(std::string url) {
if (url.find(kPackageScheme) == 0u)
return GetFilePathForPackageURL(std::move(url));
if (url.find(kFileScheme) == 0u)
return GetFilePathForFileURL(std::move(url));
return url;
std::string FileLoader::Fetch(const std::string& url,
std::string* resolved_url) {
std::string path = filesystem::SimplifyPath(GetFilePathForURL(url));
if (path.empty()) {
std::cerr << "error: Unable to read Dart source '" << url << "'."
<< std::endl;
if (resolved_url)
*resolved_url = GetFileURLForPath(path);
std::string source;
if (!ReadFileToString(filesystem::GetAbsoluteFilePath(path), &source)) {
// TODO(johnmccutchan): The file loader should not explicitly log the error
// or exit the process. Instead these errors should be reported to the
// caller of the FileLoader who can implement the application-specific error
// handling policy.
std::cerr << "error: Unable to read Dart source '" << url << "'."
<< std::endl;
return source;
std::pair<uint8_t*, intptr_t> FileLoader::FetchBytes(const std::string& url) {
std::string path = filesystem::SimplifyPath(GetFilePathForURL(url));
if (path.empty()) {
std::cerr << "error: Unable to read Dart source '" << url << "'."
<< std::endl;
auto result =
if (result.first == nullptr) {
// TODO(aam): Same as above the file loader should not explicitly log the
// error or exit the process. Instead these errors should be reported to the
// caller of the FileLoader who can implement the application-specific error
// handling policy.
std::cerr << "error: Unable to read Dart source '" << url << "'."
<< std::endl;
return result;
Dart_Handle FileLoader::LoadLibrary(const std::string& url) {
std::string resolved_url;
Dart_Handle source = ToDart(Fetch(url, &resolved_url));
return Dart_LoadLibrary(ToDart(url), ToDart(resolved_url), source, 0, 0);
Dart_Handle FileLoader::LoadScript(const std::string& url) {
std::string resolved_url;
Dart_Handle source = ToDart(Fetch(url, &resolved_url));
Dart_Handle result =
Dart_LoadScript(ToDart(url), ToDart(resolved_url), source, 0, 0);
if (!Dart_IsError(result)) {
Dart_Handle finalize_result = Dart_FinalizeLoading(true);
if (Dart_IsError(finalize_result))
return finalize_result;
return result;
Dart_Handle FileLoader::Import(Dart_Handle url) {
return LoadLibrary(StdStringFromDart(url));
namespace {
void MallocFinalizer(void* isolate_callback_data,
Dart_WeakPersistentHandle handle,
void* peer) {
} // namespace
Dart_Handle FileLoader::Kernel(Dart_Handle url) {
std::string url_string = StdStringFromDart(url);
std::pair<uint8_t*, intptr_t> fetched_result = FetchBytes(url_string);
Dart_Handle result = Dart_NewExternalTypedData(
Dart_TypedData_kUint8, fetched_result.first, fetched_result.second);
Dart_NewWeakPersistentHandle(result, fetched_result.first,
fetched_result.second, MallocFinalizer);
return result;
Dart_Handle FileLoader::Source(Dart_Handle library, Dart_Handle url) {
std::string resolved_url;
Dart_Handle source = ToDart(Fetch(StdStringFromDart(url), &resolved_url));
return Dart_LoadSource(library, url, ToDart(resolved_url), source, 0, 0);
// This is invoked upon a reload request.
Dart_Handle FileLoader::Script(Dart_Handle url) {
return LoadScript(StdStringFromDart(url));
void FileLoader::SetPackagesUrl(Dart_Handle url) {
if (url == Dart_Null()) {
// No packages url specified.
const std::string& packages_url = StdStringFromDart(url);
std::string FileLoader::GetFilePathForFileURL(std::string url) {
TONIC_DCHECK(url.find(FileLoader::kFileURLPrefix) == 0u);
return url.substr(FileLoader::kFileURLPrefixLength);
std::string FileLoader::GetFileURLForPath(const std::string& path) {
return std::string(FileLoader::kFileURLPrefix) + path;
} // namespace tonic