Clarify deflateReset() documentation.

It previously could have been misinterpreted to mean that parameter
changes after deflateInit2() would be reversed, which is not the
diff --git a/zlib.h b/zlib.h
index c563014..7ec5fa8 100644
--- a/zlib.h
+++ b/zlib.h
@@ -656,10 +656,10 @@
 ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT deflateReset OF((z_streamp strm));
-     This function is equivalent to deflateEnd followed by deflateInit,
-   but does not free and reallocate all the internal compression state.  The
-   stream will keep the same compression level and any other attributes that
-   may have been set by deflateInit2.
+     This function is equivalent to deflateEnd followed by deflateInit, but
+   does not free and reallocate the internal compression state.  The stream
+   will leave the compression level and any other attributes that may have been
+   set unchanged.
      deflateReset returns Z_OK if success, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if the source
    stream state was inconsistent (such as zalloc or state being Z_NULL).