There is no such thing as YXML_ELEMCLOSE. It's START and END. (Or OPEN
and CLOSE, but thats not the terminology I chose to use, apparently).
diff --git a/yxml.h b/yxml.h
index 7cb7891..f4f323d 100644
--- a/yxml.h
+++ b/yxml.h
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
 	/* Name of the current element, zero-length if not in any element. Changed
 	 * after YXML_ELEMSTART. The pointer will remain valid up to and including
 	 * the next non-YXML_ATTR* token, the pointed-to buffer will remain valid
-	 * up to and including the YXML_ELEMCLOSE for the corresponding element. */
+	 * up to and including the YXML_ELEMEND for the corresponding element. */
 	char *elem;
 	/* The last read character(s) of an attribute value (YXML_ATTRVAL), element
diff --git a/yxml.pod b/yxml.pod
index bf5e172..9448a62 100644
--- a/yxml.pod
+++ b/yxml.pod
@@ -238,12 +238,12 @@
 L</Attributes> is returned. Although the I<elem> pointer itself may be reused
 and modified while parsing the contents of the element, the buffer that I<elem>
 points to will remain valid up to and including the corresponding
 Yxml will verify that elements properly nest and that the name of each closing
 tag properly matches that of the corresponding opening tag. The application may
 safely assume that each C<YXML_ELEMSTART> is properly matched with a
-C<YXML_ELEMCLOSE>, or that otherwise an error is returned. Furthermore, only a
+C<YXML_ELEMEND>, or that otherwise an error is returned. Furthermore, only a
 single root element is allowed. When the root element is closed, no further
 C<YXML_ELEMSTART> tokens will be returned.