blob: ad09b51e962e8f416eb656b49fab724b8ee434d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Puffs Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// TODO: some mechanism for fixing the error code's value, such as a trailing
// "= 100", to maintain API stability.
pub error "LZW code is out of range"
pub error "LZW prefix chain is cyclical"
pub struct lzw_decoder?(
literal_width u32[2..8] = 8,
stack[4096] u8,
suffixes[4096] u8,
prefixes[4096] u16[..4095],
// TODO: add a ! as this function is impure.
pub func lzw_decoder.set_literal_width(lw u32[2..8] = 8)() {
this.literal_width = in.lw
pub func lzw_decoder.decode?(dst writer1, src reader1)() {
// These variables don't change over the lifetime of this func.
var clear_code u32[4..256] = (1 as u32) << this.literal_width
var end_code u32[5..257] = clear_code + 1
// These variables do change.
// save_code is the code for which, after decoding a code, we save what the
// next back-reference expands to. The file also calls this value
// `max`. 4096 means do not save.
var save_code u32[..4096] = end_code
var prev_code u32[..4095]
var width u32[..12] = this.literal_width + 1
// These variables yield src's bits in Least Significant Bits order.
var bits u32
var n_bits u32
while true,
pre n_bits < 8,
assert n_bits < (width + 8) via "a < (b + c): a < c; 0 <= b"()
while n_bits < width,
inv n_bits < (width + 8),
post n_bits >= width,
assert n_bits < 12 via "a < b: a < c; c <= b"(c:width)
bits |= (in.src.read_u8?() as u32) << n_bits
n_bits += 8
var code u32[..4095] = bits.low_bits(n:width)
bits >>= width
n_bits -= width
if code < clear_code {
assert code < 256 via "a < b: a < c; c <= b"(c:clear_code)
in.dst.write_u8?(x:code as u8)
if save_code <= 4095 {
this.suffixes[save_code] = code as u8
this.prefixes[save_code] = prev_code as u16
} else if code == clear_code {
save_code = end_code
prev_code = 0
width = this.literal_width + 1
} else if code == end_code {
} else if code <= save_code {
var s u32[..4095] = 4095
var c u32[..4095] = code
if code == save_code {
s -= 1
c = prev_code
while c >= clear_code,
inv n_bits < 8,
post c < 256 via "a < b: a < c; c <= b"(c:clear_code),
this.stack[s] = this.suffixes[c]
if s == 0 {
return error "LZW prefix chain is cyclical"
s -= 1
c = this.prefixes[c] as u32
this.stack[s] = c as u8
if code == save_code {
this.stack[4095] = c as u8
while true,
inv n_bits < 8,
inv c < 256,
var expansion[] u8 = this.stack[s:]
// TODO: "x:" instead of "s:" should be a compiler error.
var n_copied u64 = in.dst.copy_from_slice(x:expansion)
if n_copied == expansion.length() {
s = (s + ((n_copied & 4095) as u32)) & 4095
// TODO: "closed for writes" instead?
return suspension "short write"
if save_code <= 4095 {
this.suffixes[save_code] = c as u8
this.prefixes[save_code] = prev_code as u16
} else {
return error "LZW code is out of range"
if save_code <= 4095 {
save_code += 1
if (save_code == ((1 as u32) << width)) and (width < 12) {
width += 1
prev_code = code