blob: f1e4956d4ac553c23571af64cca3f4a309550db9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Wuffs Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
pub status "?bad Huffman code (over-subscribed)"
pub status "?bad Huffman code (under-subscribed)"
pub status "?bad Huffman code length count"
pub status "?bad Huffman code length repetition"
pub status "?bad Huffman code"
pub status "?bad Huffman minimum code length"
pub status "?bad block"
pub status "?bad distance"
pub status "?bad distance code count"
pub status "?bad literal/length code count"
pub status "?inconsistent stored block length"
pub status "?missing end-of-block code"
pub status "?no Huffman codes"
pri status "?internal error: inconsistent Huffman decoder state"
pri status "?internal error: inconsistent I/O"
pri status "?internal error: inconsistent distance"
pri status "?internal error: inconsistent n_bits"
pub const decoder_workbuf_len_max_incl base.u64 = 32768 + 512
// The next two tables were created by script/print-deflate-magic-numbers.go.
// The u32 values' meanings are the same as the decoder.huffs u32 values. In
// particular, bit 30 indicates a base number + extra bits, bits 23-8 are the
// base number and bits 7-4 are the number of those extra bits.
// Some trailing elements are 0x08000000. Bit 27 indicates an invalid value.
pri const lcode_magic_numbers array[32] base.u32 = [
0x40000000, 0x40000100, 0x40000200, 0x40000300, 0x40000400, 0x40000500, 0x40000600, 0x40000700,
0x40000810, 0x40000A10, 0x40000C10, 0x40000E10, 0x40001020, 0x40001420, 0x40001820, 0x40001C20,
0x40002030, 0x40002830, 0x40003030, 0x40003830, 0x40004040, 0x40005040, 0x40006040, 0x40007040,
0x40008050, 0x4000A050, 0x4000C050, 0x4000E050, 0x4000FF00, 0x08000000, 0x08000000, 0x08000000,
pri const dcode_magic_numbers array[32] base.u32 = [
0x40000000, 0x40000100, 0x40000200, 0x40000300, 0x40000410, 0x40000610, 0x40000820, 0x40000C20,
0x40001030, 0x40001830, 0x40002040, 0x40003040, 0x40004050, 0x40006050, 0x40008060, 0x4000C060,
0x40010070, 0x40018070, 0x40020080, 0x40030080, 0x40040090, 0x40060090, 0x400800A0, 0x400C00A0,
0x401000B0, 0x401800B0, 0x402000C0, 0x403000C0, 0x404000D0, 0x406000D0, 0x08000000, 0x08000000,
// TODO: replace the magic "big enough" 1024 with something more principled,
// perhaps discovered via an exhaustive search.
pri const huffs_table_size base.u32 = 1024
pub struct decoder?(
// These fields yield src's bits in Least Significant Bits order.
bits base.u32,
n_bits base.u32,
// huffs and n_huffs_bits are the lookup tables for Huffman decodings.
// There are up to 2 Huffman decoders active at any one time. As per this
// package's
// - huffs[0] is used for clcode and lcode.
// - huffs[1] is used for dcode.
// The initial table key is the low n_huffs_bits of the decoder.bits field.
// Keys longer than 9 bits require a two step lookup, the first step
// examines the low 9 bits, the second step examines the remaining bits.
// Two steps are required at most, as keys are at most 15 bits long.
// Using decoder.bits's low n_huffs_bits as a table key is valid even if
// decoder.n_bits is less than n_huffs_bits, because the immediate next
// step after indexing the table by the key is to compare decoder.n_bits to
// the table value's number of decoder.bits to consume. If it compares
// less, then more source bytes are read and the table lookup re-tried.
// The table value's bits:
// - bit 31 indicates a literal.
// - bit 30 indicates a base number + extra bits.
// - bit 29 indicates end-of-block.
// - bit 28 indicates a redirect to another part of the table.
// - bit 27 indicates an invalid value.
// - bits 26 .. 24 are zero.
// - bits 23 .. 8 are the redirect offset, literal (in bits 15-8) or base number.
// - bits 7 .. 4 are the redirected table's bits or number of extra bits.
// - bits 3 .. 0 are the number of decoder.bits to consume.
// Exactly one of the eight bits 31-24 should be set.
huffs array[2] array[huffs_table_size] base.u32,
n_huffs_bits array[2] base.u32[..9],
// history holds up to the last 32KiB of decoded output, if the decoding
// was incomplete (e.g. due to a short read or write). RFC 1951 (DEFLATE)
// gives the maximum distance in a length-distance back-reference as 32768,
// or 0x8000.
// It is a ringbuffer, so that the most distant byte in the decoding isn't
// necessarily history[0]. The ringbuffer is full (i.e. it holds 32KiB of
// history) if and only if history_index >= 0x8000.
// history[history_index & 0x7FFF] is where the next byte of decoded output
// will be written.
history array[0x8000] base.u8, // 32 KiB.
history_index base.u32,
// code_lengths is used to pass out-of-band data to init_huff.
// code_lengths[args.n_codes0 + i] holds the number of bits in the i'th
// code.
code_lengths array[320] base.u8[..15],
// end_of_block is whether decode_huffman_xxx saw an end-of-block code.
// TODO: can decode_huffman_xxx signal this in band instead of out of band?
end_of_block base.bool,
util base.utility,
pub func decoder.workbuf_len() base.range_ii_u64 {
return this.util.make_range_ii_u64(
pub func decoder.decode_io_writer?(dst base.io_writer, src base.io_reader, workbuf slice base.u8) {
var status base.status
var written slice base.u8
var n_copied base.u64
var already_full base.u32[..0x8000]
while true {
status =? this.decode_blocks?(dst:args.dst, src:args.src)
if not status.is_suspension() {
return status
// TODO: should "since_mark" be "since_mark!", as the return value lets
// you modify the state of args.dst, so future mutations (via the
// slice) can change the veracity of any args.dst assertions?
written = args.dst.since_mark()
// Append written, the decoded output, to the history ringbuffer.
if written.length() >= 0x8000 {
// If written is longer than the ringbuffer, we can ignore the
// previous value of history_index, as we will overwrite the whole
// ringbuffer.
written = written.suffix(up_to:0x8000)
this.history_index = 0x8000
} else {
// Otherwise, append written to the history ringbuffer starting at
// the previous history_index (modulo 0x8000).
n_copied = this.history[this.history_index & 0x7FFF:].copy_from_slice!(s:written)
if n_copied < written.length() {
// a_slice.copy_from(s:b_slice) returns the minimum of the two
// slice lengths. If that value is less than b_slice.length(),
// then not all of b_slice was copied.
// In terms of the history ringbuffer, that means that we have
// to wrap around and copy the remainder of written over the
// start of the history ringbuffer.
written = written[n_copied:]
n_copied = this.history[:].copy_from_slice!(s:written)
// Set history_index (modulo 0x8000) to the length of this
// remainder. The &0x7FFF is redundant, but proves to the
// compiler that the conversion to u32 will not overflow. The
// +0x8000 is to maintain that the history ringbuffer is full
// if and only if history_index >= 0x8000.
this.history_index = ((n_copied & 0x7FFF) as base.u32) + 0x8000
} else {
// We didn't need to wrap around.
already_full = 0
if this.history_index >= 0x8000 {
already_full = 0x8000
this.history_index = (this.history_index & 0x7FFF) + ((n_copied & 0x7FFF) as base.u32) + already_full
yield status
pri func decoder.decode_blocks?(dst base.io_writer, src base.io_reader) {
var final base.u32
var b0 base.u32[..255]
var type base.u32
var status base.status
while:outer final == 0 {
while this.n_bits < 3,
post this.n_bits >= 3,
b0 = args.src.read_u8_as_u32?()
this.bits |= b0 << this.n_bits
this.n_bits += 8
final = this.bits & 0x01
type = (this.bits >> 1) & 0x03
this.bits >>= 3
this.n_bits -= 3
if type == 0 {
this.decode_uncompressed?(dst:args.dst, src:args.src)
} else if type == 1 {
status = this.init_fixed_huffman!()
// TODO: "if status.is_error()" is probably more idiomatic, but for
// some mysterious, idiosyncratic reason, performs noticably worse
// for gcc (but not for clang).
// See git commit 3bf9573 "Work around strange status.is_error
// performance".
if not status.is_ok() {
return status
} else if type == 2 {
} else {
return "?bad block"
this.end_of_block = false
while true {
status = this.decode_huffman_fast!(dst:args.dst, src:args.src)
if status.is_error() {
return status
if this.end_of_block {
this.decode_huffman_slow?(dst:args.dst, src:args.src)
if this.end_of_block {
// decode_uncompressed decodes an uncompresed block as per the RFC section
// 3.2.4.
pri func decoder.decode_uncompressed?(dst base.io_writer, src base.io_reader) {
var length base.u32
var n_copied base.u32
// TODO: make this "if" into a function invariant?
// Ditto for decode_huffman_slow and decode_huffman_fast.
if (this.n_bits >= 8) or ((this.bits >> (this.n_bits & 7)) != 0) {
return "?internal error: inconsistent n_bits"
this.n_bits = 0
this.bits = 0
length = args.src.read_u32le?()
if (length.low_bits(n:16) + length.high_bits(n:16)) != 0xFFFF {
return "?inconsistent stored block length"
length = length.low_bits(n:16)
while true {
n_copied = args.dst.copy_n_from_reader!(n:length, r:args.src)
if length <= n_copied {
return ok
length -= n_copied
if args.dst.available() == 0 {
yield base."$short write"
} else {
yield base."$short read"
// init_fixed_huffman initializes this.huffs as per the RFC section 3.2.6.
pri func decoder.init_fixed_huffman!() base.status {
var i base.u32
var status base.status
while i < 144 {
this.code_lengths[i] = 8
i += 1
while i < 256 {
this.code_lengths[i] = 9
i += 1
while i < 280 {
this.code_lengths[i] = 7
i += 1
while i < 288 {
this.code_lengths[i] = 8
i += 1
while i < 320 {
this.code_lengths[i] = 5
i += 1
status = this.init_huff!(which:0, n_codes0:0, n_codes1:288, base_symbol:257)
if status.is_error() {
return status
status = this.init_huff!(which:1, n_codes0:288, n_codes1:320, base_symbol:0)
if status.is_error() {
return status
return ok
// init_dynamic_huffman initializes this.huffs as per the RFC section 3.2.7.
pri func decoder.init_dynamic_huffman?(src base.io_reader) {
var bits base.u32
var n_bits base.u32
var b0 base.u32[..255]
var n_lit base.u32[..288]
var n_dist base.u32[..32]
var n_clen base.u32[..19]
var i base.u32
var b1 base.u32[..255]
var status base.status
var mask base.u32[..511]
var table_entry base.u32
var table_entry_n_bits base.u32[..15]
var b2 base.u32[..255]
var n_extra_bits base.u32[..7]
var rep_symbol base.u8[..15]
var rep_count base.u32
var b3 base.u32[..255]
bits = this.bits
n_bits = this.n_bits
while n_bits < 14,
post n_bits >= 14,
b0 = args.src.read_u8_as_u32?()
bits |= b0 << n_bits
n_bits += 8
n_lit = bits.low_bits(n:5) + 257
if n_lit > 286 {
return "?bad literal/length code count"
bits >>= 5
n_dist = bits.low_bits(n:5) + 1
if n_dist > 30 {
return "?bad distance code count"
bits >>= 5
n_clen = bits.low_bits(n:4) + 4
bits >>= 4
n_bits -= 14
// Read the clcode Huffman table: H-CL.
i = 0
while i < n_clen {
while n_bits < 3,
inv i < n_clen,
post n_bits >= 3,
b1 = args.src.read_u8_as_u32?()
bits |= b1 << n_bits
n_bits += 8
assert i < 19 via "a < b: a < c; c <= b"(c:n_clen)
this.code_lengths[code_order[i]] = (bits & 0x07) as base.u8
bits >>= 3
n_bits -= 3
i += 1
while i < 19 {
this.code_lengths[code_order[i]] = 0
i += 1
status = this.init_huff!(which:0, n_codes0:0, n_codes1:19, base_symbol:0xFFF)
if status.is_error() {
return status
// Decode the code lengths for the next two Huffman tables.
mask = ((1 as base.u32) << this.n_huffs_bits[0]) - 1
i = 0
while i < (n_lit + n_dist) {
assert i < (288 + 32) via "a < (b + c): a < (b0 + c0); b0 <= b; c0 <= c"(b0:n_lit, c0:n_dist)
// Decode a clcode symbol from H-CL.
while true,
inv i < 320,
table_entry = this.huffs[0][bits & mask]
table_entry_n_bits = table_entry & 15
if n_bits >= table_entry_n_bits {
bits >>= table_entry_n_bits
n_bits -= table_entry_n_bits
assert n_bits < 15 via "a < b: a < c; c <= b"(c:table_entry_n_bits)
b2 = args.src.read_u8_as_u32?()
bits |= b2 << n_bits
n_bits += 8
// For H-CL, there should be no redirections and all symbols should be
// literals.
if (table_entry >> 24) != 0x80 {
return "?internal error: inconsistent Huffman decoder state"
table_entry = (table_entry >> 8) & 0xFF
// Write a literal code length.
if table_entry < 16 {
this.code_lengths[i] = table_entry as base.u8
i += 1
// Write a repeated code length.
n_extra_bits = 0
rep_symbol = 0
rep_count = 0
if table_entry == 16 {
n_extra_bits = 2
if i <= 0 {
return "?bad Huffman code length repetition"
rep_symbol = this.code_lengths[i - 1]
rep_count = 3
assert rep_count <= 11
} else if table_entry == 17 {
n_extra_bits = 3
rep_symbol = 0
rep_count = 3
assert rep_count <= 11
} else if table_entry == 18 {
n_extra_bits = 7
rep_symbol = 0
rep_count = 11
assert rep_count <= 11
} else {
return "?internal error: inconsistent Huffman decoder state"
while n_bits < n_extra_bits,
inv i < 320,
inv rep_count <= 11,
post n_bits >= n_extra_bits,
assert n_bits < 7 via "a < b: a < c; c <= b"(c:n_extra_bits)
b3 = args.src.read_u8_as_u32?()
bits |= b3 << n_bits
n_bits += 8
rep_count += bits.low_bits(n:n_extra_bits)
bits >>= n_extra_bits
n_bits -= n_extra_bits
while rep_count > 0 {
// TODO: hoist this check up one level?
if i >= (n_lit + n_dist) {
return "?bad Huffman code length count"
assert i < (288 + 32) via "a < (b + c): a < (b0 + c0); b0 <= b; c0 <= c"(b0:n_lit, c0:n_dist)
this.code_lengths[i] = rep_symbol
i += 1
rep_count -= 1
if i != (n_lit + n_dist) {
return "?bad Huffman code length count"
if this.code_lengths[256] == 0 {
return "?missing end-of-block code"
status = this.init_huff!(which:0, n_codes0:0, n_codes1:n_lit, base_symbol:257)
if status.is_error() {
return status
status = this.init_huff!(which:1, n_codes0:n_lit, n_codes1:n_lit + n_dist, base_symbol:0)
if status.is_error() {
return status
this.bits = bits
this.n_bits = n_bits
// TODO: make named constants for 15, 19, 319, etc.
pri func decoder.init_huff!(which base.u32[..1], n_codes0 base.u32[..320], n_codes1 base.u32[..320], base_symbol base.u32) base.status {
var counts array[16] base.u16[..320]
var i base.u32
var remaining base.u32
var offsets array[16] base.u16[..320]
var n_symbols base.u32[..320]
var count base.u32[..320]
var symbols array[320] base.u16[..319]
var min_cl base.u32[..9]
var max_cl base.u32[..15]
var initial_high_bits base.u32
var prev_cl base.u32[..15]
var prev_redirect_key base.u32
var top base.u32[..huffs_table_size]
var next_top base.u32[..huffs_table_size]
var code base.u32
var key base.u32
var value base.u32
var cl base.u32[..15]
var redirect_key base.u32[..511]
var j base.u32[..16]
var reversed_key base.u32[..511]
var symbol base.u32[..319]
var high_bits base.u32
var delta base.u32
// For the clcode example in this package's
// - n_codes0 = 0
// - n_codes1 = 19
// - code_lengths[ 0] = 3
// - code_lengths[ 1] = 0
// - code_lengths[ 2] = 0
// - code_lengths[ 3] = 5
// - code_lengths[ 4] = 3
// - code_lengths[ 5] = 3
// - code_lengths[ 6] = 3
// - code_lengths[ 7] = 3
// - code_lengths[ 8] = 3
// - code_lengths[ 9] = 3
// - code_lengths[10] = 0
// - code_lengths[11] = 0
// - code_lengths[12] = 0
// - code_lengths[13] = 0
// - code_lengths[14] = 0
// - code_lengths[15] = 0
// - code_lengths[16] = 0
// - code_lengths[17] = 4
// - code_lengths[18] = 5
// Calculate counts.
// For the clcode example in this package's
// - counts[0] = 9
// - counts[1] = 0
// - counts[2] = 0
// - counts[3] = 7
// - counts[4] = 1
// - counts[5] = 2
// - all other counts elements are 0.
i = args.n_codes0
while i < args.n_codes1 {
assert i < 320 via "a < b: a < c; c <= b"(c:args.n_codes1)
// TODO: this if should be unnecessary. Have some way to assert that,
// for all j, counts[j] <= i, and thus counts[j]++ will not overflow.
if counts[this.code_lengths[i]] >= 320 {
return "?internal error: inconsistent Huffman decoder state"
counts[this.code_lengths[i]] += 1
i += 1
if ((counts[0] as base.u32) + args.n_codes0) == args.n_codes1 {
return "?no Huffman codes"
// Check that the Huffman code completely covers all possible input bits.
remaining = 1 // There is 1 possible 0-bit code.
i = 1
while i <= 15 {
if remaining > (1 << 30) {
return "?internal error: inconsistent Huffman decoder state"
// Each iteration doubles the number of possible remaining codes.
remaining <<= 1
if remaining < (counts[i] as base.u32) {
return "?bad Huffman code (over-subscribed)"
remaining -= counts[i] as base.u32
i += 1
if remaining != 0 {
// TODO: when is a degenerate Huffman table valid?
return "?bad Huffman code (under-subscribed)"
// Calculate offsets and n_symbols.
// For the clcode example in this package's
// - offsets[0] = 0
// - offsets[1] = 0
// - offsets[2] = 0
// - offsets[3] = 0
// - offsets[4] = 7
// - offsets[5] = 8
// - offsets[6] = 10
// - all other offsets elements are 10.
// - n_symbols = 10
i = 1
while i <= 15 {
offsets[i] = n_symbols as base.u16
count = counts[i] as base.u32
if n_symbols > (320 - count) {
return "?internal error: inconsistent Huffman decoder state"
assert (n_symbols + count) <= 320 via "(a + b) <= c: a <= (c - b)"()
// TODO: change this to n_symbols += count, once the proof engine's
// bounds checking can handle it.
n_symbols = n_symbols + count
i += 1
if n_symbols > 288 {
return "?internal error: inconsistent Huffman decoder state"
// Calculate symbols.
// For the clcode example in this package's
// - symbols[0] = 0
// - symbols[1] = 4
// - symbols[2] = 5
// - symbols[3] = 6
// - symbols[4] = 7
// - symbols[5] = 8
// - symbols[6] = 9
// - symbols[7] = 17
// - symbols[8] = 3
// - symbols[9] = 18
// As a (local variable) side effect, offsets' values will be updated:
// - offsets[3] = 7, formerly 0
// - offsets[4] = 8, formerly 7
// - offsets[5] = 10, formerly 8
i = args.n_codes0
while i < args.n_codes1,
inv n_symbols <= 288,
assert i < 320 via "a < b: a < c; c <= b"(c:args.n_codes1)
// TODO: this if check should be unnecessary.
if i < args.n_codes0 {
return "?internal error: inconsistent Huffman decoder state"
if this.code_lengths[i] != 0 {
if offsets[this.code_lengths[i]] >= 320 {
return "?internal error: inconsistent Huffman decoder state"
symbols[offsets[this.code_lengths[i]]] = (i - args.n_codes0) as base.u16
offsets[this.code_lengths[i]] += 1
i += 1
// Calculate min_cl and max_cl.
// For the clcode example in this package's
// - min_cl = 3
// - max_cl = 5
min_cl = 1
while true,
inv n_symbols <= 288,
if counts[min_cl] != 0 {
if min_cl >= 9 {
return "?bad Huffman minimum code length"
min_cl += 1
max_cl = 15
while true,
inv n_symbols <= 288,
if counts[max_cl] != 0 {
if max_cl <= 1 {
// TODO: when is a degenerate Huffman table valid?
return "?no Huffman codes"
max_cl -= 1
if max_cl <= 9 {
this.n_huffs_bits[args.which] = max_cl
} else {
this.n_huffs_bits[args.which] = 9
// Calculate this.huffs[args.which].
// For the clcode example in this package's
// - this.huffs[0][0b..000] = 0x80000003 (literal, symbols[0]=0x00, code_length=3)
// - this.huffs[0][0b..100] = 0x80000403 (literal, symbols[1]=0x04, code_length=3)
// - this.huffs[0][0b..010] = 0x80000503 (literal, symbols[2]=0x05, code_length=3)
// - this.huffs[0][0b..110] = 0x80000603 (literal, symbols[3]=0x06, code_length=3)
// - this.huffs[0][0b..001] = 0x80000703 (literal, symbols[4]=0x07, code_length=3)
// - this.huffs[0][0b..101] = 0x80000803 (literal, symbols[5]=0x08, code_length=3)
// - this.huffs[0][0b..011] = 0x80000903 (literal, symbols[6]=0x09, code_length=3)
// - this.huffs[0][0b.0111] = 0x80001104 (literal, symbols[7]=0x11, code_length=4)
// - this.huffs[0][0b01111] = 0x80000305 (literal, symbols[8]=0x03, code_length=5)
// - this.huffs[0][0b11111] = 0x80001805 (literal, symbols[9]=0x18, code_length=5)
i = 0
if (n_symbols != (offsets[max_cl] as base.u32)) or (n_symbols != (offsets[15] as base.u32)) {
return "?internal error: inconsistent Huffman decoder state"
if (args.n_codes0 + (symbols[0] as base.u32)) >= 320 {
return "?internal error: inconsistent Huffman decoder state"
initial_high_bits = 1 << 9
if max_cl < 9 {
initial_high_bits = (1 as base.u32) << max_cl
prev_cl = this.code_lengths[args.n_codes0 + (symbols[0] as base.u32)] as base.u32
prev_redirect_key = 0xFFFFFFFF
top = 0
next_top = 512
code = 0
key = 0
value = 0
while true,
pre code < (1 << 15),
pre i < 288,
inv n_symbols <= 288,
if (args.n_codes0 + (symbols[i] as base.u32)) >= 320 {
return "?internal error: inconsistent Huffman decoder state"
cl = this.code_lengths[args.n_codes0 + (symbols[i] as base.u32)] as base.u32
if cl > prev_cl {
code <<= cl - prev_cl
if code >= (1 << 15) {
return "?internal error: inconsistent Huffman decoder state"
// For the remainder of this loop body, prev_cl is the original code
// length, cl is possibly clipped by 9, if in the 2nd-level table.
prev_cl = cl
key = code
if cl > 9 {
cl -= 9
assert cl <= 9
redirect_key = (key >> cl) & 511
key = key.low_bits(n:cl)
if prev_redirect_key != redirect_key {
prev_redirect_key = redirect_key
// Calculate the number of bits needed for the 2nd level table.
// This computation is similar to "check that the Huffman code
// completely covers all possible input bits" above.
remaining = (1 as base.u32) << cl
j = prev_cl
while j <= 15,
inv cl <= 9,
inv code < (1 << 15),
inv i < 288,
inv n_symbols <= 288,
if remaining <= (counts[j] as base.u32) {
remaining -= counts[j] as base.u32
if remaining > (1 << 30) {
return "?internal error: inconsistent Huffman decoder state"
remaining <<= 1
j += 1
if (j <= 9) or (15 < j) {
return "?internal error: inconsistent Huffman decoder state"
j -= 9
initial_high_bits = (1 as base.u32) << j
top = next_top
if (top + ((1 as base.u32) << j)) > huffs_table_size {
return "?internal error: inconsistent Huffman decoder state"
assert (top + ((1 as base.u32) << j)) <= 1024 via "a <= b: a <= c; c <= b"(c:huffs_table_size)
next_top = top + ((1 as base.u32) << j)
redirect_key = (reverse8[redirect_key >> 1] as base.u32) | ((redirect_key & 1) << 8)
this.huffs[args.which][redirect_key] = 0x10000009 | (top << 8) | (j << 4)
if (key >= (1 << 9)) or (counts[prev_cl] <= 0) {
return "?internal error: inconsistent Huffman decoder state"
counts[prev_cl] -= 1
reversed_key = (reverse8[key >> 1] as base.u32) | ((key & 1) << 8)
reversed_key >>= 9 - cl
symbol = symbols[i] as base.u32
if symbol == 256 {
// End-of-block.
value = 0x20000000 | cl
} else if (symbol < 256) and (args.which == 0) {
// Literal.
value = 0x80000000 | (symbol << 8) | cl
} else if symbol >= args.base_symbol {
// Base number + extra bits.
symbol -= args.base_symbol
if args.which == 0 {
value = lcode_magic_numbers[symbol & 31] | cl
} else {
value = dcode_magic_numbers[symbol & 31] | cl
} else {
return "?internal error: inconsistent Huffman decoder state"
// The table uses log2(initial_high_bits) bits, but reversed_key only
// has cl bits. We duplicate the key-value pair across all possible
// values of the high (log2(initial_high_bits) - cl) bits.
high_bits = initial_high_bits
delta = (1 as base.u32) << cl
while high_bits >= delta,
inv code < (1 << 15),
inv i < 288,
inv n_symbols <= 288,
high_bits -= delta
if (top + ((high_bits | reversed_key) & 511)) >= huffs_table_size {
return "?internal error: inconsistent Huffman decoder state"
assert (top + ((high_bits | reversed_key) & 511)) < 1024 via "a < b: a < c; c <= b"(c:huffs_table_size)
this.huffs[args.which][top + ((high_bits | reversed_key) & 511)] = value
i += 1
if i >= n_symbols {
assert i < 288 via "a < b: a < c; c <= b"(c:n_symbols)
code += 1
if code >= (1 << 15) {
return "?internal error: inconsistent Huffman decoder state"
return ok