blob: aaaad05c73be628f9156f8701871db21282b99cd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Wuffs Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cgen
import (
a ""
t ""
func (g *gen) writeStatement(b *buffer, n *a.Node, depth uint32) error {
if depth > a.MaxBodyDepth {
return fmt.Errorf("body recursion depth too large")
if n.Kind() == a.KAssert {
// Assertions only apply at compile-time.
return nil
if (n.Kind() == a.KAssign) && (n.AsAssign().LHS() != nil) && n.AsAssign().RHS().Effect().Coroutine() {
// Put n's code into its own block, to restrict the scope of the
// tPrefix temporary variables. This helps avoid "jump bypasses
// variable initialization" compiler warnings with the coroutine
// suspension points.
defer b.writes("}\n")
if g.genlinenum {
filename, line := n.AsRaw().FilenameLine()
if i := strings.LastIndexByte(filename, '/'); i >= 0 {
filename = filename[i+1:]
if i := strings.LastIndexByte(filename, '\\'); i >= 0 {
filename = filename[i+1:]
b.printf("// %s:%d\n", filename, line)
switch n.Kind() {
case a.KAssign:
n := n.AsAssign()
return g.writeStatementAssign(b, n.Operator(), n.LHS(), n.RHS(), depth)
case a.KIOBind:
return g.writeStatementIOBind(b, n.AsIOBind(), depth)
case a.KIf:
return g.writeStatementIf(b, n.AsIf(), depth)
case a.KIterate:
return g.writeStatementIterate(b, n.AsIterate(), depth)
case a.KJump:
return g.writeStatementJump(b, n.AsJump(), depth)
case a.KRet:
return g.writeStatementRet(b, n.AsRet(), depth)
case a.KVar:
return nil
case a.KWhile:
return g.writeStatementWhile(b, n.AsWhile(), depth)
return fmt.Errorf("unrecognized ast.Kind (%s) for writeStatement", n.Kind())
func (g *gen) writeStatementAssign(b *buffer, op t.ID, lhs *a.Expr, rhs *a.Expr, depth uint32) error {
if depth > a.MaxExprDepth {
return fmt.Errorf("expression recursion depth too large")
hack, err := g.writeStatementAssign0(b, op, lhs, rhs)
if err != nil {
return err
if lhs != nil {
if err := g.writeStatementAssign1(b, op, lhs, rhs); err != nil {
return err
if hack {
if err := g.writeLoadExprDerivedVars(b, rhs); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (g *gen) writeStatementAssign0(b *buffer, op t.ID, lhs *a.Expr, rhs *a.Expr) (bool, error) {
if err := g.writeBuiltinQuestionCall(b, rhs, 0); err != errNoSuchBuiltin {
return false, err
doWork, hack := (lhs == nil) || rhs.Effect().Coroutine(), false
if !doWork && (rhs.Operator() == t.IDOpenParen) && (len(g.currFunk.derivedVars) > 0) {
// TODO: tighten this heuristic for filtering out all but user-defined
// method receivers.
method := rhs.LHS().AsExpr()
if (method == nil) || !method.LHS().MType().IsPointerType() {
return false, nil
for _, arg := range rhs.Args() {
v := arg.AsArg().Value()
// TODO: walk v, not just check it for an exact match for
// "", for some foo in derivedVars?
if v.Operator() != t.IDDot {
if vLHS := v.LHS().AsExpr(); vLHS.Operator() != 0 || vLHS.Ident() != t.IDArgs {
if _, ok := g.currFunk.derivedVars[v.Ident()]; ok {
doWork, hack = true, true
if doWork {
if err := g.writeSaveExprDerivedVars(b, rhs); err != nil {
return false, err
if op == t.IDEqQuestion {
if g.currFunk.tempW > maxTemp {
return false, fmt.Errorf("too many temporary variables required")
temp := g.currFunk.tempW
b.printf("wuffs_base__status %s%d = ", tPrefix, temp)
} else if rhs.Effect().Coroutine() {
if err := g.writeCoroSuspPoint(b, false); err != nil {
return false, err
b.writes("status = ")
} else if rhs.Effect().Coroutine() {
b.writes("status = ")
if !hack {
if err := g.writeExpr(b, rhs, 0); err != nil {
return false, err
if err := g.writeLoadExprDerivedVars(b, rhs); err != nil {
return false, err
if op != t.IDEqQuestion && rhs.Effect().Coroutine() {
b.writes("if (status) { goto suspend; }\n")
return hack, nil
func (g *gen) writeStatementAssign1(b *buffer, op t.ID, lhs *a.Expr, rhs *a.Expr) error {
lhsBuf := buffer(nil)
if err := g.writeExpr(&lhsBuf, lhs, 0); err != nil {
return err
opName, closer := "", ""
if lTyp := lhs.MType(); lTyp.IsArrayType() {
opName, closer = ",", fmt.Sprintf(", sizeof(%s))", lhsBuf)
} else {
switch op {
case t.IDTildeSatPlusEq, t.IDTildeSatMinusEq:
uBits := uintBits(lTyp.QID())
if uBits == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported tilde-operator type %q", lTyp.Str(
uOp := "add"
if op != t.IDTildeSatPlusEq {
uOp = "sub"
b.printf("wuffs_base__u%d__sat_%s_indirect(&", uBits, uOp)
opName, closer = ",", ")"
opName = cOpName(op)
if opName == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("unrecognized operator %q", op.AmbiguousForm().Str(
if rhs.Effect().Coroutine() {
if g.currFunk.tempR != (g.currFunk.tempW - 1) {
return fmt.Errorf("internal error: temporary variable count out of sync")
b.printf("%s%d", tPrefix, g.currFunk.tempR)
} else if err := g.writeExpr(b, rhs, 0); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (g *gen) writeStatementIOBind(b *buffer, n *a.IOBind, depth uint32) error {
if g.currFunk.ioBinds > maxIOBinds {
return fmt.Errorf("too many temporary variables required")
ioBindNum := g.currFunk.ioBinds
// TODO: do these variables need to be func-scoped (bigger scope)
// instead of block-scoped (smaller scope) if the coro_susp_point
// switch can jump past this initialization??
e := n.IO()
// TODO: restrict (in the type checker or parser) that e is either a
// local variable or
prefix := vPrefix
if e.Operator() != 0 {
prefix = aPrefix
cTyp := "reader"
if e.MType().QID()[1] == t.IDIOWriter {
cTyp = "writer"
name := e.Ident().Str(
b.printf("wuffs_base__io_%s %s%d_%s%s = %s%s;\n",
cTyp, oPrefix, ioBindNum, prefix, name, prefix, name)
// TODO: save / restore all iop vars, not just for local IO vars? How
// does this work if the io_bind body advances these pointers, either
// directly or by calling other funcs?
if e.Operator() == 0 {
b.printf("uint8_t *%s%d_%s%s%s = %s%s%s;\n",
oPrefix, ioBindNum, iopPrefix, prefix, name, iopPrefix, prefix, name)
b.printf("uint8_t *%s%d_%s%s%s = %s%s%s;\n",
oPrefix, ioBindNum, io1Prefix, prefix, name, io1Prefix, prefix, name)
if n.Keyword() == t.IDIOBind {
b.printf("wuffs_base__io_%s__set(&%s%s, &u_%s, &iop_%s%s, &io1_%s%s,",
cTyp, prefix, name, name, prefix, name, prefix, name)
if err := g.writeExpr(b, n.Arg1(), 0); err != nil {
return err
} else {
// TODO: restrict (in the type checker or parser) that e is
b.printf("wuffs_base__io_%s__set_limit(&%s%s, iop_%s%s,\n", cTyp, prefix, name, prefix, name)
if err := g.writeExpr(b, n.Arg1(), 0); err != nil {
return err
for _, o := range n.Body() {
if err := g.writeStatement(b, o, depth); err != nil {
return err
e := n.IO()
prefix := vPrefix
if e.Operator() != 0 {
prefix = aPrefix
name := e.Ident().Str(
b.printf("%s%s = %s%d_%s%s;\n",
prefix, name, oPrefix, ioBindNum, prefix, name)
if e.Operator() == 0 {
b.printf("%s%s%s = %s%d_%s%s%s;\n",
iopPrefix, prefix, name, oPrefix, ioBindNum, iopPrefix, prefix, name)
b.printf("%s%s%s = %s%d_%s%s%s;\n",
io1Prefix, prefix, name, oPrefix, ioBindNum, io1Prefix, prefix, name)
return nil
func (g *gen) writeStatementIf(b *buffer, n *a.If, depth uint32) error {
// For an "if true { etc }", just write the "etc".
if cv := n.Condition().ConstValue(); (cv != nil) && (cv.Cmp(one) == 0) &&
(n.ElseIf() == nil) && (len(n.BodyIfFalse()) == 0) {
for _, o := range n.BodyIfTrue() {
if err := g.writeStatement(b, o, depth); err != nil {
return err
return nil
for {
condition := buffer(nil)
if err := g.writeExpr(&condition, n.Condition(), 0); err != nil {
return err
// Calling trimParens avoids clang's -Wparentheses-equality warning.
b.printf("if (%s) {\n", trimParens(condition))
for _, o := range n.BodyIfTrue() {
if err := g.writeStatement(b, o, depth); err != nil {
return err
if bif := n.BodyIfFalse(); len(bif) > 0 {
b.writes("} else {\n")
for _, o := range bif {
if err := g.writeStatement(b, o, depth); err != nil {
return err
n = n.ElseIf()
if n == nil {
b.writes("} else ")
return nil
func (g *gen) writeStatementIterate(b *buffer, n *a.Iterate, depth uint32) error {
assigns := n.Assigns()
if len(assigns) == 0 {
return nil
if len(assigns) != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("TODO: iterate over more than one assign")
o := assigns[0].AsAssign()
name := o.LHS().Ident().Str(
// TODO: don't assume that the slice is a slice of base.u8. In
// particular, the code gen can be subtle if the slice element type has
// zero size, such as the empty struct.
b.printf("wuffs_base__slice_u8 %sslice_%s =", iPrefix, name)
if err := g.writeExpr(b, o.RHS(), 0); err != nil {
return err
b.printf("%s%s = %sslice_%s;\n", vPrefix, name, iPrefix, name)
// TODO: look at n.HasContinue() and n.HasBreak().
round := uint32(0)
for ; n != nil; n = n.ElseIterate() {
length := n.Length().SmallPowerOf2Value()
unroll := n.Unroll().SmallPowerOf2Value()
for {
if err := g.writeIterateRound(b, name, n.Body(), round, depth, length, unroll); err != nil {
return err
if unroll == 1 {
unroll = 1
return nil
func (g *gen) writeStatementJump(b *buffer, n *a.Jump, depth uint32) error {
jt, err := g.currFunk.jumpTarget(n.JumpTarget())
if err != nil {
return err
keyword := "continue"
if n.Keyword() == t.IDBreak {
keyword = "break"
b.printf("goto label_%d_%s;\n", jt, keyword)
return nil
func (g *gen) writeStatementRet(b *buffer, n *a.Ret, depth uint32) error {
retExpr := n.Value()
if g.currFunk.astFunc.Effect().Coroutine() ||
(g.currFunk.returnsStatus && (len(g.currFunk.derivedVars) > 0)) {
isOK := false
b.writes("status = ")
if retExpr.Operator() == 0 && retExpr.Ident() == t.IDOk {
isOK = true
} else {
if retExpr.Ident().IsStrLiteral( {
msg, _ := t.Unescape(retExpr.Ident().Str(
isOK = statusMsgIsWarning(msg)
if err := g.writeExpr(
b, retExpr, depth); err != nil {
return err
if n.Keyword() == t.IDYield {
return g.writeCoroSuspPoint(b, true)
if n.RetsError() {
b.writes("goto exit;")
} else if isOK {
g.currFunk.hasGotoOK = true
b.writes("goto ok;")
} else {
g.currFunk.hasGotoOK = true
// TODO: the "goto exit"s can be "goto ok".
b.writes("if (wuffs_base__status__is_error(status)) { goto exit; }" +
"else if (wuffs_base__status__is_suspension(status)) { " +
"status = wuffs_base__error__cannot_return_a_suspension; goto exit; } goto ok;")
return nil
b.writes("return ")
if g.currFunk.astFunc.Out() == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("TODO: allow empty return type (when not suspendible)")
} else if err := g.writeExpr(b, retExpr, depth); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (g *gen) writeStatementWhile(b *buffer, n *a.While, depth uint32) error {
if n.HasContinue() {
jt, err := g.currFunk.jumpTarget(n)
if err != nil {
return err
b.printf("label_%d_continue:;\n", jt)
condition := buffer(nil)
if err := g.writeExpr(&condition, n.Condition(), 0); err != nil {
return err
// Calling trimParens avoids clang's -Wparentheses-equality warning.
b.printf("while (%s) {\n", trimParens(condition))
for _, o := range n.Body() {
if err := g.writeStatement(b, o, depth); err != nil {
return err
if n.HasBreak() {
jt, err := g.currFunk.jumpTarget(n)
if err != nil {
return err
b.printf("label_%d_break:;\n", jt)
return nil
func (g *gen) writeIterateRound(b *buffer, name string, body []*a.Node, round uint32, depth uint32, length int, unroll int) error {
b.printf("%s%s.len = %d;\n", vPrefix, name, length)
b.printf("uint8_t* %send%d_%s = %sslice_%s.ptr + (%sslice_%s.len / %d) * %d;\n",
iPrefix, round, name, iPrefix, name, iPrefix, name, length*unroll, length*unroll)
b.printf("while (%s%s.ptr < %send%d_%s) {\n", vPrefix, name, iPrefix, round, name)
for i := 0; i < unroll; i++ {
for _, o := range body {
if err := g.writeStatement(b, o, depth); err != nil {
return err
b.printf("%s%s.ptr += %d;\n", vPrefix, name, length)
return nil
func (g *gen) writeCoroSuspPoint(b *buffer, maybeSuspend bool) error {
const maxCoroSuspPoint = 0xFFFFFFFF
if g.currFunk.coroSuspPoint == maxCoroSuspPoint {
return fmt.Errorf("too many coroutine suspension points required")
macro := ""
if maybeSuspend {
macro = "_MAYBE_SUSPEND"
b.printf("WUFFS_BASE__COROUTINE_SUSPENSION_POINT%s(%d);\n", macro, g.currFunk.coroSuspPoint)
return nil
func trimParens(b []byte) []byte {
if len(b) > 1 && b[0] == '(' && b[len(b)-1] == ')' {
return b[1 : len(b)-1]
return b