blob: 2fca63395b55432ca7c2b62c94d7088e88f43d96 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Wuffs Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package token
// MaxIntBits is the largest size (in bits) of the i8, u8, i16, u16, etc.
// integer types.
const MaxIntBits = 64
// ID is a token type. Every identifier (in the programming language sense),
// keyword, operator and literal has its own ID.
// Some IDs are built-in: the "func" keyword always has the same numerical ID
// value. Others are mapped at runtime. For example, the ID value for the
// "foobar" identifier (e.g. a variable name) is looked up in a Map.
type ID uint32
// Str returns a string form of x.
func (x ID) Str(m *Map) string { return m.ByID(x) }
func (x ID) AmbiguousForm() ID {
if x >= ID(len(ambiguousForms)) {
return 0
return ambiguousForms[x]
func (x ID) UnaryForm() ID {
if x >= ID(len(unaryForms)) {
return 0
return unaryForms[x]
func (x ID) BinaryForm() ID {
if x >= ID(len(binaryForms)) {
return 0
return binaryForms[x]
func (x ID) AssociativeForm() ID {
if x >= ID(len(associativeForms)) {
return 0
return associativeForms[x]
func (x ID) IsBuiltIn() bool { return x < nBuiltInIDs }
func (x ID) IsUnaryOp() bool { return minOp <= x && x <= maxOp && unaryForms[x] != 0 }
func (x ID) IsBinaryOp() bool { return minOp <= x && x <= maxOp && binaryForms[x] != 0 }
func (x ID) IsAssociativeOp() bool { return minOp <= x && x <= maxOp && associativeForms[x] != 0 }
func (x ID) IsLiteral(m *Map) bool {
if x < nBuiltInIDs {
return minBuiltInLiteral <= x && x <= maxBuiltInLiteral
} else if s := m.ByID(x); s != "" {
return !alpha(s[0])
return false
func (x ID) IsNumLiteral(m *Map) bool {
if x < nBuiltInIDs {
return minBuiltInNumLiteral <= x && x <= maxBuiltInNumLiteral
} else if s := m.ByID(x); s != "" {
return numeric(s[0])
return false
func (x ID) IsStrLiteral(m *Map) bool {
if x < nBuiltInIDs {
return false
} else if s := m.ByID(x); s != "" {
return s[0] == '"'
return false
func (x ID) IsIdent(m *Map) bool {
if x < nBuiltInIDs {
return minBuiltInIdent <= x && x <= maxBuiltInIdent
} else if s := m.ByID(x); s != "" {
return alpha(s[0])
return false
func (x ID) IsTightLeft() bool { return x < ID(len(isTightLeft)) && isTightLeft[x] }
func (x ID) IsTightRight() bool { return x < ID(len(isTightRight)) && isTightRight[x] }
func (x ID) IsAssign() bool { return minAssign <= x && x <= maxAssign }
func (x ID) IsCannotAssignTo() bool { return minCannotAssignTo <= x && x <= maxCannotAssignTo }
func (x ID) IsClose() bool { return minClose <= x && x <= maxClose }
func (x ID) IsKeyword() bool { return minKeyword <= x && x <= maxKeyword }
func (x ID) IsNumType() bool { return minNumType <= x && x <= maxNumType }
func (x ID) IsNumTypeOrIdeal() bool { return minNumTypeOrIdeal <= x && x <= maxNumTypeOrIdeal }
func (x ID) IsOpen() bool { return minOpen <= x && x <= maxOpen }
func (x ID) IsImplicitSemicolon(m *Map) bool {
return x.IsClose() || x.IsKeyword() || x.IsIdent(m) || x.IsLiteral(m)
func (x ID) IsXOp() bool { return minXOp <= x && x <= maxXOp }
func (x ID) IsXUnaryOp() bool { return minXOp <= x && x <= maxXOp && unaryForms[x] != 0 }
func (x ID) IsXBinaryOp() bool { return minXOp <= x && x <= maxXOp && binaryForms[x] != 0 }
func (x ID) IsXAssociativeOp() bool { return minXOp <= x && x <= maxXOp && associativeForms[x] != 0 }
func (x ID) SmallPowerOf2Value() int {
switch x {
case ID1:
return 1
case ID2:
return 2
case ID4:
return 4
case ID8:
return 8
case ID16:
return 16
case ID32:
return 32
case ID64:
return 64
case ID128:
return 128
case ID256:
return 256
return 0
// QID is a qualified ID, such as "". QID[0] is "foo"'s ID and QID[1] is
// "bar"'s. QID[0] may be 0 for a plain "bar".
type QID [2]ID
func (x QID) IsZero() bool { return x == QID{} }
// Str returns a string form of x.
func (x QID) Str(m *Map) string {
if x[0] != 0 {
return m.ByID(x[0]) + "." + m.ByID(x[1])
return m.ByID(x[1])
// QQID is a double-qualified ID, such as "receiverPkg.receiverName.funcName".
type QQID [3]ID
func (x QQID) IsZero() bool { return x == QQID{} }
// Str returns a string form of x.
func (x QQID) Str(m *Map) string {
if x[0] != 0 {
return m.ByID(x[0]) + "." + m.ByID(x[1]) + "." + m.ByID(x[2])
if x[1] != 0 {
return m.ByID(x[1]) + "." + m.ByID(x[2])
return m.ByID(x[2])
// Token combines an ID and the line number it was seen.
type Token struct {
Line uint32
// nBuiltInIDs is the number of built-in IDs. The packing is:
// - Zero is invalid.
// - [ 0x01, 0x0F] are squiggly punctuation, such as "(", ")" and ";".
// - [ 0x10, 0x2F] are squiggly assignments, such as "=" and "+=".
// - [ 0x30, 0x4F] are operators, such as "+", "==" and "not".
// - [ 0x50, 0x7F] are x-ops (disambiguation forms): unary vs binary "+".
// - [ 0x80, 0x9F] are keywords, such as "if" and "return".
// - [ 0xA0, 0xAF] are type modifiers, such as "ptr" and "slice".
// - [ 0xB0, 0xBF] are literals, such as "false" and "true".
// - [ 0xC0, 0xFF] are reserved.
// - [0x100, 0x3FF] are identifiers, such as "bool", "u32" and "read_u8".
// "Squiggly" means a sequence of non-alpha-numeric characters, such as "+" and
// "&=". Roughly speaking, their IDs range in [0x01, 0x4F], or disambiguation
// forms range in [0x50, 0x7F], but vice versa does not necessarily hold. For
// example, the "and" operator is not "squiggly" but it is within [0x01, 0x4F].
const (
nBuiltInSymbolicIDs = ID(0x80) // 128
nBuiltInIDs = ID(0x400) // 1024
const (
IDInvalid = ID(0)
minOpen = 0x02
maxOpen = 0x04
IDOpenParen = ID(0x02)
IDOpenBracket = ID(0x03)
IDOpenCurly = ID(0x04)
minClose = 0x05
maxClose = 0x07
IDCloseParen = ID(0x05)
IDCloseBracket = ID(0x06)
IDCloseCurly = ID(0x07)
IDDot = ID(0x08)
IDDotDot = ID(0x09)
IDComma = ID(0x0A)
IDExclam = ID(0x0B)
IDQuestion = ID(0x0C)
IDColon = ID(0x0D)
IDSemicolon = ID(0x0E)
IDDollar = ID(0x0F)
const (
minAssign = 0x10
maxAssign = 0x2F
IDPlusEq = ID(0x10)
IDMinusEq = ID(0x11)
IDStarEq = ID(0x12)
IDSlashEq = ID(0x13)
IDShiftLEq = ID(0x14)
IDShiftREq = ID(0x15)
IDAmpEq = ID(0x16)
IDPipeEq = ID(0x17)
IDHatEq = ID(0x18)
IDPercentEq = ID(0x19)
IDTildeModShiftLEq = ID(0x1A)
IDTildeModPlusEq = ID(0x1B)
IDTildeModMinusEq = ID(0x1C)
IDTildeSatPlusEq = ID(0x1D)
IDTildeSatMinusEq = ID(0x1E)
IDEq = ID(0x20)
IDEqQuestion = ID(0x21)
const (
minOp = 0x30
minAmbiguousOp = 0x30
maxAmbiguousOp = 0x4F
minXOp = 0x50
maxXOp = 0x7F
maxOp = 0x7F
IDPlus = ID(0x30)
IDMinus = ID(0x31)
IDStar = ID(0x32)
IDSlash = ID(0x33)
IDShiftL = ID(0x34)
IDShiftR = ID(0x35)
IDAmp = ID(0x36)
IDPipe = ID(0x37)
IDHat = ID(0x38)
IDPercent = ID(0x39)
IDTildeModShiftL = ID(0x3A)
IDTildeModPlus = ID(0x3B)
IDTildeModMinus = ID(0x3C)
IDTildeSatPlus = ID(0x3D)
IDTildeSatMinus = ID(0x3E)
IDNotEq = ID(0x40)
IDLessThan = ID(0x41)
IDLessEq = ID(0x42)
IDEqEq = ID(0x43)
IDGreaterEq = ID(0x44)
IDGreaterThan = ID(0x45)
IDAnd = ID(0x48)
IDOr = ID(0x49)
IDNot = ID(0x4A)
IDAs = ID(0x4B)
// TODO: are these unused? Can we drop them (and their XUnary forms)?
IDRef = ID(0x4C)
IDDeref = ID(0x4D)
// The IDXFoo IDs are not returned by the tokenizer. They are used by the
// ast.Node ID-typed fields to disambiguate e.g. unary vs binary plus.
IDXUnaryPlus = ID(0x50)
IDXUnaryMinus = ID(0x51)
IDXUnaryNot = ID(0x52)
IDXUnaryRef = ID(0x53)
IDXUnaryDeref = ID(0x54)
IDXBinaryPlus = ID(0x58)
IDXBinaryMinus = ID(0x59)
IDXBinaryStar = ID(0x5A)
IDXBinarySlash = ID(0x5B)
IDXBinaryShiftL = ID(0x5C)
IDXBinaryShiftR = ID(0x5D)
IDXBinaryAmp = ID(0x5E)
IDXBinaryPipe = ID(0x5F)
IDXBinaryHat = ID(0x60)
IDXBinaryPercent = ID(0x61)
IDXBinaryTildeModShiftL = ID(0x62)
IDXBinaryTildeModPlus = ID(0x63)
IDXBinaryTildeModMinus = ID(0x64)
IDXBinaryTildeSatPlus = ID(0x65)
IDXBinaryTildeSatMinus = ID(0x66)
IDXBinaryNotEq = ID(0x67)
IDXBinaryLessThan = ID(0x68)
IDXBinaryLessEq = ID(0x69)
IDXBinaryEqEq = ID(0x6A)
IDXBinaryGreaterEq = ID(0x6B)
IDXBinaryGreaterThan = ID(0x6C)
IDXBinaryAnd = ID(0x6D)
IDXBinaryOr = ID(0x6E)
IDXBinaryAs = ID(0x6F)
IDXAssociativePlus = ID(0x70)
IDXAssociativeStar = ID(0x71)
IDXAssociativeAmp = ID(0x72)
IDXAssociativePipe = ID(0x73)
IDXAssociativeHat = ID(0x74)
IDXAssociativeAnd = ID(0x75)
IDXAssociativeOr = ID(0x76)
const (
minKeyword = 0x80
maxKeyword = 0x9F
// TODO: sort these by name, when the list has stabilized.
IDFunc = ID(0x80)
IDAssert = ID(0x81)
IDWhile = ID(0x82)
IDIf = ID(0x83)
IDElse = ID(0x84)
IDReturn = ID(0x85)
IDBreak = ID(0x86)
IDContinue = ID(0x87)
IDStruct = ID(0x88)
IDUse = ID(0x89)
IDVar = ID(0x8A)
IDPre = ID(0x8B)
IDInv = ID(0x8C)
IDPost = ID(0x8D)
IDVia = ID(0x8E)
IDPub = ID(0x8F)
IDPri = ID(0x90)
IDConst = ID(0x91)
IDIterate = ID(0x92)
IDYield = ID(0x93)
IDIOBind = ID(0x94)
IDIOLimit = ID(0x95)
const (
minTypeModifier = 0xA0
maxTypeModifier = 0xAF
IDArray = ID(0xA0)
IDNptr = ID(0xA1)
IDPtr = ID(0xA2)
IDSlice = ID(0xA3)
IDTable = ID(0xA4)
const (
minBuiltInLiteral = 0xB0
minBuiltInNumLiteral = 0xC0
maxBuiltInNumLiteral = 0xCF
maxBuiltInLiteral = 0xCF
IDFalse = ID(0xB0)
IDTrue = ID(0xB1)
IDNothing = ID(0xB2)
IDNullptr = ID(0xB3)
IDOk = ID(0xB4)
ID0 = ID(0xC0)
ID1 = ID(0xC1)
ID2 = ID(0xC2)
ID4 = ID(0xC3)
ID8 = ID(0xC4)
ID16 = ID(0xC5)
ID32 = ID(0xC6)
ID64 = ID(0xC7)
ID128 = ID(0xC8)
ID256 = ID(0xC9)
const (
minBuiltInIdent = 0x100
minCannotAssignTo = 0x100
maxCannotAssignTo = 0x102
minNumTypeOrIdeal = 0x10F
minNumType = 0x110
maxNumType = 0x117
maxNumTypeOrIdeal = 0x117
maxBuiltInIdent = 0x3FF
// -------- 0x100 block.
IDArgs = ID(0x100)
IDCoroutineResumed = ID(0x101)
IDThis = ID(0x102)
IDT1 = ID(0x108)
IDT2 = ID(0x109)
IDDagger1 = ID(0x10A)
IDDagger2 = ID(0x10B)
IDQNullptr = ID(0x10C)
IDQPlaceholder = ID(0x10D)
IDQTypeExpr = ID(0x10E)
// It is important that IDQIdeal is right next to the IDI8..IDU64 block.
// See the ID.IsNumTypeOrIdeal method.
IDQIdeal = ID(0x10F)
IDI8 = ID(0x110)
IDI16 = ID(0x111)
IDI32 = ID(0x112)
IDI64 = ID(0x113)
IDU8 = ID(0x114)
IDU16 = ID(0x115)
IDU32 = ID(0x116)
IDU64 = ID(0x117)
IDBase = ID(0x120)
IDBool = ID(0x121)
IDEmptyStruct = ID(0x122)
IDIOReader = ID(0x123)
IDIOWriter = ID(0x124)
IDStatus = ID(0x125)
IDUtility = ID(0x126)
IDRangeIEU32 = ID(0x130)
IDRangeIIU32 = ID(0x131)
IDRangeIEU64 = ID(0x132)
IDRangeIIU64 = ID(0x133)
IDRectIEU32 = ID(0x134)
IDRectIIU32 = ID(0x135)
IDFrameConfig = ID(0x150)
IDImageConfig = ID(0x151)
IDPixelBuffer = ID(0x152)
IDPixelConfig = ID(0x153)
IDPixelSwizzler = ID(0x154)
IDDecodeFrameOptions = ID(0x158)
IDCanUndoByte = ID(0x160)
IDPosition = ID(0x161)
IDSetLimit = ID(0x162)
IDSetMark = ID(0x163)
IDSinceMark = ID(0x164)
IDSinceMarkLength = ID(0x165)
IDSkip = ID(0x166)
IDSkipFast = ID(0x167)
IDTake = ID(0x168)
IDCopyFromSlice = ID(0x170)
IDCopyNFromHistory = ID(0x171)
IDCopyNFromHistoryFast = ID(0x172)
IDCopyNFromReader = ID(0x173)
IDCopyNFromSlice = ID(0x174)
// -------- 0x180 block.
IDUndoByte = ID(0x180)
IDReadU8 = ID(0x181)
IDReadU16BE = ID(0x182)
IDReadU16LE = ID(0x183)
IDReadU8AsU32 = ID(0x189)
IDReadU16BEAsU32 = ID(0x18A)
IDReadU16LEAsU32 = ID(0x18B)
IDReadU24BEAsU32 = ID(0x18C)
IDReadU24LEAsU32 = ID(0x18D)
IDReadU32BE = ID(0x18E)
IDReadU32LE = ID(0x18F)
IDReadU8AsU64 = ID(0x191)
IDReadU16BEAsU64 = ID(0x192)
IDReadU16LEAsU64 = ID(0x193)
IDReadU24BEAsU64 = ID(0x194)
IDReadU24LEAsU64 = ID(0x195)
IDReadU32BEAsU64 = ID(0x196)
IDReadU32LEAsU64 = ID(0x197)
IDReadU40BEAsU64 = ID(0x198)
IDReadU40LEAsU64 = ID(0x199)
IDReadU48BEAsU64 = ID(0x19A)
IDReadU48LEAsU64 = ID(0x19B)
IDReadU56BEAsU64 = ID(0x19C)
IDReadU56LEAsU64 = ID(0x19D)
IDReadU64BE = ID(0x19E)
IDReadU64LE = ID(0x19F)
// --------
IDPeekU8 = ID(0x1A1)
IDPeekU16BE = ID(0x1A2)
IDPeekU16LE = ID(0x1A3)
IDPeekU8AsU32 = ID(0x1A9)
IDPeekU16BEAsU32 = ID(0x1AA)
IDPeekU16LEAsU32 = ID(0x1AB)
IDPeekU24BEAsU32 = ID(0x1AC)
IDPeekU24LEAsU32 = ID(0x1AD)
IDPeekU32BE = ID(0x1AE)
IDPeekU32LE = ID(0x1AF)
IDPeekU8AsU64 = ID(0x1B1)
IDPeekU16BEAsU64 = ID(0x1B2)
IDPeekU16LEAsU64 = ID(0x1B3)
IDPeekU24BEAsU64 = ID(0x1B4)
IDPeekU24LEAsU64 = ID(0x1B5)
IDPeekU32BEAsU64 = ID(0x1B6)
IDPeekU32LEAsU64 = ID(0x1B7)
IDPeekU40BEAsU64 = ID(0x1B8)
IDPeekU40LEAsU64 = ID(0x1B9)
IDPeekU48BEAsU64 = ID(0x1BA)
IDPeekU48LEAsU64 = ID(0x1BB)
IDPeekU56BEAsU64 = ID(0x1BC)
IDPeekU56LEAsU64 = ID(0x1BD)
IDPeekU64BE = ID(0x1BE)
IDPeekU64LE = ID(0x1BF)
// --------
// TODO: IDUnwriteU8?
IDWriteU8 = ID(0x1C1)
IDWriteU16BE = ID(0x1C2)
IDWriteU16LE = ID(0x1C3)
IDWriteU24BE = ID(0x1C4)
IDWriteU24LE = ID(0x1C5)
IDWriteU32BE = ID(0x1C6)
IDWriteU32LE = ID(0x1C7)
IDWriteU40BE = ID(0x1C8)
IDWriteU40LE = ID(0x1C9)
IDWriteU48BE = ID(0x1CA)
IDWriteU48LE = ID(0x1CB)
IDWriteU56BE = ID(0x1CC)
IDWriteU56LE = ID(0x1CD)
IDWriteU64BE = ID(0x1CE)
IDWriteU64LE = ID(0x1CF)
// --------
IDWriteFastU8 = ID(0x1E1)
IDWriteFastU16BE = ID(0x1E2)
IDWriteFastU16LE = ID(0x1E3)
IDWriteFastU24BE = ID(0x1E4)
IDWriteFastU24LE = ID(0x1E5)
IDWriteFastU32BE = ID(0x1E6)
IDWriteFastU32LE = ID(0x1E7)
IDWriteFastU40BE = ID(0x1E8)
IDWriteFastU40LE = ID(0x1E9)
IDWriteFastU48BE = ID(0x1EA)
IDWriteFastU48LE = ID(0x1EB)
IDWriteFastU56BE = ID(0x1EC)
IDWriteFastU56LE = ID(0x1ED)
IDWriteFastU64BE = ID(0x1EE)
IDWriteFastU64LE = ID(0x1EF)
// -------- 0x200 block.
IDInitialize = ID(0x200)
IDReset = ID(0x201)
IDSet = ID(0x202)
IDUnroll = ID(0x203)
// TODO: range/rect methods like intersection and contains?
IDHighBits = ID(0x220)
IDLowBits = ID(0x221)
IDMax = ID(0x222)
IDMin = ID(0x223)
IDIsError = ID(0x230)
IDIsOK = ID(0x231)
IDIsSuspension = ID(0x232)
IDAvailable = ID(0x240)
IDHeight = ID(0x241)
IDLength = ID(0x242)
IDPrefix = ID(0x243)
IDRow = ID(0x244)
IDStride = ID(0x245)
IDSuffix = ID(0x246)
IDWidth = ID(0x247)
IDIO = ID(0x248)
IDLimit = ID(0x249)
IDData = ID(0x24A)
var builtInsByID = [nBuiltInIDs]string{
IDOpenParen: "(",
IDCloseParen: ")",
IDOpenBracket: "[",
IDCloseBracket: "]",
IDOpenCurly: "{",
IDCloseCurly: "}",
IDDot: ".",
IDDotDot: "..",
IDComma: ",",
IDExclam: "!",
IDQuestion: "?",
IDColon: ":",
IDSemicolon: ";",
IDDollar: "$",
IDPlusEq: "+=",
IDMinusEq: "-=",
IDStarEq: "*=",
IDSlashEq: "/=",
IDShiftLEq: "<<=",
IDShiftREq: ">>=",
IDAmpEq: "&=",
IDPipeEq: "|=",
IDHatEq: "^=",
IDPercentEq: "%=",
IDTildeModShiftLEq: "~mod<<=",
IDTildeModPlusEq: "~mod+=",
IDTildeModMinusEq: "~mod-=",
IDTildeSatPlusEq: "~sat+=",
IDTildeSatMinusEq: "~sat-=",
IDEq: "=",
IDEqQuestion: "=?",
IDPlus: "+",
IDMinus: "-",
IDStar: "*",
IDSlash: "/",
IDShiftL: "<<",
IDShiftR: ">>",
IDAmp: "&",
IDPipe: "|",
IDHat: "^",
IDPercent: "%",
IDTildeModShiftL: "~mod<<",
IDTildeModPlus: "~mod+",
IDTildeModMinus: "~mod-",
IDTildeSatPlus: "~sat+",
IDTildeSatMinus: "~sat-",
IDNotEq: "<>",
IDLessThan: "<",
IDLessEq: "<=",
IDEqEq: "==",
IDGreaterEq: ">=",
IDGreaterThan: ">",
IDAnd: "and",
IDOr: "or",
IDNot: "not",
IDAs: "as",
IDRef: "ref",
IDDeref: "deref",
IDFunc: "func",
IDAssert: "assert",
IDWhile: "while",
IDIf: "if",
IDElse: "else",
IDReturn: "return",
IDBreak: "break",
IDContinue: "continue",
IDStruct: "struct",
IDUse: "use",
IDVar: "var",
IDPre: "pre",
IDInv: "inv",
IDPost: "post",
IDVia: "via",
IDPub: "pub",
IDPri: "pri",
IDConst: "const",
IDIterate: "iterate",
IDYield: "yield",
IDIOBind: "io_bind",
IDIOLimit: "io_limit",
IDArray: "array",
IDNptr: "nptr",
IDPtr: "ptr",
IDSlice: "slice",
IDTable: "table",
IDFalse: "false",
IDTrue: "true",
IDNothing: "nothing",
IDNullptr: "nullptr",
IDOk: "ok",
ID0: "0",
ID1: "1",
ID2: "2",
ID4: "4",
ID8: "8",
ID16: "16",
ID32: "32",
ID64: "64",
ID128: "128",
ID256: "256",
// -------- 0x100 block.
IDArgs: "args",
IDCoroutineResumed: "coroutine_resumed",
IDThis: "this",
// Some of the next few IDs are never returned by the tokenizer, as it
// rejects non-ASCII input. The string representations "¶", "ℤ" etc. are
// specifically non-ASCII so that no user-defined (non built-in) identifier
// will conflict with them.
// IDDaggerN is used by the type checker as a dummy-valued built-in ID to
// represent a generic type.
IDT1: "T1",
IDT2: "T2",
IDDagger1: "†", // U+2020 DAGGER
IDDagger2: "‡", // U+2021 DOUBLE DAGGER
// IDQNullptr is used by the type checker to build an artificial MType for
// the nullptr literal.
IDQNullptr: "«Nullptr»",
// IDQPlaceholder is used by the type checker to build an artificial MType
// for AST nodes that aren't expression nodes or type expression nodes,
// such as struct definition nodes and statement nodes. Its presence means
// that the node is type checked.
IDQPlaceholder: "«Placeholder»",
// IDQTypeExpr is used by the type checker to build an artificial MType for
// type expression AST nodes.
IDQTypeExpr: "«TypeExpr»",
// IDQIdeal is used by the type checker to build an artificial MType for
// ideal integers (in mathematical terms, the integer ring ℤ), as opposed
// to a realized integer type whose range is restricted. For example, the
// base.u16 type is restricted to [0x0000, 0xFFFF].
IDQIdeal: "«Ideal»",
// Change MaxIntBits if a future update adds an i128 or u128 type.
IDI8: "i8",
IDI16: "i16",
IDI32: "i32",
IDI64: "i64",
IDU8: "u8",
IDU16: "u16",
IDU32: "u32",
IDU64: "u64",
IDBase: "base",
IDBool: "bool",
IDEmptyStruct: "empty_struct",
IDIOReader: "io_reader",
IDIOWriter: "io_writer",
IDStatus: "status",
IDUtility: "utility",
IDRangeIEU32: "range_ie_u32",
IDRangeIIU32: "range_ii_u32",
IDRangeIEU64: "range_ie_u64",
IDRangeIIU64: "range_ii_u64",
IDRectIEU32: "rect_ie_u32",
IDRectIIU32: "rect_ii_u32",
IDFrameConfig: "frame_config",
IDImageConfig: "image_config",
IDPixelBuffer: "pixel_buffer",
IDPixelConfig: "pixel_config",
IDPixelSwizzler: "pixel_swizzler",
IDDecodeFrameOptions: "decode_frame_options",
IDCanUndoByte: "can_undo_byte",
IDPosition: "position",
IDSetLimit: "set_limit",
IDSetMark: "set_mark",
IDSinceMark: "since_mark",
IDSinceMarkLength: "since_mark_length",
IDSkip: "skip",
IDSkipFast: "skip_fast",
IDTake: "take",
IDCopyFromSlice: "copy_from_slice",
IDCopyNFromHistory: "copy_n_from_history",
IDCopyNFromHistoryFast: "copy_n_from_history_fast",
IDCopyNFromReader: "copy_n_from_reader",
IDCopyNFromSlice: "copy_n_from_slice",
// -------- 0x180 block.
IDUndoByte: "undo_byte",
IDReadU8: "read_u8",
IDReadU16BE: "read_u16be",
IDReadU16LE: "read_u16le",
IDReadU8AsU32: "read_u8_as_u32",
IDReadU16BEAsU32: "read_u16be_as_u32",
IDReadU16LEAsU32: "read_u16le_as_u32",
IDReadU24BEAsU32: "read_u24be_as_u32",
IDReadU24LEAsU32: "read_u24le_as_u32",
IDReadU32BE: "read_u32be",
IDReadU32LE: "read_u32le",
IDReadU8AsU64: "read_u8_as_u64",
IDReadU16BEAsU64: "read_u16be_as_u64",
IDReadU16LEAsU64: "read_u16le_as_u64",
IDReadU24BEAsU64: "read_u24be_as_u64",
IDReadU24LEAsU64: "read_u24le_as_u64",
IDReadU32BEAsU64: "read_u32be_as_u64",
IDReadU32LEAsU64: "read_u32le_as_u64",
IDReadU40BEAsU64: "read_u40be_as_u64",
IDReadU40LEAsU64: "read_u40le_as_u64",
IDReadU48BEAsU64: "read_u48be_as_u64",
IDReadU48LEAsU64: "read_u48le_as_u64",
IDReadU56BEAsU64: "read_u56be_as_u64",
IDReadU56LEAsU64: "read_u56le_as_u64",
IDReadU64BE: "read_u64be",
IDReadU64LE: "read_u64le",
// --------
IDPeekU8: "peek_u8",
IDPeekU16BE: "peek_u16be",
IDPeekU16LE: "peek_u16le",
IDPeekU8AsU32: "peek_u8_as_u32",
IDPeekU16BEAsU32: "peek_u16be_as_u32",
IDPeekU16LEAsU32: "peek_u16le_as_u32",
IDPeekU24BEAsU32: "peek_u24be_as_u32",
IDPeekU24LEAsU32: "peek_u24le_as_u32",
IDPeekU32BE: "peek_u32be",
IDPeekU32LE: "peek_u32le",
IDPeekU8AsU64: "peek_u8_as_u64",
IDPeekU16BEAsU64: "peek_u16be_as_u64",
IDPeekU16LEAsU64: "peek_u16le_as_u64",
IDPeekU24BEAsU64: "peek_u24be_as_u64",
IDPeekU24LEAsU64: "peek_u24le_as_u64",
IDPeekU32BEAsU64: "peek_u32be_as_u64",
IDPeekU32LEAsU64: "peek_u32le_as_u64",
IDPeekU40BEAsU64: "peek_u40be_as_u64",
IDPeekU40LEAsU64: "peek_u40le_as_u64",
IDPeekU48BEAsU64: "peek_u48be_as_u64",
IDPeekU48LEAsU64: "peek_u48le_as_u64",
IDPeekU56BEAsU64: "peek_u56be_as_u64",
IDPeekU56LEAsU64: "peek_u56le_as_u64",
IDPeekU64BE: "peek_u64be",
IDPeekU64LE: "peek_u64le",
// --------
IDWriteU8: "write_u8",
IDWriteU16BE: "write_u16be",
IDWriteU16LE: "write_u16le",
IDWriteU24BE: "write_u24be",
IDWriteU24LE: "write_u24le",
IDWriteU32BE: "write_u32be",
IDWriteU32LE: "write_u32le",
IDWriteU40BE: "write_u40be",
IDWriteU40LE: "write_u40le",
IDWriteU48BE: "write_u48be",
IDWriteU48LE: "write_u48le",
IDWriteU56BE: "write_u56be",
IDWriteU56LE: "write_u56le",
IDWriteU64BE: "write_u64be",
IDWriteU64LE: "write_u64le",
// --------
IDWriteFastU8: "write_fast_u8",
IDWriteFastU16BE: "write_fast_u16be",
IDWriteFastU16LE: "write_fast_u16le",
IDWriteFastU24BE: "write_fast_u24be",
IDWriteFastU24LE: "write_fast_u24le",
IDWriteFastU32BE: "write_fast_u32be",
IDWriteFastU32LE: "write_fast_u32le",
IDWriteFastU40BE: "write_fast_u40be",
IDWriteFastU40LE: "write_fast_u40le",
IDWriteFastU48BE: "write_fast_u48be",
IDWriteFastU48LE: "write_fast_u48le",
IDWriteFastU56BE: "write_fast_u56be",
IDWriteFastU56LE: "write_fast_u56le",
IDWriteFastU64BE: "write_fast_u64be",
IDWriteFastU64LE: "write_fast_u64le",
// -------- 0x200 block.
IDInitialize: "initialize",
IDReset: "reset",
IDSet: "set",
IDUnroll: "unroll",
IDHighBits: "high_bits",
IDLowBits: "low_bits",
IDMax: "max",
IDMin: "min",
IDIsError: "is_error",
IDIsOK: "is_ok",
IDIsSuspension: "is_suspension",
IDAvailable: "available",
IDHeight: "height",
IDLength: "length",
IDPrefix: "prefix",
IDRow: "row",
IDStride: "stride",
IDSuffix: "suffix",
IDWidth: "width",
IDIO: "io",
IDLimit: "limit",
IDData: "data",
var builtInsByName = map[string]ID{}
func init() {
for i, name := range builtInsByID {
if name != "" {
builtInsByName[name] = ID(i)
// squiggles are built-in IDs that aren't alpha-numeric.
var squiggles = [256]ID{
'(': IDOpenParen,
')': IDCloseParen,
'[': IDOpenBracket,
']': IDCloseBracket,
'{': IDOpenCurly,
'}': IDCloseCurly,
',': IDComma,
'!': IDExclam,
'?': IDQuestion,
':': IDColon,
';': IDSemicolon,
'$': IDDollar,
type suffixLexer struct {
suffix string
id ID
// lexers lex ambiguous 1-byte squiggles. For example, "&" might be the start
// of "&^" or "&=".
// The order of the []suffixLexer elements matters. The first match wins. Since
// we want to lex greedily, longer suffixes should be earlier in the slice.
var lexers = [256][]suffixLexer{
'.': {
{".", IDDotDot},
{"", IDDot},
'&': {
{"=", IDAmpEq},
{"", IDAmp},
'|': {
{"=", IDPipeEq},
{"", IDPipe},
'^': {
{"=", IDHatEq},
{"", IDHat},
'+': {
{"=", IDPlusEq},
{"", IDPlus},
'-': {
{"=", IDMinusEq},
{"", IDMinus},
'*': {
{"=", IDStarEq},
{"", IDStar},
'/': {
{"=", IDSlashEq},
{"", IDSlash},
'%': {
{"=", IDPercentEq},
{"", IDPercent},
'=': {
{"=", IDEqEq},
{"?", IDEqQuestion},
{"", IDEq},
'<': {
{"<=", IDShiftLEq},
{"<", IDShiftL},
{"=", IDLessEq},
{">", IDNotEq},
{"", IDLessThan},
'>': {
{">=", IDShiftREq},
{">", IDShiftR},
{"=", IDGreaterEq},
{"", IDGreaterThan},
'~': {
{"mod<<=", IDTildeModShiftLEq},
{"mod<<", IDTildeModShiftL},
{"mod+=", IDTildeModPlusEq},
{"mod+", IDTildeModPlus},
{"mod-=", IDTildeModMinusEq},
{"mod-", IDTildeModMinus},
{"sat+=", IDTildeSatPlusEq},
{"sat+", IDTildeSatPlus},
{"sat-=", IDTildeSatMinusEq},
{"sat-", IDTildeSatMinus},
var ambiguousForms = [nBuiltInSymbolicIDs]ID{
IDXUnaryPlus: IDPlus,
IDXUnaryMinus: IDMinus,
IDXUnaryNot: IDNot,
IDXUnaryRef: IDRef,
IDXUnaryDeref: IDDeref,
IDXBinaryPlus: IDPlus,
IDXBinaryMinus: IDMinus,
IDXBinaryStar: IDStar,
IDXBinarySlash: IDSlash,
IDXBinaryShiftL: IDShiftL,
IDXBinaryShiftR: IDShiftR,
IDXBinaryAmp: IDAmp,
IDXBinaryPipe: IDPipe,
IDXBinaryHat: IDHat,
IDXBinaryPercent: IDPercent,
IDXBinaryTildeModShiftL: IDTildeModShiftL,
IDXBinaryTildeModPlus: IDTildeModPlus,
IDXBinaryTildeModMinus: IDTildeModMinus,
IDXBinaryTildeSatPlus: IDTildeSatPlus,
IDXBinaryTildeSatMinus: IDTildeSatMinus,
IDXBinaryNotEq: IDNotEq,
IDXBinaryLessThan: IDLessThan,
IDXBinaryLessEq: IDLessEq,
IDXBinaryEqEq: IDEqEq,
IDXBinaryGreaterEq: IDGreaterEq,
IDXBinaryGreaterThan: IDGreaterThan,
IDXBinaryAnd: IDAnd,
IDXBinaryOr: IDOr,
IDXBinaryAs: IDAs,
IDXAssociativePlus: IDPlus,
IDXAssociativeStar: IDStar,
IDXAssociativeAmp: IDAmp,
IDXAssociativePipe: IDPipe,
IDXAssociativeHat: IDHat,
IDXAssociativeAnd: IDAnd,
IDXAssociativeOr: IDOr,
func init() {
// addXForms modifies table so that, if table[x] == y, then table[y] = y.
// For example, for the unaryForms table, the explicit entries are like:
// IDPlus: IDXUnaryPlus,
// and this function implicitly addes entries like:
// IDXUnaryPlus: IDXUnaryPlus,
func addXForms(table *[nBuiltInSymbolicIDs]ID) {
implicitEntries := [nBuiltInSymbolicIDs]bool{}
for _, y := range table {
if y != 0 {
implicitEntries[y] = true
for y, implicit := range implicitEntries {
if implicit {
table[y] = ID(y)
var unaryForms = [nBuiltInSymbolicIDs]ID{
IDPlus: IDXUnaryPlus,
IDMinus: IDXUnaryMinus,
IDNot: IDXUnaryNot,
IDRef: IDXUnaryRef,
IDDeref: IDXUnaryDeref,
var binaryForms = [nBuiltInSymbolicIDs]ID{
IDPlusEq: IDXBinaryPlus,
IDMinusEq: IDXBinaryMinus,
IDStarEq: IDXBinaryStar,
IDSlashEq: IDXBinarySlash,
IDShiftLEq: IDXBinaryShiftL,
IDShiftREq: IDXBinaryShiftR,
IDAmpEq: IDXBinaryAmp,
IDPipeEq: IDXBinaryPipe,
IDHatEq: IDXBinaryHat,
IDPercentEq: IDXBinaryPercent,
IDTildeModShiftLEq: IDXBinaryTildeModShiftL,
IDTildeModPlusEq: IDXBinaryTildeModPlus,
IDTildeModMinusEq: IDXBinaryTildeModMinus,
IDTildeSatPlusEq: IDXBinaryTildeSatPlus,
IDTildeSatMinusEq: IDXBinaryTildeSatMinus,
IDPlus: IDXBinaryPlus,
IDMinus: IDXBinaryMinus,
IDStar: IDXBinaryStar,
IDSlash: IDXBinarySlash,
IDShiftL: IDXBinaryShiftL,
IDShiftR: IDXBinaryShiftR,
IDAmp: IDXBinaryAmp,
IDPipe: IDXBinaryPipe,
IDHat: IDXBinaryHat,
IDPercent: IDXBinaryPercent,
IDTildeModShiftL: IDXBinaryTildeModShiftL,
IDTildeModPlus: IDXBinaryTildeModPlus,
IDTildeModMinus: IDXBinaryTildeModMinus,
IDTildeSatPlus: IDXBinaryTildeSatPlus,
IDTildeSatMinus: IDXBinaryTildeSatMinus,
IDNotEq: IDXBinaryNotEq,
IDLessThan: IDXBinaryLessThan,
IDLessEq: IDXBinaryLessEq,
IDEqEq: IDXBinaryEqEq,
IDGreaterEq: IDXBinaryGreaterEq,
IDGreaterThan: IDXBinaryGreaterThan,
IDAnd: IDXBinaryAnd,
IDOr: IDXBinaryOr,
IDAs: IDXBinaryAs,
var associativeForms = [nBuiltInSymbolicIDs]ID{
IDPlus: IDXAssociativePlus,
IDStar: IDXAssociativeStar,
IDAmp: IDXAssociativeAmp,
IDPipe: IDXAssociativePipe,
IDHat: IDXAssociativeHat,
// TODO: IDTildeModPlus, IDTildeSatPlus?
IDAnd: IDXAssociativeAnd,
IDOr: IDXAssociativeOr,
var isTightLeft = [...]bool{
IDCloseParen: true,
IDOpenBracket: true,
IDCloseBracket: true,
IDDot: true,
IDDotDot: true,
IDComma: true,
IDExclam: true,
IDQuestion: true,
IDColon: true,
IDSemicolon: true,
var isTightRight = [...]bool{
IDOpenParen: true,
IDOpenBracket: true,
IDDot: true,
IDDotDot: true,
IDExclam: true,
IDQuestion: true,
IDColon: true,
IDDollar: true,