blob: 666d7b53ec43f10d88a7197250e3ed2f9c7d1680 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Wuffs Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ----------------
gifplayer prints an ASCII representation of the GIF image read from stdin. To
play Eadweard Muybridge's iconic galloping horse animation, run:
$CC gifplayer.c && ./a.out < ../../test/data/muybridge.gif; rm -f a.out
for a C compiler $CC, such as clang or gcc.
Add the -color flag to a.out to get 24 bit color ("true color") terminal output
(in the UTF-8 format) instead of plain ASCII output. Not all terminal emulators
support true color:
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#error "TODO: timers on non-POSIX systems"
#include <time.h>
bool started = false;
struct timespec start_time;
uint64_t micros_since_start(struct timespec* now) {
if (!started) {
return 0;
int64_t nanos = (int64_t)(now->tv_sec - start_time.tv_sec) * 1000000000 +
(int64_t)(now->tv_nsec - start_time.tv_nsec);
if (nanos < 0) {
return 0;
return nanos / 1000;
// Wuffs ships as a "single file C library" or "header file library" as per
// To use that single file as a "foo.c"-like implementation, instead of a
// "foo.h"-like header, #define WUFFS_IMPLEMENTATION before #include'ing or
// compiling it.
// If building this program in an environment that doesn't easily accommodate
// relative includes, you can use the script/inline-c-relative-includes.go
// program to generate a stand-alone C file.
#include "../../release/c/wuffs-unsupported-snapshot.c"
// Limit the input GIF image to (64 MiB - 1 byte) compressed and 4096 × 4096
// pixels uncompressed. This is a limitation of this example program (which
// uses the Wuffs standard library), not a limitation of Wuffs per se.
// We keep the whole input in memory, instead of one-pass stream processing,
// because playing a looping animation requires re-winding the input.
#define SRC_BUFFER_SIZE (64 * 1024 * 1024)
#define MAX_DIMENSION (4096)
uint8_t src_buffer[SRC_BUFFER_SIZE] = {0};
size_t src_len = 0;
wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul* curr_dst_buffer = NULL;
wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul* prev_dst_buffer = NULL;
size_t dst_len; // Length in bytes.
wuffs_base__slice_u8 pixbuf = ((wuffs_base__slice_u8){});
wuffs_base__slice_u8 workbuf = ((wuffs_base__slice_u8){});
wuffs_base__slice_u8 printbuf = ((wuffs_base__slice_u8){});
bool first_play = true;
uint32_t num_loops_remaining = 0;
wuffs_base__pixel_buffer pb = ((wuffs_base__pixel_buffer){});
wuffs_base__flicks cumulative_delay_micros = 0;
// ignore_return_value suppresses errors from -Wall -Werror.
static void ignore_return_value(int ignored) {}
const char* read_stdin() {
while (src_len < SRC_BUFFER_SIZE) {
const int stdin_fd = 0;
ssize_t n = read(stdin_fd, src_buffer + src_len, SRC_BUFFER_SIZE - src_len);
if (n > 0) {
src_len += n;
} else if (n == 0) {
return NULL;
} else if (errno == EINTR) {
// No-op.
} else {
return strerror(errno);
return "input is too large";
// ----
// BYTES_PER_COLOR_PIXEL is long enough to contain "\x1B[38;2;255;255;255mABC"
// plus a trailing NUL byte and a few bytes of slack. It starts with a true
// color terminal escape code. ABC is three bytes for the UTF-8 representation
// "\xE2\x96\x88" of "█", U+2588 FULL BLOCK.
const char* reset_color = "\x1B[0m";
bool color_flag = false;
const int stdout_fd = 1;
static inline uint32_t load_u32le(uint8_t* p) {
return ((uint32_t)(p[0]) << 0) | ((uint32_t)(p[1]) << 8) |
((uint32_t)(p[2]) << 16) | ((uint32_t)(p[3]) << 24);
void restore_background(wuffs_base__pixel_buffer* pb,
wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 bounds) {
size_t width = wuffs_base__pixel_config__width(&pb->pixcfg);
size_t y;
for (y = bounds.min_incl_y; y < bounds.max_excl_y; y++) {
size_t x;
wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul* d =
curr_dst_buffer + (y * width) + bounds.min_incl_x;
for (x = bounds.min_incl_x; x < bounds.max_excl_x; x++) {
*d++ = 0;
void compose(wuffs_base__pixel_buffer* pb, wuffs_base__rect_ie_u32 bounds) {
wuffs_base__table_u8 tab = wuffs_base__pixel_buffer__plane(pb, 0);
size_t width = wuffs_base__pixel_config__width(&pb->pixcfg);
size_t y;
for (y = bounds.min_incl_y; y < bounds.max_excl_y; y++) {
size_t x;
wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul* d =
curr_dst_buffer + (y * width) + (bounds.min_incl_x * 1);
uint8_t* s = tab.ptr + (y * tab.stride) + (bounds.min_incl_x * 4);
for (x = bounds.min_incl_x; x < bounds.max_excl_x; x++) {
wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul c = load_u32le(s);
if (c) {
*d = c;
d += 1;
s += 4;
size_t print_ascii_art(wuffs_base__pixel_buffer* pb) {
uint32_t width = wuffs_base__pixel_config__width(&pb->pixcfg);
uint32_t height = wuffs_base__pixel_config__height(&pb->pixcfg);
wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul* d = curr_dst_buffer;
uint8_t* p = printbuf.ptr;
*p++ = '\n';
uint32_t y;
for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
uint32_t x;
for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul c = *d++;
// Convert to grayscale via the formula
// Y = (0.299 * R) + (0.587 * G) + (0.114 * B)
// translated into fixed point arithmetic.
uint32_t b = 0xFF & (c >> 0);
uint32_t g = 0xFF & (c >> 8);
uint32_t r = 0xFF & (c >> 16);
uint32_t y = ((19595 * r) + (38470 * g) + (7471 * b) + (1 << 15)) >> 16;
*p++ = "-:=+IOX@"[(y & 0xFF) >> 5];
*p++ = '\n';
return p - printbuf.ptr;
size_t print_color_art(wuffs_base__pixel_buffer* pb) {
uint32_t width = wuffs_base__pixel_config__width(&pb->pixcfg);
uint32_t height = wuffs_base__pixel_config__height(&pb->pixcfg);
wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul* d = curr_dst_buffer;
uint8_t* p = printbuf.ptr;
*p++ = '\n';
p += sprintf((char*)p, "%s", reset_color);
uint32_t y;
for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
uint32_t x;
for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul c = *d++;
int b = 0xFF & (c >> 0);
int g = 0xFF & (c >> 8);
int r = 0xFF & (c >> 16);
// "\xE2\x96\x88" is U+2588 FULL BLOCK. Before that is a true color
// terminal escape code.
p += sprintf((char*)p, "\x1B[38;2;%d;%d;%dm\xE2\x96\x88", r, g, b);
*p++ = '\n';
p += sprintf((char*)p, "%s", reset_color);
return p - printbuf.ptr;
// ----
const char* try_allocate(wuffs_gif__decoder* dec,
wuffs_base__image_config* ic) {
uint32_t width = wuffs_base__pixel_config__width(&ic->pixcfg);
uint32_t height = wuffs_base__pixel_config__height(&ic->pixcfg);
uint64_t num_pixels = ((uint64_t)width) * ((uint64_t)height);
if (num_pixels > (SIZE_MAX / sizeof(wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul))) {
return "could not allocate dst buffer";
dst_len = num_pixels * sizeof(wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul);
curr_dst_buffer = (wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul*)malloc(dst_len);
if (!curr_dst_buffer) {
return "could not allocate curr-dst buffer";
prev_dst_buffer = (wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul*)malloc(dst_len);
if (!prev_dst_buffer) {
return "could not allocate prev-dst buffer";
pixbuf = wuffs_base__malloc_slice_u8(
malloc, wuffs_base__pixel_config__pixbuf_len(&ic->pixcfg));
if (!pixbuf.ptr) {
return "could not allocate pixel buffer";
workbuf = wuffs_base__malloc_slice_u8(
malloc, wuffs_gif__decoder__workbuf_len(dec).max_incl);
if (!workbuf.ptr) {
return "could not allocate work buffer";
uint64_t plen = 1 + ((uint64_t)(width) + 1) * (uint64_t)(height);
uint64_t bytes_per_print_pixel = color_flag ? BYTES_PER_COLOR_PIXEL : 1;
if (plen <= ((uint64_t)SIZE_MAX) / bytes_per_print_pixel) {
printbuf =
wuffs_base__malloc_slice_u8(malloc, plen * bytes_per_print_pixel);
if (!printbuf.ptr) {
return "could not allocate print buffer";
return NULL;
const char* allocate(wuffs_gif__decoder* dec, wuffs_base__image_config* ic) {
const char* status = try_allocate(dec, ic);
if (status) {
printbuf = ((wuffs_base__slice_u8){});
workbuf = ((wuffs_base__slice_u8){});
pixbuf = ((wuffs_base__slice_u8){});
prev_dst_buffer = NULL;
curr_dst_buffer = NULL;
dst_len = 0;
return status;
const char* play() {
wuffs_gif__decoder dec;
wuffs_base__status status =
wuffs_gif__decoder__initialize(&dec, sizeof dec, WUFFS_VERSION, 0);
if (status) {
return status;
wuffs_base__io_buffer src = ((wuffs_base__io_buffer){
.data = ((wuffs_base__slice_u8){
.ptr = src_buffer,
.len = src_len,
.meta = ((wuffs_base__io_buffer_meta){
.wi = src_len,
.ri = 0,
.pos = 0,
.closed = true,
wuffs_base__io_reader src_reader = wuffs_base__io_buffer__reader(&src);
if (first_play) {
wuffs_base__image_config ic = ((wuffs_base__image_config){});
status = wuffs_gif__decoder__decode_image_config(&dec, &ic, src_reader);
if (status) {
return status;
if (!wuffs_base__image_config__is_valid(&ic)) {
return "invalid image configuration";
uint32_t width = wuffs_base__pixel_config__width(&ic.pixcfg);
uint32_t height = wuffs_base__pixel_config__height(&ic.pixcfg);
if ((width > MAX_DIMENSION) || (height > MAX_DIMENSION)) {
return "image dimensions are too large";
// Override the source's indexed pixel format to be non-indexed.
const char* msg = allocate(&dec, &ic);
if (msg) {
return msg;
status = wuffs_base__pixel_buffer__set_from_slice(&pb, &ic.pixcfg, pixbuf);
if (status) {
return status;
memset(pixbuf.ptr, 0, pixbuf.len);
memset(curr_dst_buffer, 0, dst_len);
while (1) {
wuffs_base__frame_config fc = ((wuffs_base__frame_config){});
wuffs_base__status status =
wuffs_gif__decoder__decode_frame_config(&dec, &fc, src_reader);
if (status) {
if (status == wuffs_base__warning__end_of_data) {
return status;
switch (wuffs_base__frame_config__disposal(&fc)) {
memcpy(prev_dst_buffer, curr_dst_buffer, dst_len);
status =
wuffs_gif__decoder__decode_frame(&dec, &pb, src_reader, workbuf, NULL);
if (status) {
if (status == wuffs_base__warning__end_of_data) {
return status;
compose(&pb, wuffs_base__frame_config__bounds(&fc));
size_t n = color_flag ? print_color_art(&pb) : print_ascii_art(&pb);
switch (wuffs_base__frame_config__disposal(&fc)) {
restore_background(&pb, wuffs_base__frame_config__bounds(&fc));
wuffs_base__color_u32_argb_premul* swap = curr_dst_buffer;
curr_dst_buffer = prev_dst_buffer;
prev_dst_buffer = swap;
if (started) {
struct timespec now;
if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now)) {
return strerror(errno);
uint64_t elapsed_micros = micros_since_start(&now);
if (cumulative_delay_micros > elapsed_micros) {
usleep(cumulative_delay_micros - elapsed_micros);
} else {
if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start_time)) {
return strerror(errno);
started = true;
ignore_return_value(write(stdout_fd, printbuf.ptr, n));
cumulative_delay_micros +=
(1000 * wuffs_base__frame_config__duration(&fc)) /
// TODO: should a zero duration mean to show this frame forever?
if (first_play) {
first_play = false;
num_loops_remaining = wuffs_gif__decoder__num_animation_loops(&dec);
return NULL;
int fail(const char* msg) {
const int stderr_fd = 2;
ignore_return_value(write(stderr_fd, msg, strnlen(msg, 4095)));
ignore_return_value(write(stderr_fd, "\n", 1));
return 1;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
int i;
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-color")) {
color_flag = true;
const char* msg = read_stdin();
if (msg) {
return fail(msg);
while (true) {
msg = play();
if (msg) {
return fail(msg);
if (num_loops_remaining == 0) {
if (num_loops_remaining == 0) {
return 0;