blob: c537091435d66ef59e7efc86d3fd67c6b3975aba [file] [log] [blame]
#include "config.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "u/libu.h"
#include "wsman-client-api.h"
#include "wsman-client-transport.h"
#include "wsman-debug.h"
#include "wsman-xml-api.h"
#define DESC "Description"
static char *file = NULL;
static char *endpoint = NULL;
static int debug_level = -1;
typedef enum {
} InteropTest;
static void set_props(client_opt_t *op, char *k, char *v)
op->properties = hash_create(HASHCOUNT_T_MAX, 0, 0);
if ( !hash_alloc_insert(op->properties, k, v)) {
fprintf(stderr, "hash_alloc_insert failed");
//op->properties = h;
static void
wsman_add_selectors_list_from_node( WsXmlNodeH input, client_opt_t *options)
hash_t *h = hash_create(HASHCOUNT_T_MAX, 0, 0);
WsXmlNodeH node = ws_xml_get_child(input, 0, NULL, WSM_SELECTOR_SET);
if ( node )
WsXmlNodeH selector;
int index = 0;
while( (selector = ws_xml_get_child(node, index++, NULL, WSM_SELECTOR)) )
char* attrVal = ws_xml_find_attr_value(selector, NULL, WSM_NAME);
if ( attrVal == NULL )
attrVal = ws_xml_find_attr_value(selector, NULL, WSM_NAME);
if ( attrVal )
if (!hash_alloc_insert(h, attrVal, ws_xml_get_node_text(selector))) {
error("hash_alloc_insert failed");
if (!hash_isempty(h))
options->selectors = h;
static int pull_items(WsManClient *cl, WsXmlDocH doc, void *data)
if (!doc) {
return 0;
ws_xml_dump_doc(stdout, doc);
return 1;
static int run_interop_test (WsManClient *cl, WsXmlNodeH scenario, InteropTest id)
WsXmlDocH response;
client_opt_t *options = wsmc_options_init();
wsmc_set_action_option(options,FLAG_DUMP_REQUEST );
if (id == 0) { // 6.1 Identify
response = wsmc_action_identify(cl, options);
ws_xml_dump_doc(stdout, response);
}else if (id == 2) { // 6.2 Get
WsXmlNodeH input = ws_xml_get_child(scenario, 0, NULL, "Input");
WsXmlNodeH r = ws_xml_get_child(input, 0, NULL, "ResourceURI");
wsman_add_selectors_list_from_node(input, options);
char *resource_uri = ws_xml_get_node_text(r);
response = wsmc_action_get(cl, resource_uri, options);
ws_xml_dump_doc(stdout, response);
} else if (id == 3) { // 6.3 Get failure - invalid resoure URI
WsXmlNodeH input = ws_xml_get_child(scenario, 0, NULL, "Input");
WsXmlNodeH r = ws_xml_get_child(input, 0, NULL, "ResourceURI");
wsman_add_selectors_list_from_node(input, options);
char *resource_uri = ws_xml_get_node_text(r);
response = wsmc_action_get(cl, resource_uri, options);
ws_xml_dump_doc(stdout, response);
} else if (id == 4) { // 6.4 Get failure (MaxEnvelop exceeded)
WsXmlNodeH input = ws_xml_get_child(scenario, 0, NULL, "Input");
WsXmlNodeH r = ws_xml_get_child(input, 0, NULL, "ResourceURI");
wsman_add_selectors_list_from_node(input, options);
char *resource_uri = ws_xml_get_node_text(r);
response = wsmc_action_get(cl, resource_uri, options);
ws_xml_dump_doc(stdout, response);
} else if (id == 5) { // 6.5 Get failure - invalid selectors
WsXmlNodeH input = ws_xml_get_child(scenario, 0, NULL, "Input");
WsXmlNodeH r = ws_xml_get_child(input, 0, NULL, "ResourceURI");
wsman_add_selectors_list_from_node(input, options);
char *resource_uri = ws_xml_get_node_text(r);
response = wsmc_action_get(cl, resource_uri, options);
ws_xml_dump_doc(stdout, response);
} else if (id == 8) { // 7.1 Enumerate"
WsXmlNodeH input = ws_xml_get_child(scenario, 0, NULL, "Input");
WsXmlNodeH r = ws_xml_get_child(input, 0, NULL, "ResourceURI");
char *resource_uri = ws_xml_get_node_text(r);
wsmc_action_enumerate_and_pull(cl, resource_uri , options, NULL, pull_items, NULL );
} else if (id == 9) { // 7.2 Optimized Enumerate
wsmc_set_action_option(options, FLAG_ENUMERATION_OPTIMIZATION);
WsXmlNodeH input = ws_xml_get_child(scenario, 0, NULL, "Input");
WsXmlNodeH r = ws_xml_get_child(input, 0, NULL, "ResourceURI");
char *resource_uri = ws_xml_get_node_text(r);
wsmc_action_enumerate_and_pull(cl, resource_uri , options, NULL, pull_items, NULL );
} else if (id == 10) { // 7.3 Enumerate failure
WsXmlNodeH input = ws_xml_get_child(scenario, 0, NULL, "Input");
WsXmlNodeH r = ws_xml_get_child(input, 0, NULL, "ResourceURI");
char *resource_uri = ws_xml_get_node_text(r);
WsXmlDocH e = wsenum_enumerate(cl, resource_uri , options );
char *enumContext = wsenum_get_enum_context(e);
if (enumContext) {
response = wsenum_pull(cl, resource_uri, enumContext, options);
xml_parser_doc_dump(stdout, response);
WsXmlDocH response2 = wsenum_pull(cl, resource_uri, "xxxx", options);
if (response2)
xml_parser_doc_dump(stdout, response2);
}else if (id == 11) { // 7.4 Enumerate ObjectAndEPR
wsmc_set_action_option(options, FLAG_ENUMERATION_ENUM_EPR);
WsXmlNodeH input = ws_xml_get_child(scenario, 0, NULL, "Input");
WsXmlNodeH r = ws_xml_get_child(input, 0, NULL, "ResourceURI");
char *resource_uri = ws_xml_get_node_text(r);
wsmc_action_enumerate_and_pull(cl, resource_uri , options, NULL, pull_items, NULL );
}else if (id == 16) { // 7.9 Enumerate Polymorphism
wsmc_set_action_option(options, FLAG_POLYMORPHISM_NONE);
WsXmlNodeH input = ws_xml_get_child(scenario, 0, NULL, "Input");
WsXmlNodeH r = ws_xml_get_child(input, 0, NULL, "ResourceURI");
char *resource_uri = ws_xml_get_node_text(r);
wsmc_action_enumerate_and_pull(cl, resource_uri , options, NULL, pull_items, NULL );
}else if (id == 17) { // 8.1 Invoke
WsXmlNodeH input = ws_xml_get_child(scenario, 0, NULL, "Input");
WsXmlNodeH r = ws_xml_get_child(input, 0, NULL, "ResourceURI");
WsXmlNodeH m = ws_xml_get_child(input, 0, NULL, "MethodName");
char *resource_uri = ws_xml_get_node_text(r);
char *method = ws_xml_get_node_text(m);
wsman_add_selectors_list_from_node(input, options);
response = wsmc_action_invoke(cl, resource_uri, options, method, NULL);
ws_xml_dump_doc(stdout, response);
}else if (id == 18) { // 9.1 Put
WsXmlNodeH input = ws_xml_get_child(scenario, 0, NULL, "Input");
WsXmlNodeH r = ws_xml_get_child(input, 0, NULL, "ResourceURI");
WsXmlNodeH k = ws_xml_get_child(input, 0, NULL, "PropertyName");
WsXmlNodeH v = ws_xml_get_child(input, 0, NULL, "NewValue");
printf("%s=%s\n", ws_xml_get_node_text(k), ws_xml_get_node_text(v) );
char *resource_uri = ws_xml_get_node_text(r);
wsman_add_selectors_list_from_node(input, options);
set_props(options, ws_xml_get_node_text(k), ws_xml_get_node_text(v) );
response = wsmc_action_get_and_put(cl, resource_uri, options);
ws_xml_dump_doc(stdout, response);
return 0;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
WsManClient *cl;
WsXmlDocH doc;
client_opt_t *options;
char retval = 0;
u_error_t *error = NULL;
u_option_entry_t opt[] = {
{ "interop-file", 'f', U_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &file,
"Interop file", "<file>" },
{ "endpoint", 'u', U_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &endpoint,
"Endpoint in form of a URL", "<uri>" },
{ "debug", 'd', U_OPTION_ARG_INT, &debug_level,
"Set the verbosity of debugging output.", "1-6" },
{ NULL }
u_option_context_t *opt_ctx;
opt_ctx = u_option_context_new("");
u_option_context_set_ignore_unknown_options(opt_ctx, FALSE);
u_option_context_add_main_entries(opt_ctx, opt, "interop");
retval = u_option_context_parse(opt_ctx, &argc, &argv, &error);
if (error) {
if (error->message)
printf ("%s\n", error->message);
return 1;
u_uri_t *uri;
if (endpoint) {
u_uri_parse((const char *)endpoint, &uri);
if (!endpoint || !uri) {
fprintf(stderr, "endpoint option required\n");
return 1;
cl = wsmc_create( uri->host,
wsmc_transport_init(cl, NULL);
options = wsmc_options_init();
if (file == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Interop file required\n");
return 1;
doc = wsmc_read_file(file, "UTF-8", 0);
//xml_parser_doc_dump(stdout, doc);
//WsXmlNodeH node = ws_xml_get_soap_element(doc, "WSManInteropScenarios");
WsXmlNodeH node = NULL;
if (doc != NULL)
node = ws_xml_get_doc_root(doc);
WsXmlNodeH scenario;
int index = 0;
int test_id = 0;
while( (scenario = ws_xml_get_child(node, index++, NULL, "Scenario")) ) {
WsXmlAttrH desc = ws_xml_get_node_attr(scenario, 0);
char *attr_val = ws_xml_get_attr_value(desc);
WsXmlAttrH supported = ws_xml_get_node_attr(scenario, 1);
if (strcmp(ws_xml_get_attr_value(supported), "true") == 0 && test_id == 18 ) {
if (desc) {
if (attr_val)
printf("%s (%d)\n\n", attr_val, test_id );
run_interop_test(cl, scenario, test_id);
} else {
if (desc) {
if (attr_val)
printf("%s: Not Supported (%d)\n\n", attr_val, test_id );
return 0;