Fix build issues with including <unicode/utf8.h> on case-insensitive filesystems

On case insensitive filesystems, the include path <unicode/utf8.h> was getting
resolved to Source/WTF/wtf/unicode/UTF8.h, which is not what the includer ever
wanted. To resolve this, this avoids exposing the Source/WTF/wtf and other
WTF-internal include dirs to code that merely depends on WTF, like
JavaScriptCore, and manually inserts the ICU include dirs earlier into the
include path for targets inside WTF.

Change-Id: I2f05d64f8348a4983e428492c1279be0c33fdeb6
diff --git a/ b/
index e6a94d3..84ea11e 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -381,6 +381,25 @@
   config("wtf_config") {
     include_dirs = [
+    ]
+  }
+  config("wtf_private_config") {
+    # WTF has Source/WTF/wtf/unicode/UTF8.h and Source/WTF/wtf on the include
+    # path. The ICU library, which WTF depends on, has <unicode/utf8.h> in its
+    # include path. This means on case-insensitive filesystems, #includes for
+    # <unicode/utf8.h> will match Soruce/WTF/wtf/unicode/UTF8.h, which will
+    # internally include ICU's <unicode/utf8.h>.
+    # To get around all this, we manually add ICU's include path to our
+    # include_dirs before adding the WTF headers so includes for
+    # <unicode/utf8.h> match ICU regardless of the case sensitivity of the
+    # filesystem. As it turns out, all of the includes of UTF8.h (uppercase) are
+    # written <wtf/unicode/UTF8.h> so they will unambiguously resolve to
+    # Source/WTF/wtf/unicode/UTF8.h even with this include path first.
+    include_dirs = [ "//third_party/icu/source/common"]
+    include_dirs += [
@@ -401,6 +420,7 @@
     configs += [
+      ":wtf_private_config",
     configs -= [