blob: 3172943ac835483e58050ea37504f4b17bb2836c [file] [log] [blame]
// -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef WTF_ListHashSet_h
#define WTF_ListHashSet_h
#include "Assertions.h"
#include "HashSet.h"
#include "OwnPtr.h"
namespace WTF {
// ListHashSet: Just like HashSet, this class provides a Set
// interface - a collection of unique objects with O(1) insertion,
// removal and test for containership. However, it also has an
// order - iterating it will always give back values in the order
// in which they are added.
// In theory it would be possible to add prepend, insertAfter, insertBefore,
// and an append that moves the element to the end even if already present,
// but unclear yet if these are needed.
template<typename Value, typename HashFunctions> class ListHashSet;
template<typename T> struct IdentityExtractor;
template<typename Value, typename HashFunctions>
void deleteAllValues(const ListHashSet<Value, HashFunctions>&);
template<typename ValueArg, typename HashArg> class ListHashSetIterator;
template<typename ValueArg, typename HashArg> class ListHashSetConstIterator;
template<typename ValueArg> struct ListHashSetNode;
template<typename ValueArg> struct ListHashSetNodeAllocator;
template<typename ValueArg, typename HashArg> struct ListHashSetNodeHashFunctions;
template<typename ValueArg, typename HashArg = typename DefaultHash<ValueArg>::Hash> class ListHashSet {
typedef ListHashSetNode<ValueArg> Node;
typedef ListHashSetNodeAllocator<ValueArg> NodeAllocator;
typedef HashTraits<Node*> NodeTraits;
typedef ListHashSetNodeHashFunctions<ValueArg, HashArg> NodeHash;
typedef HashTable<Node*, Node*, IdentityExtractor<Node*>, NodeHash, NodeTraits, NodeTraits> ImplType;
typedef HashArg HashFunctions;
typedef ValueArg ValueType;
typedef ListHashSetIterator<ValueType, HashArg> iterator;
typedef ListHashSetConstIterator<ValueType, HashArg> const_iterator;
friend class ListHashSetConstIterator<ValueType, HashArg>;
ListHashSet(const ListHashSet&);
ListHashSet& operator=(const ListHashSet&);
void swap(ListHashSet&);
int size() const;
int capacity() const;
bool isEmpty() const;
iterator begin();
iterator end();
const_iterator begin() const;
const_iterator end() const;
iterator find(const ValueType&);
const_iterator find(const ValueType&) const;
bool contains(const ValueType&) const;
// the return value is a pair of an interator to the new value's location,
// and a bool that is true if an new entry was added
pair<iterator, bool> add(const ValueType&);
void remove(const ValueType&);
void remove(iterator);
void clear();
void unlinkAndDelete(Node*);
void appendNode(Node*);
void deleteAllNodes();
iterator makeIterator(Node*);
const_iterator makeConstIterator(Node*) const;
friend void deleteAllValues<>(const ListHashSet&);
ImplType m_impl;
Node* m_head;
Node* m_tail;
OwnPtr<NodeAllocator> m_allocator;
template<typename ValueArg> struct ListHashSetNodeAllocator {
typedef ListHashSetNode<ValueArg> Node;
typedef ListHashSetNodeAllocator<ValueArg> NodeAllocator;
: m_freeList(pool())
, m_isDoneWithInitialFreeList(false)
memset(m_pool.pool, 0, sizeof(m_pool.pool));
Node* allocate()
Node* result = m_freeList;
if (!result)
return static_cast<Node*>(fastMalloc(sizeof(Node)));
Node* next = result->m_next;
ASSERT(!next || !next->m_isAllocated);
if (!next && !m_isDoneWithInitialFreeList) {
next = result + 1;
if (next == pastPool()) {
m_isDoneWithInitialFreeList = true;
next = 0;
} else {
m_freeList = next;
return result;
void deallocate(Node* node)
if (inPool(node)) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
node->m_isAllocated = false;
node->m_next = m_freeList;
m_freeList = node;
Node* pool() { return reinterpret_cast<Node*>(m_pool.pool); }
Node* pastPool() { return pool() + m_poolSize; }
bool inPool(Node* node)
return node >= pool() && node < pastPool();
Node* m_freeList;
bool m_isDoneWithInitialFreeList;
static const size_t m_poolSize = 256;
union {
char pool[sizeof(Node) * m_poolSize];
double forAlignment;
} m_pool;
template<typename ValueArg> struct ListHashSetNode {
typedef ListHashSetNodeAllocator<ValueArg> NodeAllocator;
ListHashSetNode(ValueArg value)
: m_value(value)
, m_prev(0)
, m_next(0)
#ifndef NDEBUG
, m_isAllocated(true)
void* operator new(size_t, NodeAllocator* allocator)
return allocator->allocate();
void destroy(NodeAllocator* allocator)
ValueArg m_value;
ListHashSetNode* m_prev;
ListHashSetNode* m_next;
#ifndef NDEBUG
bool m_isAllocated;
template<typename ValueArg, typename HashArg> struct ListHashSetNodeHashFunctions {
typedef ListHashSetNode<ValueArg> Node;
static unsigned hash(Node* const& key) { return HashArg::hash(key->m_value); }
static bool equal(Node* const& a, Node* const& b) { return HashArg::equal(a->m_value, b->m_value); }
static const bool safeToCompareToEmptyOrDeleted = false;
template<typename ValueArg, typename HashArg> class ListHashSetIterator {
typedef ListHashSet<ValueArg, HashArg> ListHashSetType;
typedef ListHashSetIterator<ValueArg, HashArg> iterator;
typedef ListHashSetConstIterator<ValueArg, HashArg> const_iterator;
typedef ListHashSetNode<ValueArg> Node;
typedef ValueArg ValueType;
typedef ValueType& ReferenceType;
typedef ValueType* PointerType;
friend class ListHashSet<ValueArg, HashArg>;
ListHashSetIterator(const ListHashSetType* set, Node* position) : m_iterator(set, position) { }
ListHashSetIterator() { }
// default copy, assignment and destructor are OK
PointerType get() const { return const_cast<PointerType>(m_iterator.get()); }
ReferenceType operator*() const { return *get(); }
PointerType operator->() const { return get(); }
iterator& operator++() { ++m_iterator; return *this; }
// postfix ++ intentionally omitted
iterator& operator--() { --m_iterator; return *this; }
// postfix -- intentionally omitted
// Comparison.
bool operator==(const iterator& other) const { return m_iterator == other.m_iterator; }
bool operator!=(const iterator& other) const { return m_iterator != other.m_iterator; }
operator const_iterator() const { return m_iterator; }
Node* node() { return m_iterator.node(); }
const_iterator m_iterator;
template<typename ValueArg, typename HashArg> class ListHashSetConstIterator {
typedef ListHashSet<ValueArg, HashArg> ListHashSetType;
typedef ListHashSetIterator<ValueArg, HashArg> iterator;
typedef ListHashSetConstIterator<ValueArg, HashArg> const_iterator;
typedef ListHashSetNode<ValueArg> Node;
typedef ValueArg ValueType;
typedef const ValueType& ReferenceType;
typedef const ValueType* PointerType;
friend class ListHashSet<ValueArg, HashArg>;
friend class ListHashSetIterator<ValueArg, HashArg>;
ListHashSetConstIterator(const ListHashSetType* set, Node* position)
: m_set(set)
, m_position(position)
PointerType get() const
return &m_position->m_value;
ReferenceType operator*() const { return *get(); }
PointerType operator->() const { return get(); }
const_iterator& operator++()
ASSERT(m_position != 0);
m_position = m_position->m_next;
return *this;
// postfix ++ intentionally omitted
const_iterator& operator--()
ASSERT(m_position != m_set->m_head);
m_position = m_position->m_prev;
return *this;
// postfix -- intentionally omitted
// Comparison.
bool operator==(const const_iterator& other) const
return m_position == other.m_position;
bool operator!=(const const_iterator& other) const
return m_position != other.m_position;
Node* node() { return m_position; }
const ListHashSetType* m_set;
Node* m_position;
template<typename ValueType, typename HashFunctions>
struct ListHashSetTranslator {
typedef ListHashSetNode<ValueType> Node;
typedef ListHashSetNodeAllocator<ValueType> NodeAllocator;
static unsigned hash(const ValueType& key) { return HashFunctions::hash(key); }
static bool equal(Node* const& a, const ValueType& b) { return HashFunctions::equal(a->m_value, b); }
static void translate(Node*& location, const ValueType& key, NodeAllocator* allocator)
location = new (allocator) Node(key);
template<typename T, typename U>
inline ListHashSet<T, U>::ListHashSet()
: m_head(0)
, m_tail(0)
, m_allocator(new NodeAllocator)
template<typename T, typename U>
inline ListHashSet<T, U>::ListHashSet(const ListHashSet& other)
: m_head(0)
, m_tail(0)
, m_allocator(new NodeAllocator)
const_iterator end = other.end();
for (const_iterator it = other.begin(); it != end; ++it)
template<typename T, typename U>
inline ListHashSet<T, U>& ListHashSet<T, U>::operator=(const ListHashSet& other)
ListHashSet tmp(other);
return *this;
template<typename T, typename U>
inline void ListHashSet<T, U>::swap(ListHashSet& other)
std::swap(m_head, other.m_head);
std::swap(m_tail, other.m_tail);
return *this;
template<typename T, typename U>
inline ListHashSet<T, U>::~ListHashSet()
template<typename T, typename U>
inline int ListHashSet<T, U>::size() const
return m_impl.size();
template<typename T, typename U>
inline int ListHashSet<T, U>::capacity() const
return m_impl.capacity();
template<typename T, typename U>
inline bool ListHashSet<T, U>::isEmpty() const
return m_impl.isEmpty();
template<typename T, typename U>
inline typename ListHashSet<T, U>::iterator ListHashSet<T, U>::begin()
return makeIterator(m_head);
template<typename T, typename U>
inline typename ListHashSet<T, U>::iterator ListHashSet<T, U>::end()
return makeIterator(0);
template<typename T, typename U>
inline typename ListHashSet<T, U>::const_iterator ListHashSet<T, U>::begin() const
return makeConstIterator(m_head);
template<typename T, typename U>
inline typename ListHashSet<T, U>::const_iterator ListHashSet<T, U>::end() const
return makeConstIterator(0);
template<typename T, typename U>
inline typename ListHashSet<T, U>::iterator ListHashSet<T, U>::find(const ValueType& value)
typedef ListHashSetTranslator<ValueType, HashFunctions> Translator;
typename ImplType::iterator it = m_impl.template find<ValueType, Translator>(value);
if (it == m_impl.end())
return end();
return makeIterator(*it);
template<typename T, typename U>
inline typename ListHashSet<T, U>::const_iterator ListHashSet<T, U>::find(const ValueType& value) const
typedef ListHashSetTranslator<ValueType, HashFunctions> Translator;
typename ImplType::const_iterator it = m_impl.template find<ValueType, Translator>(value);
if (it == m_impl.end())
return end();
return makeConstIterator(*it);
template<typename T, typename U>
inline bool ListHashSet<T, U>::contains(const ValueType& value) const
typedef ListHashSetTranslator<ValueType, HashFunctions> Translator;
return m_impl.template contains<ValueType, Translator>(value);
template<typename T, typename U>
pair<typename ListHashSet<T, U>::iterator, bool> ListHashSet<T, U>::add(const ValueType &value)
typedef ListHashSetTranslator<ValueType, HashFunctions> Translator;
pair<typename ImplType::iterator, bool> result = m_impl.template add<ValueType, NodeAllocator*, Translator>(value, m_allocator.get());
if (result.second)
return std::make_pair(makeIterator(*result.first), result.second);
template<typename T, typename U>
inline void ListHashSet<T, U>::remove(iterator it)
if (it == end())
template<typename T, typename U>
inline void ListHashSet<T, U>::remove(const ValueType& value)
template<typename T, typename U>
inline void ListHashSet<T, U>::clear()
m_head = 0;
m_tail = 0;
template<typename T, typename U>
void ListHashSet<T, U>::unlinkAndDelete(Node* node)
if (!node->m_prev) {
ASSERT(node == m_head);
m_head = node->m_next;
} else {
ASSERT(node != m_head);
node->m_prev->m_next = node->m_next;
if (!node->m_next) {
ASSERT(node == m_tail);
m_tail = node->m_prev;
} else {
ASSERT(node != m_tail);
node->m_next->m_prev = node->m_prev;
template<typename T, typename U>
void ListHashSet<T, U>::appendNode(Node* node)
node->m_prev = m_tail;
node->m_next = 0;
if (m_tail) {
m_tail->m_next = node;
} else {
m_head = node;
m_tail = node;
template<typename T, typename U>
void ListHashSet<T, U>::deleteAllNodes()
if (!m_head)
for (Node* node = m_head, *next = m_head->m_next; node; node = next, next = node ? node->m_next : 0)
template<typename T, typename U>
inline ListHashSetIterator<T, U> ListHashSet<T, U>::makeIterator(Node* position)
return ListHashSetIterator<T, U>(this, position);
template<typename T, typename U>
inline ListHashSetConstIterator<T, U> ListHashSet<T, U>::makeConstIterator(Node* position) const
return ListHashSetConstIterator<T, U>(this, position);
template<bool, typename ValueType, typename HashTableType>
void deleteAllValues(HashTableType& collection)
typedef typename HashTableType::const_iterator iterator;
iterator end = collection.end();
for (iterator it = collection.begin(); it != end; ++it)
delete (*it)->m_value;
template<typename T, typename U>
inline void deleteAllValues(const ListHashSet<T, U>& collection)
deleteAllValues<true, typename ListHashSet<T, U>::ValueType>(collection.m_impl);
} // namespace WTF
using WTF::ListHashSet;
#endif /* WTF_ListHashSet_h */